Source code for wradlib.vis

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011-2023, wradlib developers.
# Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more info.


Standard plotting and mapping procedures.

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/

__all__ = [
__doc__ = __doc__.format("\n   ".join(__all__))

import collections

import numpy as np
from import CRS
from xradar.georeference import get_crs

from wradlib import georef, io, ipol, util

plt = util.import_optional("matplotlib.pyplot")
axes = util.import_optional("matplotlib.axes")
lines = util.import_optional("matplotlib.lines")
patches = util.import_optional("matplotlib.patches")
coll = util.import_optional("matplotlib.collections")
mpl_proj = util.import_optional("matplotlib.projections")
tick = util.import_optional("matplotlib.ticker")
trans = util.import_optional("matplotlib.transforms")
axisartist = util.import_optional("mpl_toolkits.axisartist")
angle_helper = util.import_optional("mpl_toolkits.axisartist.angle_helper")
osr = util.import_optional("osgeo.osr")
cartopy = util.import_optional("cartopy")
cmweather = util.import_optional("cmweather")

if util.has_import(cmweather):
    wrl_cmap = "HomeyerRainbow"
    wrl_cmap = "turbo"

[docs] def plot_ppi_crosshair( site, ranges, angles=None, crs=None, elev=0.0, ax=None, **kwargs ): """Plots a Crosshair for a Plan Position Indicator (PPI). Parameters ---------- site : tuple Tuple of coordinates of the radar site. If `crs` is not used, this simply becomes the offset for the origin of the coordinate system. If `crs` is used, values must be given as (longitude, latitude, altitude) tuple of geographical coordinates. ranges : list List of ranges, for which range circles should be drawn. If ``crs`` is None arbitrary units may be used (such that they fit with the underlying PPI plot). Otherwise the ranges must be given in meters. angles : list, optional List of angles (in degrees) for which straight lines should be drawn. These lines will be drawn starting from the center and until the largest range. Defaults to [0, 90, 180, 270]. crs : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.osr.SpatialReference` GDAL OSR Spatial Reference Object describing projection The function will calculate lines and circles according to georeferenced coordinates taking beam propagation, earth's curvature and scale effects due to projection into account. Depending on the projection, crosshair lines might not be straight and range circles might appear elliptical (also check if the aspect of the axes might not also be responsible for this). elev : float or :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` float or array of same shape as az Elevation angle of the scan or individual azimuths. May improve georeferencing coordinates for larger elevation angles. Defaults to 0. ax : :class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.axes.Axes` If given, the crosshair will be plotted into this axes object. If None matplotlib's current axes (function gca()) concept will be used to determine the axes. Keyword Arguments ----------------- line : dict dictionary, which will be passed to the crosshair line objects using the standard keyword inheritance mechanism. If not given defaults will be used. circle : dict dictionary, which will be passed to the range circle line objects using the standard keyword inheritance mechanism. If not given defaults will be used. See also -------- :func:`~wradlib.vis.plot_ppi` - plotting a PPI in cartesian coordinates Returns ------- ax : :class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.axes.Axes` The axes object into which the PPI was plotted Examples -------- See :ref:`/notebooks/visualisation/plot_ppi.ipynb`. """ # check coordinate tuple if site and len(site) < 3: raise ValueError( "`site` need to be a sequence of coordinates " "`longitude`, `latitude`, `altitude`." ) # if we didn't get an axes object, find the current one if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if angles is None: angles = [0, 90, 180, 270] # set default line keywords linekw = dict(color="gray", linestyle="dashed") # update with user settings linekw.update(kwargs.get("line", {})) # set default circle keywords circkw = dict(edgecolor="gray", linestyle="dashed", facecolor="none") # update with user settings