


wradlib.vpr.make_3d_grid(site, crs, maxrange, maxalt, horiz_res, vert_res, *, minalt=0.0)[source]#

Generate Cartesian coordinates for a regular 3-D grid based on radar specs.

  • site (tuple) – Radar location coordinates in lon, lat

  • crs (osgeo.osr.SpatialReference) – GDAL OSR SRS describing projection

  • maxrange (float) – maximum radar range (same unit as CRS defined by crs, typically meters)

  • maxalt (float) – maximum altitude to which the 3-d grid should extend (meters)

  • horiz_res (float) – horizontal resolution of the 3-d grid (same unit as CRS defined by crs, typically meters)

  • vert_res (float) – vertical resolution of the 3-d grid (meters)

  • minalt (float, optional) – minimum altitude to which the 3-d grid should extend (meters), defaults to 0.


output (numpy.ndarray, tuple) – float array of shape (num grid points, 3), a tuple of 3 representing the grid shape