Source code for wradlib.zonalstats

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011-2023, wradlib developers.
# Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more info.

Zonal Statistics

This module supports you in computing statistics over spatial zones. A typical
application would be to compute mean areal precipitation for a catchment by
using precipitation estimates from a radar grid in polar coordinates or from
precipitation estimates in a Cartesian grid.

The general usage is similar to the :mod:`wradlib.ipol` and

You have to create an instance of a class (derived from
:class:`~wradlib.zonalstats.ZonalDataBase`) by using
the spatial information of your source and target objects (e.g. radar bins and
catchment polygons). The Zonal Data within this object can be saved e.g. as an
ESRI Shapefile.

This object is then called with another class to compute zonal statistics for
your target objects by calling the class instance with an array of values
(one for each source object).

Typically, creating the instance of the ZonalData class will be computationally
expensive, but only has to be done once (as long as the geometries do
not change).

Calling the objects with actual data, however, will be very fast.

.. note:: Right now we only support a limited set of 2-dimensional zonal
         statistics. In the future, we plan to extend this to three dimensions.

.. currentmodule:: wradlib.zonalstats

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/

__all__ = [
__doc__ = __doc__.format("\n   ".join(__all__))

import os
import tempfile

import numpy as np
from scipy import spatial

from wradlib import georef, io
from wradlib.util import has_import, import_optional, warn

ogr = import_optional("osgeo.ogr")
osr = import_optional("osgeo.osr")
gdal = import_optional("osgeo.gdal")
mpl_patches = import_optional("matplotlib.patches")
mpl_path = import_optional("matplotlib.path")

if has_import(gdal):