circkw.update(kwargs.get("circle", {})) # determine coordinates for 'straight' lines if crs: # projected # reproject the site coordinates psite = georef.reproject(*site, trg_crs=crs) # these lines might not be straight, so we approximate them with 10 # segments. Produce polar coordinates rr, az = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, ranges[-1], 10), angles) # convert from spherical to projection coords = georef.spherical_to_proj(rr, az, elev, site, crs=crs) nsewx = coords[..., 0] nsewy = coords[..., 1] else: # no projection psite = site rr, az = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, ranges[-1], 2), angles) # use simple trigonometry to calculate coordinates nsewx, nsewy = ( psite[0] + rr * np.cos(np.radians(90 - az)), psite[1] + rr * np.sin(np.radians(90 - az)), ) # mark the site, just in case nothing else would be drawn ax.plot(*psite[:2], marker="+", **linekw) # draw the lines for i in range(len(angles)): ax.add_line(lines.Line2D(nsewx[i, :], nsewy[i, :], **linekw)) # draw the range circles if crs: # produce an approximation of the circle x, y = np.meshgrid(ranges, np.arange(360)) poly = georef.spherical_to_proj(ranges, np.arange(360), elev, site, crs=crs)[ ..., :2 ] poly = np.swapaxes(poly, 0, 1) for p in poly: ax.add_patch(patches.Polygon(p, **circkw)) else: # in the unprojected case, we may use 'true' circles. for r in ranges: ax.add_patch(patches.Circle(psite, r, **circkw)) # there should be not much wrong, setting the axes aspect to equal # by default ax.set_aspect("equal") # return the axes object for later use return ax
[docs] def create_cg( *, fig=None, subplot=111, rot=-450, scale=-1, angular_spacing=10, radial_spacing=10, latmin=0, lon_cycle=360, ): """ Helper function to create curvelinear grid The function makes use of the Matplotlib `AXISARTIST <>`_ toolkit. Here are some limitations to normal Matplotlib Axes. While using the Matplotlib `AxesGrid1 Toolkit \ <>`_ most of the limitations can be overcome. See `Overview of axes_grid1 toolkit \ <>`_. Parameters ---------- fig : :py:class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.figure.Figure` If given, the PPI/RHI will be plotted into this figure object. Axes are created as needed. If None a new figure object will be created or current figure will be used, depending on "subplot". subplot : :class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.gridspec.SubplotSpec` nrows/ncols/plotnumber, see examples section defaults to '111', only one subplot rot : float Rotation of the source data in degrees, defaults to -450 for PPI, use 0 for RHI scale : float Scale of source data, defaults to -1. for PPI, use 1 for RHI angular_spacing : float Spacing of the angular grid, defaults to 10. radial_spacing : float Spacing of the radial grid, defaults to 10. latmin : float Startvalue for radial grid, defaults to 0. lon_cycle : float Angular cycle, defaults to 360. Returns ------- cgax : :py:class:`matplotlib:mpl_toolkits.axisartist.axis_artist.AxisArtist` curvelinear Axes (r-theta-grid) caax : :py:class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.axes.Axes` matplotlib Axes object (twin to cgax) Cartesian Axes (x-y-grid) for plotting cartesian data paax : :py:class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.axes.Axes` matplotlib Axes object (parasite to cgax) The parasite axes object for plotting polar data """ # create transformation # rotate tr_rotate = trans.Affine2D().translate(rot, 0) # scale tr_scale = trans.Affine2D().scale(scale * np.pi / 180, 1) # polar tr_polar = mpl_proj.PolarAxes.PolarTransform(apply_theta_transforms=False) tr = tr_rotate + tr_scale + tr_polar # build up curvelinear grid extreme_finder = angle_helper.ExtremeFinderCycle( 360, 360, lon_cycle=lon_cycle, lat_cycle=None, lon_minmax=None, lat_minmax=(latmin, np.inf), ) # locator and formatter for angular annotation grid_locator1 = angle_helper.LocatorDMS(lon_cycle // angular_spacing) tick_formatter1 = angle_helper.FormatterDMS() # grid_helper for curvelinear grid grid_helper = axisartist.GridHelperCurveLinear( tr, extreme_finder=extreme_finder, grid_locator1=grid_locator1, grid_locator2=None, tick_formatter1=tick_formatter1, tick_formatter2=None, ) # try to set nice locations for radial gridlines grid_locator2 = grid_helper.grid_finder.grid_locator2 grid_locator2._nbins = (radial_spacing * 2 + 