Match spaceborn SR (GPM/TRMM) with ground radars GR#

The idea is to match ground radar (GR) and space-born radar (SR) measurements in order to create spatially and temporally coicident samples without interpolation. The procedure had been suggested by Schwaller and Morris (2011) and is based on the adaption by Warren, et. al. (2017).

The basic principle is illustrated in Fig. 2 of the original paper of Schwaller and Morris (2011):

figure 2

Quote Warren, “[…] In this approach, intersections between indi vidual SR beams and GR elevation sweeps are identified and the reflectivity values from both instruments are averaged within a spatial neighborhood around the intersection. Specifically, SR data are averaged in range over the width of the GR beam at the GR range of the intersection, while GR data are averaged in the range–azimuth plane within the footprint of the SR beam. The result is a pair of reflectivity measurements corresponding to approximately the same volume of atmosphere. […]”.

This becomes clearer in Fig. 3: figure 3

Schwaller, MR, and Morris, KR. 2011. A ground validation network for the Global Precipitation Measurement mission. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 28, 301-319.

Warren, R.A., A. Protat, S.T. Siems, H.A. Ramsay, V. Louf, M.J. Manton, and T.A. Kane, 0: Calibrating ground-based radars against TRMM and GPM. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 0,


This code is based on the following conventions:

  • gr indicates ground radar

  • sr indicates space-born precipitation radar (TRMM or GPM)

The base routines are designed to process one GR sweep at a time. If a full GR volume with nelev of sweeps is available, you can iterate over each sweep. In this code, ee is an index that points to one of the nelev sweeps/elevation angles. Accordingly, a GR data set will be organised as an array of shape (nelev_gr, nray_gr, ngate_gr).

A SR data set is typically organised as arrays with dimensions (nscan_sr, nray_sr, ngate_sr).

import warnings

import wradlib as wrl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl

    get_ipython().run_line_magic("matplotlib inline")

import numpy as np
import datetime as dt
from osgeo import osr
import xarray as xr
import xradar as xd

Acquire datafiles#

# define GPM data set
gpm_file = wrl.util.get_wradlib_data_file(
# define matching ground radar file
gr2gpm_file = wrl.util.get_wradlib_data_file("hdf5/IDR66_20141206_094829.vol.h5")

# define TRMM data sets
trmm_2a23_file = wrl.util.get_wradlib_data_file(
trmm_2a25_file = wrl.util.get_wradlib_data_file(

# define matching ground radar file
gr2trmm_file = wrl.util.get_wradlib_data_file("hdf5/IDR66_20100206_111233.vol.h5")
Downloading file 'gpm/2A-CS-151E24S154E30S.GPM.Ku.V7-20170308.20141206-S095002-E095137.004383.V05A.HDF5' from '' to '/home/runner/work/wradlib/wradlib/wradlib-data'.
Downloading file 'hdf5/IDR66_20141206_094829.vol.h5' from '' to '/home/runner/work/wradlib/wradlib/wradlib-data'.
Downloading file 'trmm/2A-CS-151E24S154E30S.TRMM.PR.2A23.20100206-S111425-E111526.069662.7.HDF' from '' to '/home/runner/work/wradlib/wradlib/wradlib-data'.
Downloading file 'trmm/2A-CS-151E24S154E30S.TRMM.PR.2A25.20100206-S111425-E111526.069662.7.HDF' from '' to '/home/runner/work/wradlib/wradlib/wradlib-data'.
Downloading file 'hdf5/IDR66_20100206_111233.vol.h5' from '' to '/home/runner/work/wradlib/wradlib/wradlib-data'.

Set SR and GR parameters#

# Space-born precipitation radar parameters
sr_pars = {
    "trmm": {
        "zt": 402500.0,  # orbital height of TRMM (post boost)   APPROXIMATION!
        "dr": 250.0,  # gate spacing of TRMM
        "gr_file": gr2trmm_file,
    "gpm": {
        "zt": 407000.0,  # orbital height of GPM                 APPROXIMATION!
        "dr": 125.0,  # gate spacing of GPM
        "gr_file": gr2gpm_file,
# Set parameters for this procedure
bw_sr = 0.71  # SR beam width
platf = "gpm"  # SR platform/product: one out of ["gpm", "trmm"]
zt = sr_pars[platf]["zt"]  # SR orbit height (meters)
dr_sr = sr_pars[platf]["dr"]  # SR gate length (meters)
gr_file = sr_pars[platf]["gr_file"]
ee = 2  # Index that points to the GR elevation angle to be used

Data Input#

Ground Radar GR#

Read GR data into datatree using xradar#

The following code reads data in ODIM H5 format. If your GR data is in some other format respective adaptions are needed.

gr_data =
Dimensions:              ()
Data variables:
    volume_number        int64 0
    platform_type        <U5 'fixed'
    instrument_type      <U5 'radar'
    time_coverage_start  <U20 '2014-12-06T09:48:29Z'
    time_coverage_end    <U20 '2014-12-06T09:53:15Z'
    longitude            float64 153.2
    altitude             float64 175.0
    latitude             float64 -27.72
    Conventions:      None
    version:          None
    title:            None
    institution:      None
    references:       None
    source:           None
    history:          None
    comment:          im/exported using xradar
    instrument_name:  None

Extract relevant GR data and meta-data#

swp = gr_data[f"sweep_{ee}"].ds
swp = swp.set_coords("sweep_mode")
Dimensions:            (azimuth: 360, range: 600)
    elevation          (azimuth) float32 ...
    time               (azimuth) datetime64[ns] 2014-12-06T09:49:31.036111104...
  * range              (range) float32 125.0 375.0 625.0 ... 1.496e+05 1.499e+05
    sweep_mode         <U20 ...
    longitude          float64 ...
    latitude           float64 ...
    altitude           float64 ...
  * azimuth            (azimuth) float32 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 ... 357.5 358.5 359.5
Data variables:
    DBZH               (azimuth, range) float32 ...
    sweep_number       int64 ...
    prt_mode           <U7 ...
    follow_mode        <U7 ...
    sweep_fixed_angle  float64 ...

Georeference GR (AEQD)#

swp = swp.wrl.georef.georeference()
Dimensions:            (azimuth: 360, range: 600)
Coordinates: (12/15)
    elevation          (azimuth) float32 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 ... 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
    time               (azimuth) datetime64[ns] 2014-12-06T09:49:31.036111104...
  * range              (range) float32 125.0 375.0 625.0 ... 1.496e+05 1.499e+05
    sweep_mode         <U20 'azimuth_surveillance'
    longitude          float64 153.2
    latitude           float64 -27.72
    ...                 ...
    y                  (azimuth, range) float32 125.0 374.9 ... 1.498e+05
    z                  (azimuth, range) float32 178.0 183.0 ... 4.895e+03
    gr                 (azimuth, range) float32 125.0 374.9 ... 1.498e+05
    rays               (azimuth, range) float32 0.5 0.5 0.5 ... 359.5 359.5
    bins               (azimuth, range) float32 125.0 375.0 ... 1.499e+05
    crs_wkt            int64 0
Data variables:
    DBZH               (azimuth, range) float32 ...
    sweep_number       int64 ...
    prt_mode           <U7 ...
    follow_mode        <U7 ...
    sweep_fixed_angle  float64 1.3

Assign lonlat coords to GR#

ll = swp.wrl.georef.spherical_to_proj()
swp = swp.assign_coords(lon=ll[..., 0], lat=ll[..., 1])
Dimensions:            (azimuth: 360, range: 600)
Coordinates: (12/17)
    elevation          (azimuth) float32 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 ... 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
    time               (azimuth) datetime64[ns] 2014-12-06T09:49:31.036111104...
  * range              (range) float32 125.0 375.0 625.0 ... 1.496e+05 1.499e+05
    sweep_mode         <U20 'azimuth_surveillance'
    longitude          float64 153.2
    latitude           float64 -27.72
    ...                 ...
    gr                 (azimuth, range) float32 125.0 374.9 ... 1.498e+05
    rays               (azimuth, range) float32 0.5 0.5 0.5 ... 359.5 359.5
    bins               (azimuth, range) float32 125.0 375.0 ... 1.499e+05
    crs_wkt            int64 0
    lon                (azimuth, range) float64 153.2 153.2 ... 153.2 153.2
    lat                (azimuth, range) float64 -27.72 -27.71 ... -26.37 -26.37
Data variables:
    DBZH               (azimuth, range) float32 ...
    sweep_number       int64 ...
    prt_mode           <U7 ...
    follow_mode        <U7 ...
    sweep_fixed_angle  float64 1.3

