#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2011-2023, wradlib developers.
# Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more info.
Raster Functions
.. autosummary::
:toctree: generated/
__all__ = [
__doc__ = __doc__.format("\n ".join(__all__))
import numpy as np
import wradlib
from wradlib import georef
from wradlib.util import import_optional, warn
gdal = import_optional("osgeo.gdal")
gdal_array = import_optional("osgeo.gdal_array")
osr = import_optional("osgeo.osr")
def _pixel_coordinates(nx, ny, mode):
"""Get the pixel coordinates of an image.
nx : int
x size (number of columns)
ny : int
y size (numbers or rows)
mode : str
either 'center' (0.5 1.5 ...) or 'edge' (0 1 ...)
coordinates : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
array containing pixel coordinates (x,y) in image convention
shape is (nrows, ncols, 2) if mode==center
shape is (nrows+1, ncols+1, 2) if mode==edge
if mode == "center":
x = np.linspace(0.5, nx - 0.5, num=nx)
y = np.linspace(0.5, ny - 0.5, num=ny)
if mode == "edge":
x = np.linspace(0, nx, num=nx + 1)
y = np.linspace(0, ny, num=ny + 1)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
coordinates = np.stack((X, Y), axis=-1)
return coordinates
def _pixel_to_map(coordinates, geotransform):
"""Apply a geographical transformation to return map coordinates from
pixel coordinates.
coordinates : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
2d array of pixel coordinates
geotransform : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
geographical transformation vector:
- geotransform[0] = East/West location of Upper Left corner
- geotransform[1] = X pixel size
- geotransform[2] = X pixel rotation
- geotransform[3] = North/South location of Upper Left corner
- geotransform[4] = Y pixel rotation
- geotransform[5] = Y pixel size
coordinates_map : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
2d array with map coordinates (x,y)
coordinates_map = np.empty(coordinates.shape)
coordinates_map[..., 0] = (
+ geotransform[1] * coordinates[..., 0]
+ geotransform[2] * coordinates[..., 1]
coordinates_map[..., 1] = (
+ geotransform[4] * coordinates[..., 0]
+ geotransform[5] * coordinates[..., 1]
return coordinates_map
def read_gdal_coordinates(dataset, *, mode="center"):
"""Get the projected coordinates from a GDAL dataset.
dataset : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.gdal.Dataset`
raster image with georeferencing
mode : str
either 'center' or 'edge'
coordinates : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
Array of shape (nrows,ncols,2) containing xy coordinates.
The array indexing follows image convention with origin
at upper left pixel.
The shape is (nrows+1,ncols+1,2) if mode == edge.
See :ref:`/notebooks/classify/clutter_cloud.ipynb`.
coordinates_pixel = _pixel_coordinates(
dataset.RasterXSize, dataset.RasterYSize, mode
geotransform = dataset.GetGeoTransform()
coordinates = _pixel_to_map(coordinates_pixel, geotransform)
return coordinates
def read_gdal_projection(dataset):
"""Get a projection (OSR object) from a GDAL dataset.
dataset : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.gdal.Dataset`
raster image with georeferencing
crs : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.osr.SpatialReference`
dataset projection object
See :ref:`/notebooks/classify/clutter_cloud.ipynb`.
wkt = dataset.GetProjection()
crs = osr.SpatialReference()
return crs
def read_gdal_values(dataset, *, nodata=None):
"""Read values from a gdal object.
dataset : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.gdal.Dataset`
raster image with georeferencing
nodata : float
replace nodata values
values : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
Array of shape (nrows, ncols) or (nbands, nrows, ncols)
containing the data values.