1) // np.sqrt(2) # if there is no figure object given if fig is None: # create new figure if there is only one subplot if subplot == 111: fig = plt.figure() # otherwise get current figure or create new figure else: fig = plt.gcf() # generate Axis cgax = fig.add_subplot( subplot, axes_class=axisartist.HostAxes, grid_helper=grid_helper ) # get twin axis for cartesian grid caax = cgax.twin() # move axis annotation from right to left and top to bottom for # cartesian axis caax.toggle_axisline() # make right and top axis visible and show ticklabels (curvelinear axis) cgax.axis["top", "right"].set_visible(True) cgax.axis["top", "right"].major_ticklabels.set_visible(True) # make ticklabels of left and bottom axis invisible (curvelinear axis) cgax.axis["left", "bottom"].major_ticklabels.set_visible(False) # and also set tickmarklength to zero for better presentation # (curvelinear axis) cgax.axis["top", "right", "left", "bottom"].major_ticks.set_ticksize(0) # show theta (angles) on top and right axis cgax.axis["top"].get_helper().nth_coord_ticks = 0 cgax.axis["right"].get_helper().nth_coord_ticks = 0 # generate and add parasite axes with given transform paax = cgax.get_aux_axes(tr, "equal") # note that paax.transData == tr + cgax.transData # Anything you draw in paax will match the ticks and grids of cgax. cgax.parasites.append(paax) return cgax, caax, paax
def _height_formatter(x, pos, *, cg=False, scale=1.0, er=6371000.0): if not cg: er = 0 x = (x - er) / scale fmt_str = f"{x:g}" return fmt_str def _range_formatter(x, pos, *, scale=1.0): x = x / scale fmt_str = f"{x:g}" return fmt_str def _plot_beam(r, alt, beamradius, *, ax=None, label=None): """Plot single beam on ax""" if label is None: label = "" if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() center = ax.plot(r, alt, "-k", linewidth=0.5, alpha=1.0, label="_Center", zorder=1) edge = ax.plot( r, (alt + beamradius), ":k", linewidth=0.5, alpha=1.0, label="_Edge", zorder=1 ) ax.plot(r, (alt - beamradius), ":k", linewidth=0.2, alpha=1.0, zorder=1) fill = ax.fill_between( r, (alt - beamradius), (alt + beamradius), label=label, alpha=0.45, zorder=1 ) return fill, center, edge
[docs] def plot_scan_strategy( ranges, elevs, site, *, beamwidth=1.0, vert_res=500.0, maxalt=10000.0, range_res=None, maxrange=None, units="m", terrain=None, az=0.0, cg=False, ax=111, cmap="tab10", ): """Plot the vertical scanning strategy. Parameters ---------- ranges : sequence of float or :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` sequence or array of float ranges elevs : sequence of float or :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` elevation angles site : sequence of tuple or :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` radar site coordinates (longitude, latitude, altitude) beamwidth : float 3dB width of the radar beam, defaults to 1.0 deg. vert_res : float Vertical resolution in [m]. maxalt : float Maximum altitude in [m]. range_res : float Horizontal resolution in [m]. maxrange : float Maximum range in [m]. units : str Units to plot in, can be 'm' or 'km'. Defaults to 'm'. terrain : bool or :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` If True, downloads srtm data and add orography for given `az`. az : float Used to specify azimuth for terrain plots. cg : bool If True, plot in curvelinear grid, defaults to False (cartesian grid). ax : :class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.axes.Axes` or :class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.gridspec.SubplotSpec` If matplotlib Axes object is given, the scan strategy will be plotted into this axes object. If matplotlib grid definition is given (nrows/ncols/plotnumber), axis are created in the specified place. Defaults to '111', only one subplot/axis. cmap : str matplotlib colormap string. Returns ------- ax : :class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.axes.Axes` matplotlib Axes or curvelinear Axes (matplotlib toolkit axisartist Axes object, r-theta-grid) depending on keyword argument `cg`. """ if units == "m": scale = 1.0 elif units == "km": scale = 1000.0 else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown value for `units`.kwarg {units!r}") az = np.array([az]) if maxrange is None: maxrange = ranges.max() xyz, rad = georef.spherical_to_xyz(ranges, az, elevs, site, squeeze=True) add_title = "" if terrain is True: add_title += f" - Azimuth {az[0]}°" ll = georef.reproject(xyz, src_crs=rad) # (down-)load srtm data ds = io.get_srtm( [ll[..., 0].min(), ll[..., 0].max(), ll[..., 1].min(), ll[..., 1].max()], ) rastervalues, rastercoords, crs = georef.extract_raster_dataset( ds, nodata=-32768.0 ) # map rastervalues to polar grid points terrain = ipol.cart_to_irregular_spline( rastercoords, rastervalues, ll[-1, ..., :2], order=3, prefilter=False ) if ax == 111: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 8)) else: fig = plt.gcf() legend2 = {} if cg is True: ax, caax, paax = create_cg(fig=fig, subplot=ax, rot=0, scale=1) # for nice plotting we assume earth_radius = 6371000 m # this is the default value # todo: make this default in whole codebase er = 6371000 # calculate beam_height and arc_distance for ke=1 # means line of sight ade = georef.bin_distance(ranges, 0, site[2], ke=1.0) nn0 = np.zeros_like(ranges) ecp = nn0 + er # theta (arc_distance sector angle) thetap = -np.degrees(ade / er) + 90.0 # zero degree elevation with standard refraction (bes,) = paax.plot(thetap, ecp, "-k", linewidth=3, label="_MSL", zorder=3) legend2["MSL"] = bes if terrain is not None: paax.fill_between( thetap, ecp.min() - 2500, ecp + terrain, color="0.75", zorder=2 ) # axes layout ax.set_xlim(0, np.max(ade)) ax.set_ylim([ecp.min() - maxalt / 5, ecp.max() + maxalt]) caax.grid(True, axis="x") ax.grid(True, axis="y") ax.axis["top"].toggle(all=False) gh = ax.get_grid_helper() yrange = maxalt + maxalt / 5 nbins = ((yrange // vert_res) * 2 + 1) // np.sqrt(2) gh.grid_finder.grid_locator2._nbins = nbins else: ax = fig.add_subplot(ax) paax = ax caax = ax if terrain is not None: paax.fill_between(ranges, 0, terrain, color="0.75", zorder=2) ax.set_xlim(0.0, maxrange) ax.set_ylim(0.0, maxalt) ax.grid() # axes ticks and formatting if range_res is not None: xloc = range_res caax.xaxis.set_major_locator(tick.MultipleLocator(xloc)) else: caax.xaxis.set_major_locator(tick.MaxNLocator()) yloc = vert_res caax.yaxis.set_major_locator(tick.MultipleLocator(yloc)) import functools hform = functools.partial(_height_formatter, cg=cg, scale=scale) rform = functools.partial(_range_formatter, scale=scale) caax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(tick.FuncFormatter(hform)) caax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(tick.FuncFormatter(rform)) # color management from cycler import cycler NUM_COLORS = len(elevs) cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) if cmap.N >= 256: colors = [cmap(1.0 * i / NUM_COLORS) for i in range(NUM_COLORS)] else: colors = cmap.colors cycle = cycler(color=colors) paax.set_prop_cycle(cycle) # correctly handle single/multiple elevations if xyz.ndim == 2: xyz = xyz[np.newaxis, ...] # plot beams for i, el in enumerate(elevs): alt = xyz[i, ..., 2] groundrange = np.sqrt(xyz[i, ..., 0] ** 2 + xyz[i, ..., 1] ** 2) if cg: plrange = thetap plalt = ecp + alt beamradius = util.half_power_radius(ranges, beamwidth) else: plrange = np.insert(groundrange, 0, 0) plalt = np.insert(alt, 0, site[2]) beamradius = util.half_power_radius(plrange, beamwidth) _, center, edge = _plot_beam( plrange, plalt, beamradius, label=f"{el:4.1f}°", ax=paax ) # legend 1 handles, labels = paax.get_legend_handles_labels() leg1 = ax.legend( handles, labels, prop={"family": "monospace"}, loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.04, 1), borderaxespad=0, ) # legend 2 legend2["Center"] = center[0] legend2["3 dB"] = edge[0] ax.legend( legend2.values(), legend2.keys(), prop={"family": "monospace"}, loc="lower left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.04, 0), borderaxespad=0, ) # add legend 1 ax.add_artist(leg1) # set axes labels ax.set_title(f"Radar Scan Strategy - {site}" + add_title) caax.set_xlabel(f"Range ({units})") caax.set_ylabel(f"Altitude ({units})") return ax