Get GR Grid Polygons#

# todo: move to wradlib function
def get_grid_polygons(ds):
    x = ds.x
    for i in reversed(range(x.ndim)):
        x = xr.plot.utils._infer_interval_breaks(x, axis=i)
    y = ds.y
    for i in reversed(range(y.ndim)):
        y = xr.plot.utils._infer_interval_breaks(y, axis=i)
    coords = np.stack([x, y], axis=-1)
    ll = np.dstack([coords[0:-1, 0:-1], ds.z.values[..., None]])
    ul = np.dstack([coords[0:-1, 1:], ds.z.values[..., None]])
    ur = np.dstack([coords[1:, 1:], ds.z.values[..., None]])
    lr = np.dstack([coords[1:, 0:-1], ds.z.values[..., None]])
    return np.stack([ll, ul, ur, lr, ll], axis=-2)
gr_poly = get_grid_polygons(swp)

Calculate GR Bounding Box#

bbox = wrl.zonalstats.get_bbox(swp.lon,
    "Radar bounding box:\n\t%.2f\n%.2f           %.2f\n\t%.2f"
    % (bbox["top"], bbox["left"], bbox["right"], bbox["bottom"])
Radar bounding box:
151.72           154.76

Satellite data SR#

Read GPM data#

# read spaceborn SR data
if platf == "gpm":
    sr_data =, group="NS")
    sr_data = sr_data.set_coords(["Longitude", "Latitude"])
    sr_data = xr.decode_cf(sr_data)
    sr_data.attrs["platform"] = "GPM"
    # sr_data =, bbox=bbox)
elif platf == "trmm":
    sr_data =, trmm_2a25_file, bbox=bbox)
    dvars = {
        "pflag": "flagPrecip",
        "ptype": "typePrecip",
        "zbb": "heightBB",
        "bbwidth": "widthBB",
        "sfc": None,
        "quality": "qualityBB",
        "zenith": "localZenithAngle",
        "refl": "zFactorCorrected",
        "date": "time",
        "lon": "Longitude",
        "lat": "Latitude",
    dims = ["nscan", "nray", "nbin"]
    data_vars = {
        dvars[k] if dvars[k] is not None else k: (dims[: v.ndim], v)
        for k, v in sr_data.items()
        if k in dvars
    sr_data = xr.Dataset(data_vars=data_vars)
    # sr_data = sr_data.rename_vars(date="time")
    sr_data = sr_data.set_coords(["time", "Longitude", "Latitude"])
    sr_data["zFactorCorrected"] = sr_data["zFactorCorrected"][..., ::-1]
    sr_data["dprAlt"] = sr_pars["trmm"]["zt"]
    sr_data.attrs["platform"] = "TRMM"
    raise ("Invalid platform")
Dimensions:                      (nswath: 1, nscan: 136, nray: 49, XYZ: 3,
                                  nbin: 176, nNP: 4, method: 6, foreBack: 2,
                                  nearFar: 2, nNode: 5, nbinSZP: 7, nDSD: 2,
                                  nNUBF: 3, LS: 2)
    Latitude                     (nscan, nray) float32 ...
    Longitude                    (nscan, nray) float32 ...
    date                         (nscan) datetime64[ns] 2014-12-06T09:50:02.0...
Dimensions without coordinates: nswath, nscan, nray, XYZ, nbin, nNP, method,
                                foreBack, nearFar, nNode, nbinSZP, nDSD, nNUBF,
Data variables: (12/96)
    AlgorithmRuntimeInfo         (nswath) |S929 ...
    dataQuality                  (nscan) float32 ...
    dataWarning                  (nscan) float32 ...
    missing                      (nscan) float32 ...
    modeStatus                   (nscan) float32 ...
    geoError                     (nscan) float32 ...
    ...                           ...
    phaseNearSurface             (nscan, nray) float32 ...
    epsilon                      (nscan, nray, nbin) float32 ...
    flagEcho                     (nscan, nray, nbin) float32 ...
    qualityData                  (nscan, nray) float64 ...
    qualityFlag                  (nscan, nray) float32 ...
    flagSensor                   (nscan) float32 ...
    FileHeader:        DOI=10.5067/GPM/DPR/Ku/2A/05;\nDOIauthority=http://dx....
    InputRecord:       InputFileNames=GPMCOR_KUR_1412060833_1006_004383_1BS_D...
    NavigationRecord:  LongitudeOnEquator=-27.312063;\nUTCDateTimeOnEquator=2...
    FileInfo:          DataFormatVersion=cn;\nTKCodeBuildVersion=1;\nMetadata...
    JAXAInfo:          GranuleFirstScanUTCDateTime=2014-12-06T08:33:33.292Z;\...
    platform:          GPM
array([404030., 404040., 404040., 404060., 404070., 404070., 404080.,
       404090., 404090., 404100., 404110., 404130., 404130., 404140.,
       404150., 404150., 404160., 404170., 404170., 404180., 404200.,
       404210., 404210., 404220., 404230., 404230., 404250., 404260.,
       404260., 404270., 404280., 404290., 404290., 404310., 404320.,
       404320., 404330., 404340., 404340., 404350., 404370., 404380.,
       404380., 404390., 404400., 404400., 404410., 404430., 404430.,
       404440., 404450., 404460., 404460., 404470., 404490., 404490.,
       404500., 404510., 404510., 404530., 404540., 404550., 404550.,
       404560., 404580., 404580., 404590., 404600., 404600., 404610.,
       404630., 404640., 404640., 404650., 404660., 404660., 404670.,
       404690., 404690., 404700., 404720., 404730., 404730., 404740.,
       404750., 404750., 404770., 404780., 404780., 404790., 404800.,
       404810., 404810., 404830., 404840., 404840., 404860., 404870.,
       404870., 404880., 404890., 404910., 404910., 404920., 404930.,
       404930., 404940., 404960., 404960., 404970., 404990., 405000.,
       405000., 405010., 405020., 405020., 405030., 405050., 405050.,
       405060., 405070., 405090., 405090., 405100., 405110., 405110.,
       405130., 405140., 405140., 405150., 405170., 405180., 405180.,
       405190., 405210., 405210.], dtype=float32)
# Todo: make height level parameterizable via keyword argument
# Todo: plot gr radar domain and satellite swath outlines
import cmweather

def plot_unmatched_refl(sr_data, swp, level=-5):
    Plotting unmatched SR and GR Reflectivity

    # Input:
    # ------
    swp ::: graund radar sweep data
    sr_data ::: satellite data

    # Output:
    # ------
    Plot of SR Refl. and GR Refl.

    plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
    ax1 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
    # pm = sr_data.zFactorFinal[:, :, -5, 0].plot(x="Longitude", y="Latitude", cmap='jet', vmin=0, vmax=40, add_labels=False, add_colorbar=False)
    pm = sr_data.zFactorCorrected[:, :, level].plot(
    cbar = plt.colorbar(pm, ax=ax1, ticks=np.arange(0, 42, 2))
    cbar.set_label("SR Reflectivity (dBz)", fontsize=12)
    ax1.set_xlabel("Longitude (°)", fontsize=12)
    ax1.set_ylabel("Latitude (°)", fontsize=12)
    ax1.tick_params(axis="both", labelsize=12)
    ax1.set_title(sr_data.attrs["platform"], fontsize=12, loc="left")
    ax1.grid(lw=0.25, color="grey")
    ax1.set_xlim(sr_data.Longitude.min(), sr_data.Longitude.max())
    ax1.set_ylim(sr_data.Latitude.min(), sr_data.Latitude.max())

    ax2 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
    pm = swp.DBZH.plot(
    cbar = plt.colorbar(pm, ax=ax2, ticks=np.arange(0, 42, 2))
    cbar.set_label("GR Reflectivity (dBz)", fontsize=12)
    ax2.set_xlabel("Longitude (°)", fontsize=12)
    ax2.set_ylabel("Latitude (°)", fontsize=12)
    ax2.tick_params(axis="both", labelsize=12)
    ax2.set_title("Ground Radar", fontsize=12, loc="left")
    ax2.grid(lw=0.25, color="grey")
    ax2.set_xlim(sr_data.Longitude.min(), sr_data.Longitude.max())
    ax2.set_ylim(sr_data.Latitude.min(), sr_data.Latitude.max())
if platf == "trmm":
    level = 75
    level = 171
plot_unmatched_refl(sr_data, swp, level=level)

Georeference SR data#

add radar AEQD coords to the SR Dataset

Set fundamental georeferencing parameters#

# Todo: only keep one method

# Calculate equivalent earth radius
wgs84 = wrl.georef.get_default_projection()
# lon0_gr = gr_data.latitude.values
re1 = gr_data.ds.wrl.georef.get_earth_radius(sr=wgs84)
print("Earth radius 1:", re1)
a = wgs84.GetSemiMajor()
b = wgs84.GetSemiMinor()
print("SemiMajor, SemiMinor:", a, b)