# check windows
isWindows = == "nt"

[docs]class ZonalDataBase: """Base class for managing 2-dimensional zonal data. For target polygons from either source points or source polygons. Provides the basic design for all other classes. If no source points or polygons can be associated to a target polygon (e.g. no intersection), the created destination layer will be empty. Data Model is built upon OGR Implementation of ESRI Shapefile * one src DataSource (named 'src') holding source polygons or points * one trg DataSource (named 'trg') holding target polygons * one dst DataSource (named 'dst') holding intersection polygons/points related to target polygons with attached index and weights fields By using OGR there are no restrictions for the used source grids. Warning ------- Writing shapefiles with the wrong locale settings can have impact on the type of the decimal. If problem arise use LC_NUMERIC=C in your environment. Parameters ---------- src : sequence or str sequence of source points (shape Nx2) or polygons (shape NxMx2) or ESRI Shapefile filename containing source points/polygons or DataSource object trg : sequence or str sequence of target polygons (shape Nx2, num vertices x 2) or ESRI Shapefile filename containing target polygons or DataSource object Keyword arguments ----------------- buf : float (same unit as coordinates) Points/Polygons will be considered inside the target if they are contained in the buffer. crs : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.osr.SpatialReference` OGR.SpatialReference will be used for DataSource object. src and trg data have to be in the same crs-format silent : bool If True no ProgressBar is shown. Defaults to False. Examples -------- See :ref:`/notebooks/zonalstats/zonalstats.ipynb#ZonalData`. """ def __init__(self, src, *, trg=None, buf=0.0, crs=None, **kwargs): self._buffer = buf self._crs = crs silent = kwargs.pop("silent", False) if trg is None: # try to read complete dump (src, trg, dst) self.load_vector(src) else: if isinstance(src, io.VectorSource): self.src = src else: self.src = io.VectorSource(src, name="src", trg_crs=crs, **kwargs) if isinstance(trg, io.VectorSource): self.trg = trg else: self.trg = io.VectorSource(trg, name="trg", trg_crs=crs, **kwargs) self.dst = io.VectorSource(name="dst") self.dst.ds = self._create_dst_datasource(silent) self.dst._create_spatial_index() self.dst._create_table_index("trg_index") self._count_intersections = self.dst.ds.GetLayer().GetFeatureCount() @property def count_intersections(self): """Returns number of intersections""" return self._count_intersections @property def crs(self): """Returns SpatialReferenceSystem object""" return self._crs @property def isecs(self): """Returns intersections Returns ------- array : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array of Nx2 point coordinate arrays """ return np.array( [ self._get_intersection(idx=idx) for idx in range(self.trg.ds.GetLayerByName("trg").GetFeatureCount()) ], dtype=object, )
[docs] def get_isec(self, idx): """Returns intersections Parameters ---------- idx : int index of target polygon Returns ------- array : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array of Nx2 point coordinate arrays """ return self._get_intersection(idx=idx)
[docs] def get_source_index(self, idx): """Returns source indices referring to target polygon idx Parameters ---------- idx : int index of target polygon Returns ------- array : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` indices """ return np.array( self.dst.get_attributes(["src_index"], filt=("trg_index", idx))[0] )
def _create_dst_datasource(self, silent): """Create destination target gdal.Dataset Creates one layer for each target polygon, consisting of the needed source data attributed with index and weights fields Returns ------- ds_mem : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.gdal.Dataset` gdal.Dataset object """ progress = None if (silent or isWindows) else gdal.TermProgress # create mem-mapped temp file dataset tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+b").name ds_out = io.gdal.gdal_create_dataset( "ESRI Shapefile", os.path.join("/vsimem", tmpfile), gdal_type=gdal.OF_VECTOR ) # create intermediate mem dataset ds_mem = io.gdal.gdal_create_dataset("Memory", "out", gdal_type=gdal.OF_VECTOR) # get src geometry layer src_lyr = self.src.ds.GetLayerByName("src") src_lyr.ResetReading() src_lyr.SetSpatialFilter(None) geom_type = src_lyr.GetGeomType() # get trg geometry layer trg_lyr = self.trg.ds.GetLayerByName("trg") trg_lyr.ResetReading() trg_lyr.SetSpatialFilter(None) # buffer handling (time consuming) if self._buffer > 0: for i in range(trg_lyr.GetFeatureCount()): feat = trg_lyr.GetFeature(i) feat.SetGeometryDirectly(feat.GetGeometryRef().Buffer(self._buffer)) trg_lyr.SetFeature(feat) # reset target layer trg_lyr.ResetReading() # create tmp dest layer self.tmp_lyr = georef.vector.ogr_create_layer( ds_mem, "dst", crs=self._crs, geom_type=geom_type ) trg_lyr.Intersection( src_lyr, self.tmp_lyr, options=[ "SKIP_FAILURES=YES", "INPUT_PREFIX=trg_", "METHOD_PREFIX=src_", "PROMOTE_TO_MULTI=YES", "USE_PREPARED_GEOMETRIES=YES", "PRETEST_CONTAINMENT=YES", ], callback=progress, ) georef.vector.ogr_copy_layer(ds_mem, 0, ds_out) return ds_out