See :ref:`/notebooks/classify/clutter_cloud.ipynb`.
nbands = dataset.RasterCount
# data values
bands = []
for i in range(nbands):
band = dataset.GetRasterBand(i + 1)
nd = band.GetNoDataValue()
data = band.ReadAsArray()
if nodata is not None:
data[data == nd] = nodata
return np.squeeze(np.array(bands))
def get_raster_extent(dataset, *, geo=False, window=True):
"""Get the coordinates of the 4 corners of the raster dataset
dataset : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.gdal.Dataset`
raster image with georeferencing (GeoTransform at least)
geo : bool
True to get geographical coordinates
window : bool
True to get the window containing the corners
extent : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
corner coordinates [ul,ll,lr,ur] or
window extent [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
x_size = dataset.RasterXSize
y_size = dataset.RasterYSize
geotrans = dataset.GetGeoTransform()
xmin = geotrans[0]
ymax = geotrans[3]
xmax = geotrans[0] + geotrans[1] * x_size
ymin = geotrans[3] + geotrans[5] * y_size
extent = np.array([[xmin, ymax], [xmin, ymin], [xmax, ymin], [xmax, ymax]])
if geo:
crs = read_gdal_projection(dataset)
extent = georef.reproject(extent, src_crs=crs)
if window:
x = extent[:, 0]
y = extent[:, 1]
extent = np.array([x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()])
return extent
def get_raster_elevation(dataset, *, resample=None, **kwargs):
"""Return surface elevation corresponding to raster dataset
The resampling algorithm is chosen based on scale ratio
dataset : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.gdal.Dataset`
raster image with georeferencing (GeoTransform at least)
resample : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.gdalconst.ResampleAlg`
If None the best algorithm is chosen based on scales.
GRA_NearestNeighbour = 0, GRA_Bilinear = 1, GRA_Cubic = 2,
GRA_CubicSpline = 3, GRA_Lanczos = 4, GRA_Average = 5, GRA_Mode = 6,
GRA_Max = 8, GRA_Min = 9, GRA_Med = 10, GRA_Q1 = 11, GRA_Q3 = 12
kwargs : dict
keyword arguments passed to :func:`wradlib.io.dem.get_srtm`
elevation : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
Array of shape (rows, cols, 2) containing elevation
extent = get_raster_extent(dataset)
src_ds = wradlib.io.dem.get_srtm(extent, **kwargs)
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("MEM")
dst_ds = driver.CreateCopy("ds", dataset)
if resample is None:
src_gt = src_ds.GetGeoTransform()
dst_gt = dst_ds.GetGeoTransform()
src_scale = min(abs(src_gt[1]), abs(src_gt[5]))
dst_scale = min(abs(dst_gt[1]), abs(dst_gt[5]))
ratio = dst_scale / src_scale
resample = gdal.GRA_Bilinear
if ratio > 2:
resample = gdal.GRA_Average
if ratio < 0.5:
resample = gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour
src_ds, dst_ds, src_ds.GetProjection(), dst_ds.GetProjection(), resample
elevation = read_gdal_values(dst_ds)
return elevation
def set_raster_origin(data, coords, direction):
"""Converts Data and Coordinates Origin
data : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
Array of shape (rows, cols) or (bands, rows, cols) containing
the data values.
coords : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
Array of shape (rows, cols, 2) containing xy-coordinates.
direction : str
'lower' or 'upper', direction in which to convert data and coordinates.
data : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
Array of shape (rows, cols) or (bands, rows, cols) containing
the data values.
coords : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
Array of shape (rows, cols, 2) containing xy-coordinates.
x_sp, y_sp = coords[1, 1] - coords[0, 0]
origin = "lower" if y_sp > 0 else "upper"
same = origin == direction
if not same:
data = np.flip(data, axis=-2)
coords = np.flip(coords, axis=-3)
return data, coords
def set_raster_indexing(data, coords, *, indexing="xy"):
"""Sets Data and Coordinates Indexing Scheme
This converts data and coordinate layout from row-major to column major indexing.
data : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
Array of shape (..., M, N) containing the data values.
coords : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
Array of shape (..., M, N, 2) containing xy-coordinates.
indexing : str
'xy' or 'ij', indexing scheme in which to convert data and coordinates.
data : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
Array of shape (..., N, M) containing the data values.
coords : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
Array of shape (..., N, M, 2) containing xy-coordinates.
shape = coords.shape[:-1]
if shape != data.shape:
raise ValueError(
f"coordinate shape {coords.shape} and data shape " f"{data.shape} mismatch."