# Set up aeqd-projection gr-centered
rad = wrl.georef.projstr_to_osr(
    ("+proj=aeqd +lon_0={lon:f} " + "+lat_0={lat:f} +a={a:f} " + "+b={b:f}").format(
        lon=gr_data.ds.longitude.values, lat=gr_data.ds.latitude.values, a=a, b=b
re2 = gr_data.ds.wrl.georef.get_earth_radius(sr=rad)
print("Earth radius 2:", re2)
Earth radius 1: 6373541.039814419
SemiMajor, SemiMinor: 6378137.0 6356752.314245179
Earth radius 2: 6373541.039814382
# todo: use dpr altitude instead fix valued zt
sr_data = sr_data.wrl.georef.reproject(
    coords=dict(x="Longitude", y="Latitude"), src_crs=wgs84, trg_crs=rad
/tmp/ipykernel_4221/ UserWarning: `src_crs`-kwarg is overriding `crs_wkt`-coordinate'
  sr_data = sr_data.wrl.georef.reproject(
Dimensions:                      (nswath: 1, nscan: 136, nray: 49, XYZ: 3,
                                  nbin: 176, nNP: 4, method: 6, foreBack: 2,
                                  nearFar: 2, nNode: 5, nbinSZP: 7, nDSD: 2,
                                  nNUBF: 3, LS: 2)
    Latitude                     (nscan, nray) float32 ...
    Longitude                    (nscan, nray) float32 ...
    date                         (nscan) datetime64[ns] 2014-12-06T09:50:02.0...
    x                            (nscan, nray) float64 -2.706e+05 ... 2.36e+05
    y                            (nscan, nray) float64 2.446e+05 ... -2.394e+05
    crs_wkt                      int64 0
Dimensions without coordinates: nswath, nscan, nray, XYZ, nbin, nNP, method,
                                foreBack, nearFar, nNode, nbinSZP, nDSD, nNUBF,
Data variables: (12/96)
    AlgorithmRuntimeInfo         (nswath) |S929 ...
    dataQuality                  (nscan) float32 ...
    dataWarning                  (nscan) float32 ...
    missing                      (nscan) float32 ...
    modeStatus                   (nscan) float32 ...
    geoError                     (nscan) float32 ...
    ...                           ...
    phaseNearSurface             (nscan, nray) float32 ...
    epsilon                      (nscan, nray, nbin) float32 ...
    flagEcho                     (nscan, nray, nbin) float32 ...
    qualityData                  (nscan, nray) float64 ...
    qualityFlag                  (nscan, nray) float32 ...
    flagSensor                   (nscan) float32 ...
    FileHeader:        DOI=10.5067/GPM/DPR/Ku/2A/05;\nDOIauthority=http://dx....
    InputRecord:       InputFileNames=GPMCOR_KUR_1412060833_1006_004383_1BS_D...
    NavigationRecord:  LongitudeOnEquator=-27.312063;\nUTCDateTimeOnEquator=2...
    FileInfo:          DataFormatVersion=cn;\nTKCodeBuildVersion=1;\nMetadata...
    JAXAInfo:          GranuleFirstScanUTCDateTime=2014-12-06T08:33:33.292Z;\...
    platform:          GPM

Subset relevant SR data#

Calculate distance of each SR bin to the ground radar location and select only locations within the GR range.

# calculate range and mask srdata
r = np.sqrt(sr_data.x**2 + sr_data.y**2)
sr_cut = sr_data.where(r <, drop=True)
sr_cut.zFactorCorrected[..., level].plot(x="x", y="y", vmin=-32, vmax=50)
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7f0eb07df210>

Subset relevant SR data with precip flag#

precip_mask = xr.where(sr_cut.flagPrecip > 0, 1, 0)
precip_mask.plot(x="x", y="y")
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7f0eb08a7310>

SR Parallax Correction#

Correct for parallax, get 3D-XYZ-Array

# dr_sr = 125.
# todo: make this available from wradlib
sr_cut = sr_cut.wrl.georef.correct_parallax(dr_sr)
Dimensions:                      (nswath: 1, nscan: 61, nray: 49, XYZ: 3,
                                  nbin: 176, nNP: 4, method: 6, foreBack: 2,
                                  nearFar: 2, nNode: 5, nbinSZP: 7, nDSD: 2,
                                  nNUBF: 3, LS: 2)
Coordinates: (12/14)
    Latitude                     (nscan, nray) float32 -27.1 -27.08 ... -28.47
    Longitude                    (nscan, nray) float32 151.4 151.4 ... 154.9
    date                         (nscan) datetime64[ns] 2014-12-06T09:50:30.0...
    x                            (nscan, nray) float64 -1.861e+05 ... 1.613e+05
    y                            (nscan, nray) float64 6.695e+04 ... -8.461e+04
    crs_wkt                      int64 0
    ...                           ...
    latitude                     float64 -27.72
    altitude                     float64 175.0
    xp                           (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    yp                           (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    zp                           (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    sr_range                     (nbin) float64 2.188e+04 2.175e+04 ... 0.0
Dimensions without coordinates: nswath, nscan, nray, XYZ, nbin, nNP, method,
                                foreBack, nearFar, nNode, nbinSZP, nDSD, nNUBF,
Data variables: (12/96)
    AlgorithmRuntimeInfo         (nswath, nscan, nray) object nan nan ... nan
    dataQuality                  (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    dataWarning                  (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    missing                      (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    modeStatus                   (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    geoError                     (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    ...                           ...
    phaseNearSurface             (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    epsilon                      (nscan, nray, nbin) float32 nan nan ... nan nan
    flagEcho                     (nscan, nray, nbin) float32 nan nan ... nan nan
    qualityData                  (nscan, nray) float64 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    qualityFlag                  (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    flagSensor                   (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    FileHeader:        DOI=10.5067/GPM/DPR/Ku/2A/05;\nDOIauthority=http://dx....
    InputRecord:       InputFileNames=GPMCOR_KUR_1412060833_1006_004383_1BS_D...
    NavigationRecord:  LongitudeOnEquator=-27.312063;\nUTCDateTimeOnEquator=2...
    FileInfo:          DataFormatVersion=cn;\nTKCodeBuildVersion=1;\nMetadata...
    JAXAInfo:          GranuleFirstScanUTCDateTime=2014-12-06T08:33:33.292Z;\...
    platform:          GPM

Compute spherical coordinates of SR bins with regard to GR#

range, azimuth, elevation

sr_cut = sr_cut.wrl.georef.xyz_to_spherical(crs=rad)
Dimensions:                      (nswath: 1, nscan: 61, nray: 49, XYZ: 3,
                                  nbin: 176, nNP: 4, method: 6, foreBack: 2,
                                  nearFar: 2, nNode: 5, nbinSZP: 7, nDSD: 2,
                                  nNUBF: 3, LS: 2)
Coordinates: (12/17)
    elevation                    (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    Latitude                     (nscan, nray) float32 -27.1 -27.08 ... -28.47
    Longitude                    (nscan, nray) float32 151.4 151.4 ... 154.9
    date                         (nscan) datetime64[ns] 2014-12-06T09:50:30.0...
    x                            (nscan, nray) float64 -1.861e+05 ... 1.613e+05
    y                            (nscan, nray) float64 6.695e+04 ... -8.461e+04
    ...                           ...
    xp                           (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    yp                           (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    zp                           (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    sr_range                     (nbin) float64 2.188e+04 2.175e+04 ... 0.0
    range                        (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    azimuth                      (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
Dimensions without coordinates: nswath, nscan, nray, XYZ, nbin, nNP, method,
                                foreBack, nearFar, nNode, nbinSZP, nDSD, nNUBF,
Data variables: (12/95)
    AlgorithmRuntimeInfo         (nswath, nscan, nray) object nan nan ... nan
    dataQuality                  (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    dataWarning                  (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    missing                      (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    modeStatus                   (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    geoError                     (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    ...                           ...
    phaseNearSurface             (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    epsilon                      (nscan, nray, nbin) float32 nan nan ... nan nan
    flagEcho                     (nscan, nray, nbin) float32 nan nan ... nan nan
    qualityData                  (nscan, nray) float64 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    qualityFlag                  (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    flagSensor                   (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    FileHeader:        DOI=10.5067/GPM/DPR/Ku/2A/05;\nDOIauthority=http://dx....
    InputRecord:       InputFileNames=GPMCOR_KUR_1412060833_1006_004383_1BS_D...
    NavigationRecord:  LongitudeOnEquator=-27.312063;\nUTCDateTimeOnEquator=2...
    FileInfo:          DataFormatVersion=cn;\nTKCodeBuildVersion=1;\nMetadata...
    JAXAInfo:          GranuleFirstScanUTCDateTime=2014-12-06T08:33:33.292Z;\...
    platform:          GPM