[docs] def dump_vector(self, filename, *, driver="ESRI Shapefile", remove=True): """Output source/target grid points/polygons to ESRI_Shapefile target layer features are attributed with source index and weight Parameters ---------- filename : str path to shape-filename driver : str OGR Vector Driver String, defaults to 'ESRI Shapefile' remove : bool if True, existing file will be removed before creation """ self.src.dump_vector(filename, driver=driver, remove=remove) self.trg.dump_vector(filename, driver=driver, remove=False) self.dst.dump_vector(filename, driver=driver, remove=False)
[docs] def load_vector(self, filename): """Load source/target grid points/polygons into in-memory Shapefile Parameters ---------- filename : str path to vector file """ self.src = io.VectorSource(filename, name="src", source="src") self.trg = io.VectorSource(filename, name="trg", source="trg") self.dst = io.VectorSource(filename, name="dst", source="dst") # get spatial reference object self._crs = self.src.ds.GetLayer().GetSpatialRef()
def _get_idx_weights(self): """Retrieve index and weight from dst DataSource""" raise NotImplementedError def _get_intersection(self, *, trg=None, idx=None, buf=0.0): """Just a toy function if you want to inspect the intersection points/polygons of an arbitrary target or a target by index. """ # TODO: kwargs necessary? # check wether idx is given if idx is not None: if self.trg: try: lyr = self.trg.ds.GetLayerByName("trg") feat = lyr.GetFeature(idx) trg = feat.GetGeometryRef() except RuntimeError as err: raise TypeError(f"No target polygon found at index {idx}") from err else: raise TypeError("No target polygons found in object!") # check for trg if trg is None: raise TypeError("Either `trg` or `idx` kwargs must be given!") # check for geometry if not type(trg) == ogr.Geometry: trg = georef.vector.numpy_to_ogr(trg, "Polygon") # apply Buffer value trg = trg.Buffer(buf) if idx is None: intersecs = self.dst.get_data_by_geom(trg) else: intersecs = self.dst.get_data_by_att("trg_index", idx) return intersecs
[docs]class ZonalDataPoly(ZonalDataBase): """ZonalData object for source polygons Parameters ---------- src : sequence or str sequence of source polygons (shape NxMx2) or ESRI Shapefile filename containing source polygons trg : sequence or str sequence of target polygons (shape Nx2, num vertices x 2) or ESRI Shapefile filename containing target polygons Keyword Arguments ----------------- buf : float (same unit as coordinates) Polygons will be considered inside the target if they are contained in the buffer. crs : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.osr.SpatialReference` OGR.SpatialReference will be used for DataSource object. src and trg data have to be in the same crs-format Examples -------- See :ref:`/notebooks/zonalstats/zonalstats.ipynb#ZonalData`. """ def _get_idx_weights(self): """Retrieve index and weight from dst DataSource Iterates over all trg DataSource Polygons Returns ------- ret : tuple (index, weight) arrays """ trg = self.trg.ds.GetLayer() cnt = trg.GetFeatureCount() ret = [[] for _ in range(2)] for index in range(cnt): arr, w = self.dst.get_attrs_and_props( attrs=["src_index"], props=["Area"], filt=("trg_index", index) ) arr.append(w[0]) for i, k in enumerate(arr): ret[i].append(np.array(k)) return tuple(ret)
[docs]class ZonalDataPoint(ZonalDataBase): """ZonalData object for source points Parameters ---------- src : sequence or str sequence of source points (shape Nx2) or ESRI Shapefile filename containing source points trg : sequence or str sequence of target polygons (shape Nx2, num vertices x 2) or ESRI Shapefile filename containing target polygons Keyword Arguments ----------------- buf : float (same unit as coordinates) Points will be considered inside the target if they are contained in the buffer. crs : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.osr.SpatialReference` OGR.SpatialReference will be used for DataSource object. src and trg data have to be in the same crs-format Examples -------- See :ref:`/notebooks/zonalstats/zonalstats.ipynb#ZonalData`. """ def _get_idx_weights(self): """Retrieve index and weight from dst DataSource Iterates over all trg DataSource Polygons Returns ------- ret : tuple (index, weight) arrays """ trg = self.trg.ds.GetLayer() cnt = trg.GetFeatureCount() ret = [[] for _ in range(2)] for index in range(cnt): arr = self.dst.get_attributes(["src_index"], filt=("trg_index", index)) arr.append([1.0 / len(arr[0])] * len(arr[0])) for i, k in enumerate(arr): ret[i].append(np.array(k)) return tuple(ret)
[docs]class ZonalStatsBase: """Base class for all 2-dimensional zonal statistics. The base class for computing 2-dimensional zonal statistics for target polygons from source points or polygons as built up with ZonalDataBase and derived classes. Provides the basic design for all other classes. If no source points or polygons can be associated to a target polygon (e.g. no intersection), the zonal statistic for that target will be NaN. Parameters ---------- src : :class:`wradlib.zonalstats.ZonalDataPoly` or str ZonalDataPoly object or filename pointing to ZonalDataPoly ESRI shapefile containing necessary ZonalData. ZonalData is available as ``zdata``-property inside class instance. Examples -------- See :ref:`/notebooks/zonalstats/zonalstats.ipynb#ZonalStats`. """ def __init__(self, src=None, ix=None, w=None): self._ix = None self._w = None if src is not None: if isinstance(src, ZonalDataBase): if not src.count_intersections: raise ValueError( "No intersections found in destination " "layer of ZonalDataBase object." ) self._zdata = src else: raise TypeError("Parameter mismatch in calling ZonalDataBase.") self.ix, self.w = self._check_ix_w(*self.zdata._get_idx_weights()) else: self._zdata = None self.ix, self.w = self._check_ix_w(ix, w) # TODO: check which properties are really needed @property def zdata(self): return self._zdata @zdata.setter def zdata(self, value): self._zdata = value @property def ix(self): return self._ix @ix.setter def ix(self, value): self._ix = value @property def w(self): return self._w @w.setter def w(self, value): self._w = value