[docs] def plot_plan_and_vert(x, y, z, dataxy, datazx, datazy, *, unit="", title="", **kwargs): """Plot 2-D plan view of ``dataxy`` together with vertical sections \ ``dataxz`` and ``datazy`` Parameters ---------- x : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` array of x-axis coordinates y : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` array of y-axis coordinates z : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` array of z-axis coordinates dataxy : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` 2d array of shape (len(x), len(y)) datazx : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` 2d array of shape (len(z), len(x)) datazy : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` 2d array of shape (len(z), len(y)) unit : str unit of data arrays title: str figure title Keyword Arguments ----------------- **kwargs : dict other kwargs which can be passed to :func:`matplotlib:matplotlib.pyplot.contourf` """ plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) # define axes left, bottom, width, height = 0.1, 0.1, 0.6, 0.2 ax_xy = plt.axes((left, bottom, width, width)) ax_x = plt.axes((left, bottom + width, width, height)) ax_y = plt.axes((left + width, bottom, height, width)) ax_cb = plt.axes((left + width + height + 0.02, bottom, 0.02, width)) # set axis label formatters ax_x.xaxis.set_major_formatter(tick.NullFormatter()) ax_y.yaxis.set_major_formatter(tick.NullFormatter()) # draw CAPPI xy = plt.contourf(x, y, dataxy, **kwargs) plt.grid(color="grey", lw=1.5) # draw colorbar cb = plt.colorbar(xy, cax=ax_cb) cb.set_label(f"({unit})") # draw upper vertical profil ax_x.contourf(x, z, datazx, **kwargs) # draw right vertical profil ax_y.contourf(z, y, datazy.T, **kwargs) # label axes ax_xy.set_xlabel("x (km)") ax_xy.set_ylabel("y (km)") ax_x.set_xlabel("") ax_x.set_ylabel("z (km)") ax_y.set_ylabel("") ax_y.set_xlabel("z (km)") def xycoords(x, pos): """The two args are the value and tick position""" return f"{x / 1000:.0f}" xyformatter = tick.FuncFormatter(xycoords) def zcoords(x, pos): """The two args are the value and tick position""" return f"{x // 1000:.0f}" zformatter = tick.FuncFormatter(zcoords) ax_xy.xaxis.set_major_formatter(xyformatter) ax_xy.yaxis.set_major_formatter(xyformatter) ax_x.yaxis.set_major_formatter(zformatter) ax_y.xaxis.set_major_formatter(zformatter) if not title == "": # add a title - here, we have to create a new axes object which will # be invisible then the invisible axes will get a title tax = plt.axes( (left, bottom + width + height + 0.01, width + height, 0.01), frameon=False, facecolor="none", ) tax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) tax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.title(title)
[docs] def plot_max_plan_and_vert(x, y, z, data, *, unit="", title="", **kwargs): """Plot according to <plot_plan_and_vert> with the maximum values along the three axes of ``data`` Examples -------- See :ref:`/notebooks/workflow/recipe2.ipynb`. """ plot_plan_and_vert( x, y, z, np.max(data, axis=-3), np.max(data, axis=-2), np.max(data, axis=-1), unit=unit, title=title, **kwargs, )
[docs] def add_lines(ax, lines, **kwargs): """Add lines (points in the form Nx2) to axes Add lines (points in the form Nx2) to existing axes ax using :class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.collections.LineCollection`. Parameters ---------- ax : :class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.axes.Axes` lines : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` nested Nx2 array(s) kwargs : :class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.collections.LineCollection` Examples -------- See :ref:`/notebooks/visualisation/gis_overlay.ipynb`. """ try: ax.add_collection(coll.LineCollection([lines], **kwargs)) except AssertionError: ax.add_collection(coll.LineCollection([lines[None, ...]], **kwargs)) except ValueError: for line in lines: add_lines(ax, line, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_patches(ax, patch_array, **kwargs): """Add patches (points in the form Nx2) to axes Add patches (points in the form Nx2) to existing axes ax using :class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection`. Parameters ---------- ax : :class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.axes.Axes` the axes object to plot on patch_array : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` nested Nx2 array(s) kwargs : :class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection` Examples -------- See :ref:`/notebooks/visualisation/gis_overlay.ipynb`. """ try: ax.add_collection(coll.PolyCollection([patch_array], **kwargs)) except AssertionError: ax.add_collection(coll.PolyCollection([patch_array[None, ...]], **kwargs)) except ValueError: for patch in patch_array: add_patches(ax, patch, **kwargs)