Compute SR and GR pulse volumes#

Calculate distance from orbit \(r_s\)#

bw_sr = 0.71
freq = 0
sr_cut = sr_cut.wrl.georef.dist_from_orbit(bw_sr, freq, re1)
Dimensions:                      (nswath: 1, nscan: 61, nray: 49, XYZ: 3,
                                  nbin: 176, nNP: 4, method: 6, foreBack: 2,
                                  nearFar: 2, nNode: 5, nbinSZP: 7, nDSD: 2,
                                  nNUBF: 3, LS: 2)
Coordinates: (12/18)
    elevation                    (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    Latitude                     (nscan, nray) float32 -27.1 -27.08 ... -28.47
    Longitude                    (nscan, nray) float32 151.4 151.4 ... 154.9
    date                         (nscan) datetime64[ns] 2014-12-06T09:50:30.0...
    x                            (nscan, nray) float64 -1.861e+05 ... 1.613e+05
    y                            (nscan, nray) float64 6.695e+04 ... -8.461e+04
    ...                           ...
    yp                           (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    zp                           (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    sr_range                     (nbin) float64 2.188e+04 2.175e+04 ... 0.0
    range                        (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    azimuth                      (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    pr_dist                      (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
Dimensions without coordinates: nswath, nscan, nray, XYZ, nbin, nNP, method,
                                foreBack, nearFar, nNode, nbinSZP, nDSD, nNUBF,
Data variables: (12/95)
    AlgorithmRuntimeInfo         (nswath, nscan, nray) object nan nan ... nan
    dataQuality                  (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    dataWarning                  (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    missing                      (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    modeStatus                   (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    geoError                     (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    ...                           ...
    phaseNearSurface             (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    epsilon                      (nscan, nray, nbin) float32 nan nan ... nan nan
    flagEcho                     (nscan, nray, nbin) float32 nan nan ... nan nan
    qualityData                  (nscan, nray) float64 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    qualityFlag                  (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    flagSensor                   (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    FileHeader:        DOI=10.5067/GPM/DPR/Ku/2A/05;\nDOIauthority=http://dx....
    InputRecord:       InputFileNames=GPMCOR_KUR_1412060833_1006_004383_1BS_D...
    NavigationRecord:  LongitudeOnEquator=-27.312063;\nUTCDateTimeOnEquator=2...
    FileInfo:          DataFormatVersion=cn;\nTKCodeBuildVersion=1;\nMetadata...
    JAXAInfo:          GranuleFirstScanUTCDateTime=2014-12-06T08:33:33.292Z;\...
    platform:          GPM

SR pulse volume#

Todo: only keep pulse_volume method

# # Small angle approximation
rs = sr_cut["pr_dist"]

# vol_sr2 = np.pi * dr_sr * rs**2 * np.radians(bw_sr / 2.0) ** 2

# Or using wradlib's native function
vol_sr = rs.wrl.qual.pulse_volume(dr_sr, bw_sr)
sr_cut = sr_cut.assign(vol_sr=vol_sr)
# # Evaluate difference between both approaches
# print("Min. difference (m3):", vol_sr.max(), (vol_sr - vol_sr2).min())
# print("Max. difference (m3): ", vol_sr2.max(), (vol_sr - vol_sr2).max())
# print(
#     "Average rel. difference (%):",
#     np.round(np.mean(vol_sr - vol_sr2) * 100.0 / np.mean(np.mean(vol_sr2)), 4),
# )

# Verdict: differences are negligble - use wradlibs's native function!

GR pulse volume#

# GR pulse volumes
#   along one beam
# todo: check beam width
bw_gr = 1.0
vol_gr = wrl.qual.pulse_volume(swp.range, swp.range.diff("range").median(), bw_gr)
vol_gr = vol_gr.broadcast_like(swp.DBZH)
#   with shape (nray_gr, ngate_gr)
# vol_gr = np.repeat(vol_gr, nray_gr).reshape((nray_gr, ngate_gr), order="F")
<xarray.DataArray 'range' (azimuth: 360, range: 600)>
array([[9.34601988e+02, 8.41141789e+03, 2.33650497e+04, ...,
        1.33463499e+09, 1.33910612e+09, 1.34358473e+09],
       [9.34601988e+02, 8.41141789e+03, 2.33650497e+04, ...,
        1.33463499e+09, 1.33910612e+09, 1.34358473e+09],
       [9.34601988e+02, 8.41141789e+03, 2.33650497e+04, ...,
        1.33463499e+09, 1.33910612e+09, 1.34358473e+09],
       [9.34601988e+02, 8.41141789e+03, 2.33650497e+04, ...,
        1.33463499e+09, 1.33910612e+09, 1.34358473e+09],
       [9.34601988e+02, 8.41141789e+03, 2.33650497e+04, ...,
        1.33463499e+09, 1.33910612e+09, 1.34358473e+09],
       [9.34601988e+02, 8.41141789e+03, 2.33650497e+04, ...,
        1.33463499e+09, 1.33910612e+09, 1.34358473e+09]])
    sweep_mode  <U20 'azimuth_surveillance'
    longitude   float64 153.2
    latitude    float64 -27.72
    altitude    float64 175.0
    crs_wkt     int64 0
  * range       (range) float32 125.0 375.0 625.0 ... 1.496e+05 1.499e+05
  * azimuth     (azimuth) float32 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 ... 356.5 357.5 358.5 359.5

Calculate horizontal and vertical dimensions \(R_s\) and \(D_s\) of SR bins#

Select freq=0 for Ku-Band.

freq = 0
alpha = sr_cut["localZenithAngle"].isel(nfreq=freq, missing_dims="ignore")

# Rs
sr_bin_radius = (
    0.5 * (1 + np.cos(np.radians(alpha))) * rs * np.tan(np.radians(bw_sr / 2.0))
) = "sr_bin_radius"

# Ds
sr_bin_depth = dr_sr / np.cos(np.radians(alpha)) = "sr_bin_depth"
sr_cut = sr_cut.assign(sr_bin_radius=sr_bin_radius, sr_bin_depth=sr_bin_depth)
Dimensions:                      (nswath: 1, nscan: 61, nray: 49, XYZ: 3,
                                  nbin: 176, nNP: 4, method: 6, foreBack: 2,
                                  nearFar: 2, nNode: 5, nbinSZP: 7, nDSD: 2,
                                  nNUBF: 3, LS: 2)
Coordinates: (12/18)
    elevation                    (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    Latitude                     (nscan, nray) float32 -27.1 -27.08 ... -28.47
    Longitude                    (nscan, nray) float32 151.4 151.4 ... 154.9
    date                         (nscan) datetime64[ns] 2014-12-06T09:50:30.0...
    x                            (nscan, nray) float64 -1.861e+05 ... 1.613e+05
    y                            (nscan, nray) float64 6.695e+04 ... -8.461e+04
    ...                           ...
    yp                           (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    zp                           (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    sr_range                     (nbin) float64 2.188e+04 2.175e+04 ... 0.0
    range                        (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    azimuth                      (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    pr_dist                      (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
Dimensions without coordinates: nswath, nscan, nray, XYZ, nbin, nNP, method,
                                foreBack, nearFar, nNode, nbinSZP, nDSD, nNUBF,
Data variables: (12/98)
    AlgorithmRuntimeInfo         (nswath, nscan, nray) object nan nan ... nan
    dataQuality                  (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    dataWarning                  (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    missing                      (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    modeStatus                   (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    geoError                     (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    ...                           ...
    qualityData                  (nscan, nray) float64 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    qualityFlag                  (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    flagSensor                   (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    vol_sr                       (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    sr_bin_radius                (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    sr_bin_depth                 (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    FileHeader:        DOI=10.5067/GPM/DPR/Ku/2A/05;\nDOIauthority=http://dx....
    InputRecord:       InputFileNames=GPMCOR_KUR_1412060833_1006_004383_1BS_D...
    NavigationRecord:  LongitudeOnEquator=-27.312063;\nUTCDateTimeOnEquator=2...
    FileInfo:          DataFormatVersion=cn;\nTKCodeBuildVersion=1;\nMetadata...
    JAXAInfo:          GranuleFirstScanUTCDateTime=2014-12-06T08:33:33.292Z;\...
    platform:          GPM
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7f0eb0917250>

