Source code for wradlib.georef.satellite

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2011-2023, wradlib developers.
# Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more info.

Satellite Functions

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/

__all__ = ["correct_parallax", "dist_from_orbit", "GeorefSatelliteMethods"]
__doc__ = __doc__.format("\n   ".join(__all__))

from functools import singledispatch

import numpy as np
from xarray import Dataset

from wradlib.util import docstring

[docs]@singledispatch def correct_parallax(*args, **kwargs): pass
@correct_parallax.register(np.ndarray) def _correct_parallax_numpy(sr_xy, nbin, drt, alpha): """Adjust the geogrpahic locations of the SR pixels. With *SR*, we refer to precipitation radars based on space-born platforms such as TRMM or GPM. The `sr_xy` coordinates of the SR beam footprints need to be in the azimuthal equidistant projection of the ground radar. This ensures that the ground radar is fixed at xy-coordinate (0, 0), and every SR bin has its relative xy-coordinates with respect to the ground radar site. Parameters ---------- sr_xy : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array of xy-coordinates of shape (nscans, nbeams, 2) nbin : int Number of bins along SR beam. drt : float Gate lenght of SR in meter. alpha: :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array of local zenith angles of the SR beams with shape (nscans, nbeams). Returns ------- sr_xyp : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array of parallax corrected coordinates of shape (nscans, nbeams, nbins, 2). r_sr_inv : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array of ranges from ground to SR platform of shape (nbins). z_sr : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array of SR bin altitudes of shape (nscans, nbeams, nbins). """ # get x,y-grids sr_x = sr_xy[..., 0] sr_y = sr_xy[..., 1] # create range array from ground to satellite r_sr_inv = np.arange(nbin) * drt # calculate height of bin z_sr = r_sr_inv * np.expand_dims(np.cos(np.deg2rad(alpha)), axis=-1) # calculate bin ground xy-displacement length ds = r_sr_inv * np.expand_dims(np.sin(np.deg2rad(alpha)), axis=-1) # calculate x,y-differences between ground coordinate # and center ground coordinate [25th element] center = int(np.floor(len(sr_x[-1]) / 2.0)) xdiff = sr_x - np.expand_dims(sr_x[:, center], axis=-1) ydiff = sr_y - np.expand_dims(sr_y[:, center], axis=-1) # assuming ydiff and xdiff being a triangles adjacent and # opposite this calculates the xy-angle of the SR scan ang = np.arctan2(ydiff, xdiff) # calculate displacement dx, dy from displacement length dx = ds * np.expand_dims(np.cos(ang), axis=-1) dy = ds * np.expand_dims(np.sin(ang), axis=-1) # subtract displacement from SR ground coordinates sr_xp = np.expand_dims(sr_x, axis=-1) - dx sr_yp = np.expand_dims(sr_y, axis=-1) - dy return np.stack((sr_xp, sr_yp), axis=3), r_sr_inv, z_sr @correct_parallax.register(Dataset) def _correct_parallax_xarray(obj, drt, **kwargs): """Adjust the geolocations of the SR pixels With *SR*, we refer to precipitation radars based on space-born platforms such as TRMM or GPM. The `sr_xy` coordinates of the SR beam footprints need to be in the azimuthal equidistant projection of the ground radar. This ensures that the ground radar is fixed at xy-coordinate (0, 0), and every SR bin has its relative xy-coordinates with respect to the ground radar site. Parameters ---------- obj : :py:class:`xarray:xarray.Dataset` drt : float Gate lenght of SR in meter. Returns ------- obj : :py:class:`xarray:xarray.Dataset` obj with added coordinates in ground radar projection and range """ freq = kwargs.pop("freq", 0) nbin = obj.dims["nbin"] alpha = obj["localZenithAngle"].isel(nfreq=freq, missing_dims="ignore") # get x,y-grids sr_x = obj.x sr_y = obj.y # create range array from satellite to ground r_sr_inv = np.arange(nbin)[::-1] * drt # calculate height of bin z_sr = np.cos(np.deg2rad(alpha)).expand_dims("nbin", axis=-1) * r_sr_inv # calculate bin ground xy-displacement length ds = np.sin(np.deg2rad(alpha)).expand_dims("nbin", axis=-1) * r_sr_inv # calculate x,y-differences between ground coordinate # and center ground coordinate [25th element] center = int(np.floor(len(sr_x[-1]) / 2.0)) xdiff = sr_x - sr_x.isel(nray=center) ydiff = sr_y - sr_y.isel(nray=center) # assuming ydiff and xdiff being a triangles adjacent and # opposite this calculates the xy-angle of the SR scan ang = np.arctan2(ydiff, xdiff) # calculate displacement dx, dy from displacement length dx = ds * np.cos(ang) dy = ds * np.sin(ang) # subtract displacement from SR ground coordinates sr_xp = sr_x - dx sr_yp = sr_y - dy obj = obj.assign_coords( {"xp": sr_xp, "yp": sr_yp, "zp": z_sr, "sr_range": ("nbin", r_sr_inv)} ) return obj
[docs]@singledispatch def dist_from_orbit(*args, **kwargs): pass
@dist_from_orbit.register(float) def _dist_from_orbit_numpy(sr_alt, alpha, beta, r_sr_inv, *, re=6371000): """Returns range distances of SR bins (in meters) as seen from the orbit With *SR*, we refer to precipitation radars based on space-born platforms such as TRMM or GPM. Parameters ---------- sr_alt : float SR orbit height in meters. alpha: :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array of local zenith angles of the SR beams with shape (nscans, nbeams). beta: :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Off-Nadir scan angle with shape (nbeams). r_sr_inv : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array of ranges from ground to SR platform of shape (nbins). re : float earth radius [m] Returns ------- ranges : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array of shape (nbeams, nbins) of PR bin range distances from SR platform in orbit. """ ro = ( (re + sr_alt) * np.cos(np.radians(alpha - np.expand_dims(beta, axis=0))) - re ) / np.cos(np.radians(alpha)) return np.expand_dims(ro, axis=-1) - r_sr_inv @dist_from_orbit.register(Dataset) def _dist_from_orbit_xarray(obj, bw_sr, freq, re): """Returns range distances of SR bins (in meters) as seen from the orbit With *SR*, we refer to precipitation radars based on space-born platforms such as TRMM or GPM. Parameters ---------- obj : :py:class:`xarray:xarray.Dataset` bw_sr : float Beam width of SR in degree. freq : int Frequency index of PR. re : float earth radius [m] Returns ------- obj : :py:class:`xarray:xarray.Dataset` obj with added PR bin range distances from SR platform in orbit. """ alpha = obj["localZenithAngle"] nray_sr = obj.dims["nray"] beta = abs(-17.04 + np.arange(nray_sr) * bw_sr) alpha = alpha.isel(nfreq=freq, missing_dims="ignore") r_sr_inv = obj["sr_range"] sr_alt = obj["dprAlt"] ro = ( (re + sr_alt) * np.cos(np.radians(alpha - beta[np.newaxis, :])) - re ) / np.cos(np.radians(alpha)) pr_dist = ro - r_sr_inv obj = obj.assign_coords(pr_dist=pr_dist) return obj
[docs]class GeorefSatelliteMethods: """wradlib xarray SubAccessor methods for Georef Satellite Methods."""
[docs] @docstring(_correct_parallax_xarray) def correct_parallax(self, *args, **kwargs): if not isinstance(self, GeorefSatelliteMethods): return correct_parallax(self, *args, **kwargs) else: return correct_parallax(self._obj, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @docstring(_dist_from_orbit_xarray) def dist_from_orbit(self, *args, **kwargs): if not isinstance(self, GeorefSatelliteMethods): return dist_from_orbit(self, *args, **kwargs) else: return dist_from_orbit(self._obj, *args, **kwargs)