[docs] def check_empty(self): """ """ isempty = np.repeat(False, len(self.w)) for i, weights in enumerate(self.w): if np.sum(weights) == 0 or np.isnan(np.sum(weights)): isempty[i] = True return isempty
def _check_ix_w(self, ix, w): """TODO Basic check of target attributes (sequence of values).""" if ix is not None and w is not None: if len(ix) != len(w): raise TypeError( f"Parameters `ix` ({len(ix)}) and `w` ({len(w)}) must be of equal length." ) return np.array(ix, dtype=object), np.array(w, dtype=object) else: raise TypeError( "Parameters `ix` and `w` are complementary parameters and must both be given." ) def _check_vals(self, vals): """TODO Basic check of target elements (sequence of polygons).""" if self.zdata is not None: lyr = self.zdata.src.ds.GetLayerByName("src") lyr.ResetReading() lyr.SetSpatialFilter(None) src_len = lyr.GetFeatureCount() if len(vals) != src_len: raise ValueError(f"Argument `vals` must be of length {src_len}.") else: imax = 0 for i in self.ix: mx = np.nanmax(i) if imax < mx: imax = mx if len(vals) <= imax: raise ValueError( "Argument `vals` cannot be subscripted with current index values." ) return vals
[docs] def mean(self, vals): """Evaluate (weighted) zonal mean for values given at the source \ points. Parameters ---------- vals : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` 1-d array of type float with the same length as self.src Values at the source element for which to compute zonal statistics """ self._check_vals(vals) self.isempty = self.check_empty() out = np.zeros(len(self.ix)) * np.nan out[~self.isempty] = np.array( [ np.average(vals[self.ix[i].astype(int)], weights=self.w[i]) for i in np.arange(len(self.ix))[~self.isempty] ] ) if self.zdata is not None: self.zdata.trg.set_attribute("mean", out) return out
[docs] def var(self, vals): """Evaluate (weighted) zonal variance for values given at the source \ points. Parameters ---------- vals : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` 1-d array of type float with the same length as self.src Values at the source element for which to compute zonal statistics """ self._check_vals(vals) mean = self.mean(vals) out = np.zeros(len(self.ix)) * np.nan out[~self.isempty] = np.array( [ np.average( (vals[self.ix[i].astype(int)] - mean[i]) ** 2, weights=self.w[i] ) for i in np.arange(len(self.ix))[~self.isempty] ] ) if self.zdata is not None: self.zdata.trg.set_attribute("var", out) return out
[docs]class ZonalStatsPoly(ZonalStatsBase): """Compute weighted average for target polygons based on areal weights. Parameters ---------- src : :class:`~wradlib.zonalstats.ZonalDataPoly` or str ZonalDataPoly object or filename pointing to ZonalDataPoly ESRI shapefile containing necessary Zonal Data Keyword arguments ----------------- Examples -------- See :ref:`/notebooks/zonalstats/zonalstats.ipynb#ZonalStats` """ def __init__(self, src=None, **kwargs): if src is not None: if not isinstance(src, ZonalDataPoly): src = ZonalDataPoly(src, **kwargs) super().__init__(src, **kwargs)
[docs]class ZonalStatsPoint(ZonalStatsBase): """Compute zonal average from all points in or close to the target polygon. Parameters ---------- src : :class:`~wradlib.zonalstats.ZonalDataPoint` or str ZonalDataPoint object or filename pointing to ZonalDataPoly ESRI shapefile containing necessary Zonal Data Keyword arguments ----------------- Examples -------- See :ref:`/notebooks/zonalstats/zonalstats.ipynb#ZonalStats` """ def __init__(self, src, **kwargs): if src is not None: if not isinstance(src, ZonalDataPoint): src = ZonalDataPoint(src, **kwargs) super().__init__(src, **kwargs)
def numpy_to_pathpatch(arr): """Returns PathPatches from nested array Parameters ---------- arr : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` array of Polygon/Multipolygon vertices Returns ------- array : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` array of matplotlib.patches.PathPatch objects """ paths = [] for item in arr: if item.ndim != 2: vert = np.vstack(item) code = np.full(vert.shape[0], 2, ind = np.cumsum([0] + [len(x) for x in item[:-1]]) code[ind] = 1 path = mpl_path.Path(vert, code) paths.append(mpl_patches.PathPatch(path)) else: path = mpl_path.Path(item, [1] + (len(item) - 1) * [2]) paths.append(mpl_patches.PathPatch(path)) return np.array(paths)