BrightBand Handling#

Median Brightband Width/Height#

# if platf == "gpm":
sr_cut = sr_cut.wrl.qual.get_bb_ratio()
Dimensions:                      (nswath: 1, nscan: 61, nray: 49, XYZ: 3,
                                  nbin: 176, nNP: 4, method: 6, foreBack: 2,
                                  nearFar: 2, nNode: 5, nbinSZP: 7, nDSD: 2,
                                  nNUBF: 3, LS: 2)
Coordinates: (12/18)
    elevation                    (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    Latitude                     (nscan, nray) float32 -27.1 -27.08 ... -28.47
    Longitude                    (nscan, nray) float32 151.4 151.4 ... 154.9
    date                         (nscan) datetime64[ns] 2014-12-06T09:50:30.0...
    x                            (nscan, nray) float64 -1.861e+05 ... 1.613e+05
    y                            (nscan, nray) float64 6.695e+04 ... -8.461e+04
    ...                           ...
    yp                           (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    zp                           (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    sr_range                     (nbin) float64 2.188e+04 2.175e+04 ... 0.0
    range                        (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    azimuth                      (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    pr_dist                      (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
Dimensions without coordinates: nswath, nscan, nray, XYZ, nbin, nNP, method,
                                foreBack, nearFar, nNode, nbinSZP, nDSD, nNUBF,
Data variables: (12/100)
    AlgorithmRuntimeInfo         (nswath, nscan, nray) object nan nan ... nan
    dataQuality                  (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    dataWarning                  (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    missing                      (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    modeStatus                   (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    geoError                     (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    ...                           ...
    flagSensor                   (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    vol_sr                       (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    sr_bin_radius                (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    sr_bin_depth                 (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    bb_ratio                     (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    bb_mask                      (nscan, nray) bool False False ... False False
    FileHeader:        DOI=10.5067/GPM/DPR/Ku/2A/05;\nDOIauthority=http://dx....
    InputRecord:       InputFileNames=GPMCOR_KUR_1412060833_1006_004383_1BS_D...
    NavigationRecord:  LongitudeOnEquator=-27.312063;\nUTCDateTimeOnEquator=2...
    FileInfo:          DataFormatVersion=cn;\nTKCodeBuildVersion=1;\nMetadata...
    JAXAInfo:          GranuleFirstScanUTCDateTime=2014-12-06T08:33:33.292Z;\...
    platform:          GPM
sr_cut["bb_ratio"].isel(nbin=0).plot(x="x", y="y")
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7f0eb50571d0>

Convert SR Ku reflectivities to S-band#

Based on Cao (2013)

ref_sr = sr_cut.zFactorCorrected.isel(nfreq=0, missing_dims="ignore").copy()
# ref_sr = sr_data['refl'].filled(np.nan)
ref_sr_ss = xr.zeros_like(ref_sr) * np.nan
ref_sr_sh = xr.zeros_like(ref_sr) * np.nan

a_s, a_h = (wrl.trafo.KuBandToS.snow, wrl.trafo.KuBandToS.hail)
# mask bb_ratio with bb_mask
ratio = sr_cut["bb_ratio"].where(sr_cut["bb_mask"])
ia = ratio >= 1
ib = ratio <= 0
im = (ratio > 0) & (ratio < 1)
ind = xr.where(im, np.round(ratio * 10), 0).astype("int")
# print(ind)
# ind = np.round(ratio[im] * 10).astype(

# ref_sr_ss = ref_sr.copy()
# ref_sr_sh = ref_sr.copy()
<xarray.DataArray 'bb_ratio' (nscan: 61, nray: 49, nbin: 176)>
array([[[False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False]],

       [[False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False]],

       [[False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False]],

       [[False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False]],

       [[False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
        [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False]]])
Coordinates: (12/18)
    elevation   (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan nan nan ... nan nan nan nan
    Latitude    (nscan, nray) float32 -27.1 -27.08 -27.06 ... -28.49 -28.47
    Longitude   (nscan, nray) float32 151.4 151.4 151.5 ... 154.8 154.8 154.9
    date        (nscan) datetime64[ns] 2014-12-06T09:50:30.000500 ... 2014-12...
    x           (nscan, nray) float64 -1.861e+05 -1.813e+05 ... 1.613e+05
    y           (nscan, nray) float64 6.695e+04 6.958e+04 ... -8.461e+04
    ...          ...
    yp          (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan nan nan ... nan nan nan nan
    zp          (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan nan nan ... nan nan nan nan
    sr_range    (nbin) float64 2.188e+04 2.175e+04 2.162e+04 ... 250.0 125.0 0.0
    range       (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan nan nan ... nan nan nan nan
    azimuth     (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan nan nan ... nan nan nan nan
    pr_dist     (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan nan nan ... nan nan nan nan
Dimensions without coordinates: nscan, nray, nbin
fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(
    nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(10, 10), sharey=True, sharex=True
hind = 146
ia.isel(nbin=hind).plot(x="x", y="y", ax=ax1)
ib.isel(nbin=hind).plot(x="x", y="y", ax=ax2)
im.isel(nbin=hind).plot(x="x", y="y", ax=ax3)
ratio.isel(nbin=hind).plot(x="x", y="y", ax=ax4)
# sr_cut["bb_mask"].plot(x="x", y="y", ax=ax4)
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7f0eb04ce390>
# adding ia/ib/im in sequential order to ref_sr_ss/ref_sr/sh

# above melting layer -> no mixing only snow/hail
ref_sr_ss = xr.where(
    ia, ref_sr + wrl.util.calculate_polynomial(ref_sr.copy(), a_s[:, 10]), ref_sr_ss
ref_sr_sh = xr.where(
    ia, ref_sr + wrl.util.calculate_polynomial(ref_sr.copy(), a_h[:, 10]), ref_sr_sh
fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(15, 4), sharey=True)
ref_sr_ss.isel(nbin=hind).plot(x="x", y="y", ax=ax1)
ref_sr_sh.isel(nbin=hind).plot(x="x", y="y", ax=ax2)
(ref_sr_ss - ref_sr_sh).isel(nbin=hind).plot(x="x", y="y", ax=ax3)
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7f0eb02e6210>
# below the melting layer
ref_sr_ss = xr.where(
    ib, ref_sr + wrl.util.calculate_polynomial(ref_sr.copy(), a_s[:, 0]), ref_sr_ss
ref_sr_sh = xr.where(
    ib, ref_sr + wrl.util.calculate_polynomial(ref_sr.copy(), a_h[:, 0]), ref_sr_sh
fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(15, 4), sharey=True)
ref_sr_ss.isel(nbin=hind).plot(x="x", y="y", ax=ax1)
ref_sr_sh.isel(nbin=hind).plot(x="x", y="y", ax=ax2)
(ref_sr_ss - ref_sr_sh).isel(nbin=hind).plot(x="x", y="y", ax=ax3)
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7f0eb013f350>
# inside melting layer
ref_sr_ss = xr.where(
    im, ref_sr + wrl.util.calculate_polynomial(ref_sr.copy(), a_s[:, ind]), ref_sr_ss
ref_sr_sh = xr.where(
    im, ref_sr + wrl.util.calculate_polynomial(ref_sr.copy(), a_h[:, ind]), ref_sr_sh
fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(15, 4), sharey=True)
ref_sr_ss.isel(nbin=hind).plot(x="x", y="y", ax=ax1)
ref_sr_sh.isel(nbin=hind).plot(x="x", y="y", ax=ax2)
(ref_sr_ss - ref_sr_sh).isel(nbin=hind).plot(x="x", y="y", ax=ax3)
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7f0eabd07250>
# Jackson Tan's fix for C-band
# if gr_radar_band == 'C':
#     print('SR reflectivity is converted to C-band')
#     deltas = (ref_sr_ss - ref_sr) * 5.3 / 10.0
#     ref_sr_ss = ref_sr + deltas
#     deltah = (ref_sr_sh - ref_sr) * 5.3 / 10.0
#     ref_sr_sh = ref_sr + deltah
# gr_radar_band = "S"
# if gr_radar_band == 'X':
#     print('SR reflectivity is converted to X-band')
#     deltas = (ref_sr_ss - ref_sr) * 3.2 / 10.0
#     ref_sr_ss = ref_sr + deltas
#     deltah = (ref_sr_sh - ref_sr) * 3.2 / 10.0
#     ref_sr_sh = ref_sr + deltah