coords = set_coordinate_indexing(coords, indexing=indexing)
# if coordinate shape has changed, we need to transform data too
if coords.shape[:-1] != shape:
data_shape = tuple(range(data.ndim - 2)) + (-1, -2)
data = data.transpose(data_shape)
return data, coords
def set_coordinate_indexing(coords, *, indexing="xy"):
"""Sets Coordinates Indexing Scheme
This converts coordinate layout from row-major to column major indexing.
coords : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
Array of shape (..., M, N, 2) containing xy-coordinates.
indexing : str
'xy' or 'ij', indexing scheme in which to convert data and coordinates.
coords : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
Array of shape (..., N, M, 2) containing xy-coordinates.
is_grid = hasattr(coords, "shape") and coords.ndim >= 3 and coords.shape[-1] == 2
if not is_grid:
raise ValueError(
f"wrong coordinate shape {coords.shape}, " f"(..., M, N, 2) expected."
if indexing not in ["xy", "ij"]:
raise ValueError(f"Unknown indexing value {indexing}. Use either `xy` or `ij`.")
rowcol = coords[0, 0, 1] == coords[0, 1, 1]
convert = (rowcol and indexing == "ij") or (not rowcol and indexing == "xy")
if convert:
coords_shape = tuple(range(coords.ndim - 3)) + (-2, -3, -1)
coords = coords.transpose(coords_shape)
return coords
def reproject_raster_dataset(src_ds, **kwargs):
"""Reproject/Resample given dataset according to keyword arguments
src_ds : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.gdal.Dataset`
raster image with georeferencing (GeoTransform at least)
Keyword Arguments
spacing : float
float or tuple of two floats
pixel spacing of destination dataset, same unit as pixel coordinates
size : int
tuple of two ints
X/YRasterSize of destination dataset
resample : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.gdalconst.ResampleAlg`
defaults to GRA_Bilinear
GRA_NearestNeighbour = 0, GRA_Bilinear = 1, GRA_Cubic = 2,
GRA_CubicSpline = 3, GRA_Lanczos = 4, GRA_Average = 5, GRA_Mode = 6,
GRA_Max = 8, GRA_Min = 9, GRA_Med = 10, GRA_Q1 = 11, GRA_Q3 = 12
projection_source : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.osr.SpatialReference`
source dataset projection, defaults to None (get projection from src_ds)
projection_target : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.osr.SpatialReference`
destination dataset projection, defaults to None
align : bool or tuple
If False, there is no destination grid aligment.
If True, aligns the destination grid to the next integer multiple of
destination grid.
If tuple (upper-left x,y-coordinate), the destination grid is aligned to this point.
dst_ds : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.gdal.Dataset`
reprojected/resampled raster dataset
# checking kwargs
spacing = kwargs.pop("spacing", None)
size = kwargs.pop("size", None)
resample = kwargs.pop("resample", gdal.GRA_Bilinear)
src_crs = kwargs.pop("src_crs", None)
trg_crs = kwargs.pop("trg_crs", None)
align = kwargs.pop("align", False)
if spacing is None and size is None:
raise NameError("Either keyword `spacing` or `size` must be given.")
if spacing is not None and size is not None:
warn("Both `spacing` and `size` kwargs given, `size` will be ignored.")
# Get the GeoTransform vector
src_geo = src_ds.GetGeoTransform()
x_size = src_ds.RasterXSize
y_size = src_ds.RasterYSize
# get extent
ulx = src_geo[0]
uly = src_geo[3]
lrx = src_geo[0] + src_geo[1] * x_size
lry = src_geo[3] + src_geo[5] * y_size
extent = np.array([[[ulx, uly], [lrx, uly]], [[ulx, lry], [lrx, lry]]])
if trg_crs:
# try to load projection from source dataset if None is given
if src_crs is None:
src_proj = src_ds.GetProjection()
if not src_proj:
raise ValueError(
"`src_ds` is missing projection information, please use `src_crs`-kwarg "
"and provide a fitting GDAL OSR SRS object."