def _plot_cg( da, *, ax=111, fig=None, crs=None, func="pcolormesh", **kwargs, ): if da.sweep_mode == "azimuth_surveillance": cg = {"rot": -450, "scale": -1} else: cg = {"rot": 0, "scale": 1} if isinstance(crs, cg.update(crs) if isinstance(ax, axes.Axes): try: caax = ax.parasites[0] paax = ax.parasites[1] except AttributeError as err: raise TypeError( "If `crs='cg'` `ax` need to be of type " "`mpl_toolkits.axisartist.SubplotHost`." ) from err else: # axes object is given if fig is None: if ax == 111: # create new figure if there is only one subplot fig = plt.figure() else: # assume current figure fig = plt.gcf() # create curvelinear axes ax, caax, paax = create_cg(fig=fig, subplot=ax, **cg) # this is in fact the outermost thick "ring" rdiff = da.range[1] - da.range[0] ax.axis["lon"] = ax.new_floating_axis( 1, (np.max(da.bins.values) + rdiff.values / 2.0) ) ax.axis["lon"].major_ticklabels.set_visible(False) # and also set tickmarklength to zero for better presentation ax.axis["lon"].major_ticks.set_ticksize(0) # set clip-box, needed if user adapts x/y-limits (e.g. RHI) ax.axis["lon"].set_clip_box( trans.TransformedBbox(trans.Bbox([[0, 0], [1, 1]]), ax.transAxes) ) infer_intervals = kwargs.pop("infer_intervals", False) if func == "pcolormesh": kwargs.update(dict(shading="auto")) # strip colorbar kwargs from kwargs # we do not let create xarray the colorbar add_colorbar = kwargs.pop("add_colorbar", None) cbar_kwargs = kwargs.pop("cbar_kwargs", {}) kwargs["add_colorbar"] = False # claim xarray plot function and create plot plotfunc = getattr(da.plot, func) pm = plotfunc( x="rays", y="bins", ax=paax, infer_intervals=infer_intervals, **kwargs, ) # set cg grids and limits, colorbar if da.sweep_mode == "azimuth_surveillance": xlims = np.min(da.x), np.max(da.x) ylims = np.min(da.y), np.max(da.y) else: xlims = np.min(, np.max( ylims = np.min(da.z), np.max(da.z) # handle extents and activate grids ax.set_ylim(ylims) ax.set_xlim(xlims) ax.grid(True) caax.set_ylim(ylims) caax.set_xlim(xlims) caax.grid(True) # create our own colorbar for curvelinear grids if add_colorbar is not False: cbar = plt.colorbar(pm, ax=[ax, caax, paax], **cbar_kwargs) def _get_label(da): attrs = da.attrs name = attrs.get("long_name", units = attrs.get("units", False) label = f"{name}" if units: label += f" [{units}]" return label xl = da["gr"] if da.sweep_mode == "rhi" else da["x"] yl = da["z"] if da.sweep_mode == "rhi" else da["y"] caax.set_xlabel(_get_label(xl)) caax.set_ylabel(_get_label(yl)) cbar.set_label(_get_label(da)) # apply box aspect for PPI if da.sweep_mode == "azimuth_surveillance": ax.set_box_aspect(1) caax.set_box_aspect(1) paax.set_box_aspect(1) # set ax as current return pm
[docs] def plot( da, *, ax=111, fig=None, crs=None, func="pcolormesh", **kwargs, ): """Plot Plan Position Indicator (PPI) or Range Height Indicator (RHI). The implementation of this plot routine is in cartesian axes and does all coordinate transforms using xarray machinery. This allows zooming into the data as well as making it easier to plot additional data (like gauge locations) without having to convert them to the radar's polar coordinate system. Using ``crs='cg'`` the plotting is done in a curvelinear grid axes. Additional data can be plotted in polar coordinates or cartesian coordinates depending on which axes object is used. ``**kwargs`` may be used to try to influence the :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh`, :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.contour`, :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.contourf` and :func:`wradlib.georef.polar.spherical_to_proj` routines under the hood. Parameters ---------- da : xarray.DataArray DataArray to plot crs : :py:class:``, dict or None cartopy CRS Coordinate Reference System describing projection If this parameter is not None, ``site`` must be set properly. Then the function will attempt to georeference the radar bins and display the PPI in the coordinate system defined by the projection string. fig : :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` If given, the PPI/RHI will be plotted into this figure object. Axes are created as needed. If None, a new figure object will be created or current figure will be used, depending on ``ax``. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` or :class:`matplotlib.gridspec.SubplotSpec` If matplotlib Axes object is given, the PPI will be plotted into this axes object. If matplotlib grid definition is given (nrows/ncols/plotnumber), axis are created in the specified place. Defaults to '111', only one subplot/axis. func : str Name of plotting function to be used under the hood. Defaults to 'pcolormesh'. 'contour' and 'contourf' can be selected too. Keyword Arguments ----------------- cmap : str, optional matplotlib colormap string. Defaults to wradlib default colormap, which is either `Homeyer_Rainbow` if `cmweather` is installed or `turbo`. zorder : int, optional Lower zorder values are drawn first. Defaults to 0. kwargs : dict, optional Further kwargs, which are propagated to xarray plotting functions. Returns ------- pm : :class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh` or \ :class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet` The result of the plotting function. Necessary, if you want to add a colorbar to the plot. Note ---- If ``crs`` contains a curvelinear grid dict, the ``cgax`` - curvelinear Axes (r-theta-grid) is returned. ``caax`` - Cartesian Axes (x-y-grid) and ``paax`` - parasite axes object for plotting polar data can be derived like this:: cgax = plt.gca() caax = cgax.parasites[0] paax = cgax.parasites[1] The function :func:`~wradlib.vis.create_cg` uses the Matplotlib `AXISARTIST <>`_ namespace. Here are some limitations to normal Matplotlib Axes (see `AXES_GRID1 <>`_). Examples -------- See :ref:`/notebooks/visualisation/plot_ppi.ipynb`, and :ref:`/notebooks/visualisation/plot_curvelinear_grids.ipynb`. """ # fix for correct zorder of data and grid kwargs["zorder"] = kwargs.pop("zorder", 0) kwargs["cmap"] = kwargs.get("cmap", wrl_cmap) # handle curvelinear grid properties if crs == "cg" or isinstance(crs, return _plot_cg(da, ax=ax, fig=fig, crs=crs, func=func, **kwargs) # convert OSR crs to cartopy crs via pyproj if util.has_import(osr) and util.has_import(cartopy): if isinstance(crs, osr.SpatialReference): proj_crs = CRS.from_wkt(crs.ExportToWkt(["FORMAT=WKT2_2018"])) crs = # no axes object given if not isinstance(ax, axes.Axes): # no figure object given if fig is None: if not plt.get_fignums(): # create new figure if there is None fig = plt.figure() else: # otherwise assume current figure fig = plt.gcf() # create axes object from given ax = fig.add_subplot(ax, projection=crs) infer_intervals = kwargs.pop("infer_intervals", True) xp, yp = ("x", "y") if da.sweep_mode == "azimuth_surveillance" else ("gr", "z") # use cartopy, if available if hasattr(ax, "projection") and util.has_import(cartopy): data_crs = get_crs(da.to_dataset(name="array-projection")) if data_crs.is_projected: map_trans = elif data_crs.is_geographic: map_trans = else: util.warn( "No valid CRS object found. Given CRS object is not projected. " "Falling back to" ) map_trans = kwargs.update({"transform": map_trans}) # handle aspect for PPI if da.sweep_mode == "azimuth_surveillance": ax.set_box_aspect(1) # handle colorbar sizes # special case contour to align with xarray if kwargs.get("add_colorbar", None) is not False and func != "contour": cbar_kwargs = kwargs.pop("cbar_kwargs", {}) if not cbar_kwargs: cbar_kwargs.setdefault("fraction", 0.045) kwargs["cbar_kwargs"] = cbar_kwargs # claim xarray plot function and create plot plotfunc = getattr(da.plot, func) pm = plotfunc( x=xp, y=yp, ax=ax, infer_intervals=infer_intervals, **kwargs, ) return pm
[docs] class VisMethods(util.XarrayMethods): """wradlib xarray SubAccessor methods for visualization."""
[docs] @util.docstring(plot) def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): if not isinstance(self, VisMethods): return plot(self, *args, **kwargs) else: return plot(self._obj, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @util.docstring(plot) def pcolormesh(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("func", "pcolormesh") return self.plot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @util.docstring(plot) def contour(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("func", "contour") return self.plot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @util.docstring(plot) def contourf(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("func", "contourf") return self.plot(*args, **kwargs)
if __name__ == "__main__": print("wradlib: Calling module <vis> as main...")