# ref_sr_ss = ref_sr_ss.where(ref_sr >= 0)
# ref_sr_sh = ref_sr_sh.where(ref_sr >= 0)
if platf == "gpm":
    ptype = (sr_cut.typePrecip / 1e7).astype(np.int16)
    ptype = sr_cut.typePrecip
ptype.plot(x="x", y="y")
/home/runner/micromamba/envs/wradlib-tests/lib/python3.11/site-packages/xarray/core/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in cast
  return data.astype(dtype, **kwargs)
<xarray.DataArray 'typePrecip' (nscan: 61, nray: 49)>
array([[0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0]], dtype=int16)
    Latitude    (nscan, nray) float32 -27.1 -27.08 -27.06 ... -28.49 -28.47
    Longitude   (nscan, nray) float32 151.4 151.4 151.5 ... 154.8 154.8 154.9
    date        (nscan) datetime64[ns] 2014-12-06T09:50:30.000500 ... 2014-12...
    x           (nscan, nray) float64 -1.861e+05 -1.813e+05 ... 1.613e+05
    y           (nscan, nray) float64 6.695e+04 6.958e+04 ... -8.461e+04
    crs_wkt     int64 0
    sweep_mode  <U20 'azimuth_surveillance'
    longitude   float64 153.2
    latitude    float64 -27.72
    altitude    float64 175.0
Dimensions without coordinates: nscan, nray
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7f0eabf0f210>
# Combined conversion
ref_sr_com = xr.zeros_like(ref_sr_ss) * np.nan
ref_sr_com = xr.where(ptype == 1, ref_sr_ss, ref_sr_com)
ref_sr_com = xr.where(ptype == 2, ref_sr_sh, ref_sr_com)
ref_sr_com.isel(nbin=hind).plot(x="x", y="y", vmin=0, vmax=50)
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7f0eabb0ba90>
sr_cut = sr_cut.assign(ref_sr_com=ref_sr_com, ref_sr_ss=ref_sr_ss, ref_sr_sh=ref_sr_sh)
Dimensions:                      (nswath: 1, nscan: 61, nray: 49, XYZ: 3,
                                  nbin: 176, nNP: 4, method: 6, foreBack: 2,
                                  nearFar: 2, nNode: 5, nbinSZP: 7, nDSD: 2,
                                  nNUBF: 3, LS: 2)
Coordinates: (12/18)
    elevation                    (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    Latitude                     (nscan, nray) float32 -27.1 -27.08 ... -28.47
    Longitude                    (nscan, nray) float32 151.4 151.4 ... 154.9
    date                         (nscan) datetime64[ns] 2014-12-06T09:50:30.0...
    x                            (nscan, nray) float64 -1.861e+05 ... 1.613e+05
    y                            (nscan, nray) float64 6.695e+04 ... -8.461e+04
    ...                           ...
    yp                           (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    zp                           (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    sr_range                     (nbin) float64 2.188e+04 2.175e+04 ... 0.0
    range                        (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    azimuth                      (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    pr_dist                      (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
Dimensions without coordinates: nswath, nscan, nray, XYZ, nbin, nNP, method,
                                foreBack, nearFar, nNode, nbinSZP, nDSD, nNUBF,
Data variables: (12/103)
    AlgorithmRuntimeInfo         (nswath, nscan, nray) object nan nan ... nan
    dataQuality                  (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    dataWarning                  (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    missing                      (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    modeStatus                   (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    geoError                     (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    ...                           ...
    sr_bin_depth                 (nscan, nray) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    bb_ratio                     (nscan, nray, nbin) float64 nan nan ... nan nan
    bb_mask                      (nscan, nray) bool False False ... False False
    ref_sr_com                   (nscan, nray, nbin) float32 nan nan ... nan nan
    ref_sr_ss                    (nscan, nray, nbin) float32 nan nan ... nan nan
    ref_sr_sh                    (nscan, nray, nbin) float32 nan nan ... nan nan
    FileHeader:        DOI=10.5067/GPM/DPR/Ku/2A/05;\nDOIauthority=http://dx....
    InputRecord:       InputFileNames=GPMCOR_KUR_1412060833_1006_004383_1BS_D...
    NavigationRecord:  LongitudeOnEquator=-27.312063;\nUTCDateTimeOnEquator=2...
    FileInfo:          DataFormatVersion=cn;\nTKCodeBuildVersion=1;\nMetadata...
    JAXAInfo:          GranuleFirstScanUTCDateTime=2014-12-06T08:33:33.292Z;\...
    platform:          GPM

Convert S-band GR reflectivities to Ku-band#

Using the method of Liao and Meneghini (2009)

ref_gr = swp["DBZH"].copy()

# Convert S-band GR reflectivities to Ku-band using method of Liao and Meneghini (2009)
ref_gr2sr = np.zeros_like(ref_gr) * np.nan

# Which zbb value should we take here???
#    Q'n'Dirty: just take the mean of all SR profiles
#    TODO: Consider zbb for each profile during the matching process

zbb = sr_cut["heightBB"]

# Snow
ia = swp.z >= np.nanmean(zbb)
ref_gr2sr = xr.where(
    ia, wrl.util.calculate_polynomial(ref_gr, wrl.trafo.SBandToKu.snow), ref_gr2sr
# Rain
ib = swp.z < np.nanmean(zbb)
ref_gr2sr = xr.where(
    ib, wrl.util.calculate_polynomial(ref_gr, wrl.trafo.SBandToKu.rain), ref_gr2sr

# # Jackson Tan's fix for C-band
# is_cband = False
# if is_cband:
#     delta = (ref_gr_ku - ref_gr) * 3.2 / 10.0
#     ref_gr_ku = ref_gr + delta
<xarray.DataArray (azimuth: 360, range: 600)>
array([[        nan,         nan,  -9.540176 , ...,   5.2066708,
          0.185074 ,   5.2066708],
       [        nan,         nan,  -7.9344153, ...,   4.20992  ,
          1.1969619,   4.20992  ],
       [        nan,         nan,  -7.9344153, ...,   2.2050655,
          1.1969619,   2.2050655],
       [        nan,         nan, -11.145192 , ...,   6.1996374,
          7.18882  ,   8.174218 ],
       [        nan,         nan, -11.145192 , ...,   7.18882  ,
          6.1996374,   2.2050655],
       [        nan,         nan, -33.537273 , ...,   6.1996374,
          4.20992  ,   4.20992  ]], dtype=float32)
Coordinates: (12/17)
    elevation   (azimuth) float32 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 ... 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
    time        (azimuth) datetime64[ns] 2014-12-06T09:49:31.036111104 ... 20...
  * range       (range) float32 125.0 375.0 625.0 ... 1.496e+05 1.499e+05
    sweep_mode  <U20 'azimuth_surveillance'
    longitude   float64 153.2
    latitude    float64 -27.72
    ...          ...
    gr          (azimuth, range) float32 125.0 374.9 ... 1.495e+05 1.498e+05
    rays        (azimuth, range) float32 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 ... 359.5 359.5 359.5
    bins        (azimuth, range) float32 125.0 375.0 ... 1.496e+05 1.499e+05
    crs_wkt     int64 0
    lon         (azimuth, range) float64 153.2 153.2 153.2 ... 153.2 153.2 153.2
    lat         (azimuth, range) float64 -27.72 -27.71 -27.71 ... -26.37 -26.37
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ref_gr2sr.plot(x="x", y="y", ax=ax1, cmap="turbo", vmin=0, vmax=50)
<matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh at 0x7f0eabb1f5d0>

Matching SR/GR#

Identify which SR rays actually intersect with the GR sweep#

Based on the above criteria (in radar range, precipitating SR profile) and based on SR elevation angle (with regard to GR).

This will only keep the wanted value in sr_match.

  • sr_cut contains all satellite reflectivities we need. ref_sr_ss, ref_sr_sh, ref_sr_com, zFactorCorrected.

sr_match = sr_cut.reset_coords(["xp", "yp", "zp"])
sr_match = sr_match.where(precip_mask).where(
    (sr_match.elevation >= (swp.sweep_fixed_angle - bw_gr / 2.0))
    & (sr_match.elevation <= (swp.sweep_fixed_angle + bw_gr / 2.0))
# calculate nbeams
sr_match_mean = sr_match.mean("nbin")
xyzp_sr = xr.concat(
    [sr_match_mean.xp, sr_match_mean.yp, sr_match_mean.zp], dim="ncoord"
).transpose(..., "ncoord")
xyzp_sr = (
    xyzp_sr.stack(nbeams=("nscan", "nray"))
    .transpose("nbeams", "ncoord", ...)
nbeams = xyzp_sr.nbeams
<xarray.DataArray 'nbeams' (nbeams: 1218)>
array([(0, 26), (0, 27), (0, 28), ..., (60, 27), (60, 28), (60, 29)],
Coordinates: (12/13)
    Latitude    (nbeams) float32 -26.55 -26.52 -26.5 ... -28.93 -28.9 -28.88
    Longitude   (nbeams) float32 152.6 152.6 152.6 152.7 ... 153.9 153.9 154.0
    date        (nbeams) datetime64[ns] 2014-12-06T09:50:30.000500 ... 2014-1...
    x           (nbeams) float64 -6.779e+04 -6.337e+04 ... 6.846e+04 7.292e+04
    y           (nbeams) float64 1.298e+05 1.32e+05 ... -1.317e+05 -1.294e+05
    crs_wkt     int64 0
    ...          ...
    longitude   float64 153.2
    latitude    float64 -27.72
    altitude    float64 175.0
  * nbeams      (nbeams) object MultiIndex
  * nscan       (nbeams) int64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 ... 59 59 59 59 59 59 60 60 60
  * nray        (nbeams) int64 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 24 ... 28 29 35 36 27 28 29
<xarray.DataArray 'xp' (nbeams: 1218, ncoord: 3)>
array([[ -67901.44637496,  129710.27794381,    4748.40432405],
       [ -63535.20030327,  131961.59839865,    4746.39302492],
       [ -59126.88967667,  134231.58639525,    4743.54226887],
       [  63822.93724828, -134069.59598245,    4871.29781395],
       [  68231.52652476, -131790.70883022,    4868.37203801],
       [  72640.46603565, -129517.17047977,    4864.60766941]])
Coordinates: (12/13)
    Latitude    (nbeams) float32 -26.55 -26.52 -26.5 ... -28.93 -28.9 -28.88
    Longitude   (nbeams) float32 152.6 152.6 152.6 152.7 ... 153.9 153.9 154.0
    date        (nbeams) datetime64[ns] 2014-12-06T09:50:30.000500 ... 2014-1...
    x           (nbeams) float64 -6.779e+04 -6.337e+04 ... 6.846e+04 7.292e+04
    y           (nbeams) float64 1.298e+05 1.32e+05 ... -1.317e+05 -1.294e+05
    crs_wkt     int64 0
    ...          ...
    longitude   float64 153.2
    latitude    float64 -27.72
    altitude    float64 175.0
  * nbeams      (nbeams) object MultiIndex
  * nscan       (nbeams) int64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 ... 59 59 59 59 59 59 60 60 60
  * nray        (nbeams) int64 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 24 ... 28 29 35 36 27 28 29
Dimensions without coordinates: ncoord