src_crs = osr.SpatialReference()
# Transformation
extent = georef.reproject(extent, src_crs=src_crs, trg_crs=trg_crs)
# wkt needed
src_crs = src_crs.ExportToWkt()
trg_crs = trg_crs.ExportToWkt()
(ulx, uly, urx, ury, llx, lly, lrx, lry) = tuple(list(extent.flatten().tolist()))
# align grid to destination raster or UL-corner point
if align:
ulx, uly = align
except TypeError:
ulx = int(max(np.floor(ulx), np.floor(llx)))
uly = int(min(np.ceil(uly), np.ceil(ury)))
lrx = int(min(np.ceil(lrx), np.ceil(urx)))
lry = int(max(np.floor(lry), np.floor(lly)))
# calculate cols/rows or xspacing/yspacing
if spacing:
x_ps, y_ps = spacing
except TypeError:
x_ps = spacing
y_ps = spacing
cols = int(abs(lrx - ulx) / x_ps)
rows = int(abs(uly - lry) / y_ps)
elif size:
cols, rows = size
x_ps = x_size * src_geo[1] / cols
y_ps = y_size * abs(src_geo[5]) / rows
# create destination in-memory raster
mem_drv = gdal.GetDriverByName("MEM")
# and set RasterSize according ro cols/rows
dst_ds = mem_drv.Create("", cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
# Create the destination GeoTransform with changed x/y spacing
dst_geo = (ulx, x_ps, src_geo[2], uly, src_geo[4], -y_ps)
# apply GeoTransform to destination dataset
# apply Projection to destination dataset
if trg_crs is not None:
# nodata handling, need to initialize dst_ds with nodata
src_band = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1)
nodata = src_band.GetNoDataValue()
dst_band = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1)
if nodata is not None:
dst_band.WriteArray(np.ones((rows, cols)) * nodata)
# resample and reproject dataset
gdal.ReprojectImage(src_ds, dst_ds, src_crs, trg_crs, resample)
return dst_ds
def create_raster_dataset(data, coords, *, crs=None, nodata=-9999):
"""Create In-Memory Raster Dataset
data : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
Array of shape (rows, cols) or (bands, rows, cols) containing
the data values.
coords : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
Array of shape (nrows, ncols, 2) containing pixel center coordinates
Array of shape (nrows+1, ncols+1, 2) containing pixel edge coordinates
crs : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.osr.SpatialReference`
Spatial reference system of the used coordinates, defaults to None.
nodata : int
Value of NODATA
dataset : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.gdal.Dataset`
In-Memory raster dataset
The origin of the provided data and coordinates is UPPER LEFT.
# align data
data = data.copy()
if data.ndim == 2:
data = data[np.newaxis, ...]
bands, rows, cols = data.shape
# create In-Memory Raster with correct dtype
mem_drv = gdal.GetDriverByName("MEM")
gdal_type = gdal_array.NumericTypeCodeToGDALTypeCode(data.dtype)
dataset = mem_drv.Create("", cols, rows, bands, gdal_type)
# initialize geotransform
x_ps, y_ps = coords[1, 1] - coords[0, 0]
if data.shape[-2:] == coords.shape[0:2]:
upper_corner_x = coords[0, 0, 0] - x_ps / 2
upper_corner_y = coords[0, 0, 1] - y_ps / 2
upper_corner_x = coords[0, 0, 0]
upper_corner_y = coords[0, 0, 1]
geotran = [upper_corner_x, x_ps, 0, upper_corner_y, 0, y_ps]
if crs:
# set np.nan to nodata
for i, band in enumerate(data, start=1):
return dataset
def merge_raster_datasets(datasets, **kwargs):
"""Merge rasters.
datasets : list
list of :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.gdal.Dataset`
raster images with georeferencing
kwargs : dict
keyword arguments passed to gdal.Warp()
dataset : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.gdal.Dataset`
merged raster dataset
dataset = gdal.Warp("", datasets, format="MEM", **kwargs)
return dataset
def raster_to_polyvert(dataset):
"""Get raster polygonal vertices from gdal dataset.
dataset : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.gdal.Dataset`
raster image with georeferencing (GeoTransform at least)
polyvert : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
A N-d array of polygon vertices with shape (..., 5, 2).
rastercoords = read_gdal_coordinates(dataset, mode="edge")
polyvert = georef.grid_to_polyvert(rastercoords)
return polyvert