[docs]def mask_from_bbox(x, y, bbox, *, polar=False): """Return 2-d index array based on spatial selection from a bounding box. Use this function to create a 2-d boolean mask from 2-d arrays of grids points. Parameters ---------- x : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` x (Cartesian) coordinates of shape (num rows, num columns) y : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` y (Cartesian) coordinates of shape (num rows, num columns) bbox : dict dictionary with keys "left", "right", "bottom", "top" These must refer to the same Cartesian reference system as x and y polar : bool if True, x, y are aligned polar (azimuth x range) Returns ------- mask, shape : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`, tuple mask is a boolean array that is True if the point is inside the bbox, shape is the shape of the True subgrid """ ny, nx = x.shape ix = np.arange(x.size).reshape(x.shape) # Find bbox corners # Plant a tree tree = spatial.cKDTree(np.vstack((x.ravel(), y.ravel())).transpose()) # find lower left corner index dists, ixll = tree.query([bbox["left"], bbox["bottom"]], k=1) ill = (ixll // nx) - 1 jll = (ixll % nx) - 1 # find upper right corner index dists, ixur = tree.query([bbox["right"], bbox["top"]], k=1) iur = int(ixur / nx) + 1 jur = (ixur % nx) + 1 # for polar grids we need all 4 corners if polar: # find upper left corner index dists, ixul = tree.query([bbox["left"], bbox["top"]], k=1) iul = (ixul // nx) - 1 jul = (ixul % nx) - 1 # find lower right corner index dists, ixlr = tree.query([bbox["right"], bbox["bottom"]], k=1) ilr = (ixlr // nx) + 1 jlr = (ixlr % nx) + 1 mask = np.repeat(False, ix.size).reshape(ix.shape) # for polar grids we have to handle the azimuth carefully if polar: # ranges are not problematic, just get min and max jmin = min(jll, jul, jur, jlr) jmax = max(jll, jul, jur, jlr) # azimuth array for angle_between calculation ax = np.array([[ill, ilr], [ill, iur], [iul, ilr], [iul, iur]], dtype=int) # this calculates the angles between 4 azimuth and returns indices # of the greatest angle ar = angle_between(ax[:, 0], ax[:, 1]) maxind = int(np.argmax(ar)) imin, imax = ax[maxind, :] # if catchment extends over zero angle if imin > imax: mask[:imax, jmin:jmax] = True mask[imin:, jmin:jmax] = True shape = (int(ar[maxind]), jmax - jmin) else: mask[imin:imax, jmin:jmax] = True shape = (int(ar[maxind]), jmax - jmin) else: if iur > ill: mask[ill:iur, jll:jur] = True shape = (iur - ill, jur - jll) else: mask[iur:ill, jll:jur] = True shape = (ill - iur, jur - jll) return mask, shape
def angle_between(source_angle, target_angle): """Return angle between source and target radial angle Parameters ---------- source_angle : float or :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` starting angle target_angle : float or :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` target angle """ sin1 = np.sin(np.radians(target_angle) - np.radians(source_angle)) cos1 = np.cos(np.radians(target_angle) - np.radians(source_angle)) return np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(sin1, cos1))
[docs]def get_bbox(x, y): """Return bbox dictionary that represents the extent of the points. Parameters ---------- x : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` x-coordinate values y : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` y-coordinate values """ return dict(left=np.min(x), right=np.max(x), bottom=np.min(y), top=np.max(y))
[docs]def grid_centers_to_vertices(x, y, dx, dy): """Produces array of vertices from grid's center point coordinates. Warning ------- This has to be done in the "native" grid projection. Once you reprojected the coordinates, this trivial function cannot be used to compute vertices from center points. Parameters ---------- x : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` 2-d array of x coordinates (same shape as the actual 2-D grid) y : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` 2-d array of y coordinates (same shape as the actual 2-D grid) dx : float grid spacing in x direction dy : float grid spacing in y direction Returns ------- out : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` 3-d array of vertices for each grid cell of shape (n grid points,5, 2) """ top = y + dy / 2 left = x - dx / 2 right = x + dy / 2 bottom = y - dy / 2 verts = np.vstack( ( [left.ravel(), bottom.ravel()], [right.ravel(), bottom.ravel()], [right.ravel(), top.ravel()], [left.ravel(), top.ravel()], [left.ravel(), bottom.ravel()], ) ).T.reshape((-1, 5, 2)) return verts
[docs]def get_clip_mask(coords, clippoly, *, crs=None): """Returns boolean mask of points ``coords`` inside polygon ``clippoly`` Parameters ---------- coords : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` array of xy coords with shape [...,2] clippoly : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` array of xy coords with shape (N,2) representing closed polygon coordinates crs : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.osr.SpatialReference` osr.SpatialReference Returns ------- src_mask : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` boolean array of shape coords.shape[0:-1] """ clip = [clippoly] zd = ZonalDataPoint(coords.reshape(-1, coords.shape[-1]), trg=clip, crs=crs) # Subsetting in order to use only precipitating profiles src_mask = np.zeros(coords.shape[0:-1], dtype=np.bool_) try: obj = ZonalStatsPoint(zd) # Get source indices within polygon from zonal object # (0 because we have only one zone) pr_idx = obj.zdata.get_source_index(0) mask = np.unravel_index(pr_idx, coords.shape[0:-1]) src_mask[mask] = True except ValueError as err: warn(err) return src_mask
if __name__ == "__main__": print("wradlib: Calling module <zonalstats> as main...")