New version matching#

sr_match2 = sr_match.stack(nbeams=("nscan", "nray")).where(nbeams)
Dimensions:                      (nswath: 1, nbin: 176, nbeams: 1218, XYZ: 3,
                                  nNP: 4, method: 6, foreBack: 2, nearFar: 2,
                                  nNode: 5, nbinSZP: 7, nDSD: 2, nNUBF: 3, LS: 2)
Coordinates: (12/18)
  * nbeams                       (nbeams) object MultiIndex
  * nscan                        (nbeams) int64 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 59 59 60 60 60
  * nray                         (nbeams) int64 26 27 28 29 30 ... 36 27 28 29
    elevation                    (nbin, nbeams) float64 7.923 7.918 ... -0.5684
    Latitude                     (nbeams) float32 -26.55 -26.52 ... -28.9 -28.88
    Longitude                    (nbeams) float32 152.6 152.6 ... 153.9 154.0
    ...                           ...
    latitude                     float64 -27.72
    altitude                     float64 175.0
    sr_range                     (nbin) float64 2.188e+04 2.175e+04 ... 0.0
    range                        (nbin, nbeams) float64 1.482e+05 ... 1.485e+05
    azimuth                      (nbin, nbeams) float64 332.2 334.0 ... 150.6
    pr_dist                      (nbin, nbeams) float64 3.826e+05 ... 4.057e+05
Dimensions without coordinates: nswath, nbin, XYZ, nNP, method, foreBack,
                                nearFar, nNode, nbinSZP, nDSD, nNUBF, LS
Data variables: (12/106)
    AlgorithmRuntimeInfo         (nswath, nbin, nbeams) object nan nan ... nan
    dataQuality                  (nbin, nbeams) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    dataWarning                  (nbin, nbeams) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    missing                      (nbin, nbeams) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    modeStatus                   (nbin, nbeams) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    geoError                     (nbin, nbeams) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    ...                           ...
    sr_bin_depth                 (nbin, nbeams) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    bb_ratio                     (nbin, nbeams) float64 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    bb_mask                      (nbin, nbeams) float64 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    ref_sr_com                   (nbin, nbeams) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    ref_sr_ss                    (nbin, nbeams) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    ref_sr_sh                    (nbin, nbeams) float32 nan nan nan ... nan nan
    FileHeader:        DOI=10.5067/GPM/DPR/Ku/2A/05;\nDOIauthority=http://dx....
    InputRecord:       InputFileNames=GPMCOR_KUR_1412060833_1006_004383_1BS_D...
    NavigationRecord:  LongitudeOnEquator=-27.312063;\nUTCDateTimeOnEquator=2...
    FileInfo:          DataFormatVersion=cn;\nTKCodeBuildVersion=1;\nMetadata...
    JAXAInfo:          GranuleFirstScanUTCDateTime=2014-12-06T08:33:33.292Z;\...
    platform:          GPM
# mean along nbin
sr_match_mean = sr_match.mean(dim="nbin")
sr_match2_mean = sr_match2.mean(dim="nbin")
sr_match_mean.zFactorCorrected.plot(x="x", y="y", cmap="turbo", vmin=0, vmax=40)
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f0eab994590>
# max along nbin, approximate Rs
sr_match_max = sr_match.max(dim="nbin")
sr_match2_max = sr_match2.max(dim="nbin")
sr_match_max.sr_bin_radius.plot(x="x", y="y", cmap="turbo")
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f0e9f926850>
# sum along nbin
# approximate Ds and Vs
sr_match_sum = sr_match.sum(dim="nbin", skipna=True)
sr_match2_sum = sr_match2.sum(dim="nbin", skipna=True)
sr_match_sum.sr_bin_depth.plot(x="x", y="y", cmap="turbo")
Dimensions:                      (nscan: 61, nray: 49, XYZ: 3, nNP: 4,
                                  method: 6, foreBack: 2, nearFar: 2, nNode: 5,
                                  nbinSZP: 7, nDSD: 2, nNUBF: 3, LS: 2)
    Latitude                     (nscan, nray) float32 -27.1 -27.08 ... -28.47
    Longitude                    (nscan, nray) float32 151.4 151.4 ... 154.9
    date                         (nscan) datetime64[ns] 2014-12-06T09:50:30.0...
    x                            (nscan, nray) float64 -1.861e+05 ... 1.613e+05
    y                            (nscan, nray) float64 6.695e+04 ... -8.461e+04
    crs_wkt                      int64 0
    sweep_mode                   <U20 'azimuth_surveillance'
    longitude                    float64 153.2
    latitude                     float64 -27.72
    altitude                     float64 175.0
Dimensions without coordinates: nscan, nray, XYZ, nNP, method, foreBack,
                                nearFar, nNode, nbinSZP, nDSD, nNUBF, LS
Data variables: (12/105)
    dataQuality                  (nscan, nray) float32 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0
    dataWarning                  (nscan, nray) float32 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0
    missing                      (nscan, nray) float32 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0
    modeStatus                   (nscan, nray) float32 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0
    geoError                     (nscan, nray) float32 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0
    geoWarning                   (nscan, nray) float32 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0
    ...                           ...
    sr_bin_depth                 (nscan, nray) float32 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0
    bb_ratio                     (nscan, nray) float64 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0
    bb_mask                      (nscan, nray) float64 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0
    ref_sr_com                   (nscan, nray) float32 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0
    ref_sr_ss                    (nscan, nray) float32 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0
    ref_sr_sh                    (nscan, nray) float32 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f0e9f8c7fd0>
sr_match_sum.vol_sr.plot(x="x", y="y", cmap="turbo")
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7f0e9f661650>

Identify which GR bins actually intersect with the SR footprint#

Dimensions:                      (nbeams: 1218, XYZ: 3, nNP: 4, method: 6,
                                  foreBack: 2, nearFar: 2, nNode: 5,
                                  nbinSZP: 7, nDSD: 2, nNUBF: 3, LS: 2)
Coordinates: (12/13)
  * nbeams                       (nbeams) object MultiIndex
  * nscan                        (nbeams) int64 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 59 59 60 60 60
  * nray                         (nbeams) int64 26 27 28 29 30 ... 36 27 28 29
    Latitude                     (nbeams) float32 -26.55 -26.52 ... -28.9 -28.88
    Longitude                    (nbeams) float32 152.6 152.6 ... 153.9 154.0
    date                         (nbeams) datetime64[ns] 2014-12-06T09:50:30....
    ...                           ...
    y                            (nbeams) float64 1.298e+05 ... -1.294e+05
    crs_wkt                      int64 0
    sweep_mode                   <U20 'azimuth_surveillance'
    longitude                    float64 153.2
    latitude                     float64 -27.72
    altitude                     float64 175.0
Dimensions without coordinates: XYZ, nNP, method, foreBack, nearFar, nNode,
                                nbinSZP, nDSD, nNUBF, LS
Data variables: (12/105)
    dataQuality                  (nbeams) float32 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0
    dataWarning                  (nbeams) float32 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0
    missing                      (nbeams) float32 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0
    modeStatus                   (nbeams) float32 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0
    geoError                     (nbeams) float32 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0
    geoWarning                   (nbeams) float32 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0
    ...                           ...
    sr_bin_depth                 (nbeams) float32 125.0 125.1 ... 125.2 125.3
    bb_ratio                     (nbeams) float64 0.0 1.858 1.853 ... 0.0 2.054
    bb_mask                      (nbeams) float64 0.0 1.0 1.0 ... 1.0 0.0 1.0
    ref_sr_com                   (nbeams) float32 nan 18.38 20.71 ... nan 19.8
    ref_sr_ss                    (nbeams) float32 nan 18.38 20.71 ... nan 19.8
    ref_sr_sh                    (nbeams) float32 nan 18.81 21.13 ... nan 20.03
## Create Zonal Data Source of matching SR profiles
xyp_sr = np.stack([sr_match2_mean.xp, sr_match2_mean.yp], axis=-1)
zds =, trg_crs=rad)
CPU times: user 41.5 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 41.5 ms
Wall time: 56.6 ms
## Create SR beam polygons using sr_bin_radius Rs
tmp_trg_lyr = zds.ds.GetLayer()
trg_poly = []
for i, feat in enumerate(tmp_trg_lyr):
    geom = feat.GetGeometryRef().Buffer(sr_match2_max.sr_bin_radius.values[i])
    poly = wrl.georef.ogr_to_numpy(geom)
CPU times: user 1.7 s, sys: 5.52 ms, total: 1.71 s
Wall time: 1.87 s
(360, 600, 5, 3)
## Create ZonalDataPoly for GR and SR profiles
print("Create ZonalDataPoly for GR and SR profiles.")
print("This process can take a few seconds... ")

zdp = wrl.zonalstats.ZonalDataPoly(
    gr_poly[..., 0:2].reshape(-1, 5, 2), trg=trg_poly, crs=rad
Create ZonalDataPoly for GR and SR profiles.
This process can take a few seconds...
CPU times: user 12.9 s, sys: 1.63 s, total: 14.6 s
Wall time: 15.2 s
# dump zonal data
CPU times: user 1.76 s, sys: 855 ms, total: 2.61 s
Wall time: 2.66 s
# %%time
obj3 = wrl.zonalstats.ZonalStatsPoly("m3d_zonal_poly_{0}".format(platf))
## Average GR volume and reflectivity
volgr1 = np.array(
        for i in np.arange(len(obj3.ix))[~obj3.check_empty()]

SR Reflectivity matched#

# converted for stratiform
ref_sr2gr_m = sr_match2.ref_sr_com.copy()
ref_sr2gr_m = wrl.trafo.idecibel(ref_sr2gr_m)
ref_sr2gr_m = ref_sr2gr_m.mean(dim="nbin", skipna=True)
ref_sr2gr_m = wrl.trafo.decibel(ref_sr2gr_m)
<xarray.DataArray 'ref_sr_com' (nbeams: 1218)>
array([      nan, 19.49539 , 23.312462, ..., 18.637308,       nan,
       21.192062], dtype=float32)
Coordinates: (12/13)
  * nbeams      (nbeams) object MultiIndex
  * nscan       (nbeams) int64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 ... 59 59 59 59 59 59 60 60 60
  * nray        (nbeams) int64 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 24 ... 28 29 35 36 27 28 29
    Latitude    (nbeams) float32 -26.55 -26.52 -26.5 ... -28.93 -28.9 -28.88
    Longitude   (nbeams) float32 152.6 152.6 152.6 152.7 ... 153.9 153.9 154.0
    date        (nbeams) datetime64[ns] 2014-12-06T09:50:30.000500 ... 2014-1...
    ...          ...
    y           (nbeams) float64 1.298e+05 1.32e+05 ... -1.317e+05 -1.294e+05
    crs_wkt     int64 0
    sweep_mode  <U20 'azimuth_surveillance'
    longitude   float64 153.2
    latitude    float64 -27.72
    altitude    float64 175.0
ref_sr_m = wrl.trafo.idecibel(sr_match2.zFactorCorrected)
ref_sr_m = ref_sr_m.mean(dim="nbin", skipna=True)
ref_sr_m = wrl.trafo.decibel(ref_sr_m)
<xarray.DataArray 'zFactorCorrected' (nbeams: 1218)>
array([17.571447, 18.82063 , 22.596802, ..., 18.239641, 18.27577 ,
       20.901882], dtype=float32)
Coordinates: (12/13)
  * nbeams      (nbeams) object MultiIndex
  * nscan       (nbeams) int64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 ... 59 59 59 59 59 59 60 60 60
  * nray        (nbeams) int64 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 24 ... 28 29 35 36 27 28 29
    Latitude    (nbeams) float32 -26.55 -26.52 -26.5 ... -28.93 -28.9 -28.88
    Longitude   (nbeams) float32 152.6 152.6 152.6 152.7 ... 153.9 153.9 154.0
    date        (nbeams) datetime64[ns] 2014-12-06T09:50:30.000500 ... 2014-1...
    ...          ...
    y           (nbeams) float64 1.298e+05 1.32e+05 ... -1.317e+05 -1.294e+05
    crs_wkt     int64 0
    sweep_mode  <U20 'azimuth_surveillance'
    longitude   float64 153.2
    latitude    float64 -27.72
    altitude    float64 175.0
def plot_matched_refl(sr_data, gr_data, xyz):
    Plotting unmatched SR and GR Reflectivity

    # Input:
    # ------
    gr_data ::: graund radar sweep data
    sr_data ::: satellite data

    # Output:
    # ------
    Plot of SR Refl. and GR Refl.

    plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
    plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
        xyz[..., 0],
        xyz[..., 1],,
    cbar = plt.colorbar(ticks=np.arange(0, 42, 2))
    cbar.set_label("SR Reflectivity (dBz)", fontsize=12)
    plt.xlabel("Longitude (°)", fontsize=12)
    plt.ylabel("Latitude (°)", fontsize=12)
    a = plt.xticks(fontsize=12)
    a = plt.yticks(fontsize=12)
    plt.title("Satellite Radar", fontsize=12, loc="left")

    plt.grid(lw=0.25, color="grey")

    plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
        xyz[..., 0], xyz[..., 1], c=gr_data, s=10, cmap="turbo", vmin=0, vmax=40
    cbar = plt.colorbar(ticks=np.arange(0, 42, 2))
    cbar.set_label("GR Reflectivity (dBz)", fontsize=12)
    plt.xlabel("x (km)", fontsize=12)
    plt.ylabel("y (km)", fontsize=12)
    a = plt.xticks(fontsize=12)
    a = plt.yticks(fontsize=12)
    plt.title("Ground Radar", fontsize=12, loc="left")
    plt.grid(lw=0.25, color="grey")

Ground Radar Reflectivity matched#

mean = obj3.mean(wrl.trafo.idecibel(swp.DBZH).values.ravel())
obj3.zdata.trg.geo["mean"] = wrl.trafo.decibel(mean)
ref_gr_m = obj3.zdata.trg.geo["mean"]
mean = obj3.mean(wrl.trafo.idecibel(ref_gr2sr).values.ravel())
obj3.zdata.trg.geo["mean"] = wrl.trafo.decibel(mean)
ref_gr2sr_m = obj3.zdata.trg.geo["mean"]
# todo: title fig.suptitle("GR vs SR (to_gr)") etc
plot_matched_refl(ref_sr2gr_m, ref_gr_m, xyp_sr)
plt.suptitle("GR vs SR (to_gr)")
Text(0.5, 0.98, 'GR vs SR (to_gr)')
plot_matched_refl(ref_sr_m, ref_gr2sr_m, xyp_sr)
plt.suptitle("GR (to_sr) vs SR")
Text(0.5, 0.98, 'GR (to_sr) vs SR')

Diagnostic Plots#

volcol = sr_match2_sum.vol_sr
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(121, aspect="equal")
    ref_gr_m.values, ref_sr2gr_m.values.ravel(), marker="+", c=volcol, cmap="turbo"
plt.colorbar(label="Matching Volume [m³]")
plt.plot([0, 60], [0, 60], linestyle="solid", color="black")
plt.xlim(10, 50)
plt.ylim(10, 50)
plt.xlabel("GR reflectivity (dBZ)")
plt.ylabel("SR reflectivity (dBZ)")
plt.title(f"Offset GR-SR: {np.nanmedian(ref_gr_m.values - ref_sr2gr_m.values.ravel())}")
ax = fig.add_subplot(122)
    ref_gr_m[ref_gr_m > 10], bins=np.arange(-10, 50, 5), edgecolor="None", label="GR"
    ref_sr2gr_m[ref_sr2gr_m > -10],
    bins=np.arange(-10, 50, 5),
plt.xlabel("Reflectivity (dBZ)")
fig.suptitle("GR vs SR (to_gr)")
Text(0.5, 0.98, 'GR vs SR (to_gr)')
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(121, aspect="equal")
plt.scatter(ref_gr2sr_m, ref_sr_m, marker="+", c=volcol, cmap="turbo")
plt.colorbar(label="Matching Volume [m³]")
plt.plot([0, 60], [0, 60], linestyle="solid", color="black")
plt.xlim(10, 50)
plt.ylim(10, 50)
plt.xlabel("GR reflectivity (dBZ)")
plt.ylabel("SR reflectivity (dBZ)")
plt.title(f"Offset GR-SR: {np.nanmedian(ref_gr2sr_m.values - ref_sr_m.values.ravel())}")
ax = fig.add_subplot(122)
    ref_gr2sr_m[ref_gr2sr_m > 10],
    bins=np.arange(-10, 50, 5),
    ref_sr_m[ref_sr_m > -10],
    bins=np.arange(-10, 50, 5),
plt.xlabel("Reflectivity (dBZ)")
fig.suptitle("GR (to_sr) vs SR")
Text(0.5, 0.98, 'GR (to_sr) vs SR')