Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011-2023, wradlib developers.
# Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more info.

Reading DX and RADOLAN data from German Weather Service

Additionally to the binary composite formats DWD also provides data in ASCII
format, which have a very limited header and need to extract product and
datetime from the filename. Use on your own risk.

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/

__all__ = [
__doc__ = __doc__.format("\n   ".join(__all__))

import datetime as dt
import io
import re

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from wradlib import util
from wradlib.georef import projection, rect
from import WradlibVariable

osr = util.import_optional("osgeo.osr")

# current DWD file naming pattern (2008) for example:
# raa00-dx_10488-200608050000-drs---bin
dwdpattern = re.compile("raa..-(..)[_-]([0-9]{5})-([0-9]*)-(.*?)---bin")
# RW_20221015-0050.asc
dwdascii = re.compile("(..)_([0-9]*)-([0-9]*).asc")

dwdradarmapping = {
    10103: "asb",
    10132: "boo",
    10488: "drs",
    10780: "eis",
    10410: "ess",
    10908: "fbg",
    10440: "fld",
    10339: "hnr",
    10873: "isn",
    10950: "mem",
    10557: "neu",
    10605: "nhb",
    10629: "oft",
    10392: "pro",
    10169: "ros",
    10832: "tur",
    10356: "umd",
dwdlocs = {
    "asb": {"height": 36.22, "lat": 53.564129, "lon": 6.748317},
    "boo": {"height": 124.56, "lat": 54.004381, "lon": 10.046899},
    "drs": {"height": 263.36, "lat": 51.124639, "lon": 13.768639},
    "eis": {"height": 799.08, "lat": 49.540667, "lon": 12.402788},
    "ess": {"height": 185.11, "lat": 51.405649, "lon": 6.967111},
    "fbg": {"height": 1516.1, "lat": 47.873611, "lon": 8.003611},
    "fld": {"height": 627.88, "lat": 51.311197, "lon": 8.801998},
    "hnr": {"height": 97.78, "lat": 52.460083, "lon": 9.694533},
    "isn": {"height": 677.77, "lat": 48.174705, "lon": 12.101779},
    "mem": {"height": 724.4, "lat": 48.042145, "lon": 10.219222},
    "neu": {"height": 879.65, "lat": 50.500114, "lon": 11.135034},
    "nhb": {"height": 585.85, "lat": 50.109656, "lon": 6.548328},
    "oft": {"height": 245.8, "lat": 49.984745, "lon": 8.712933},
    "pro": {"height": 193.92, "lat": 52.648667, "lon": 13.858212},
    "ros": {"height": 37.05, "lat": 54.17566, "lon": 12.058076},
    "tur": {"height": 767.62, "lat": 48.585379, "lon": 9.782675},
    "umd": {"height": 185.2, "lat": 52.160096, "lon": 11.176091},

def _get_timestamp_from_filename(filename, *, pattern=dwdpattern):
    """Helper function doing the actual work of get_dx_timestamp"""
    if pattern is dwdpattern:
        time =
        if len(time) == 10:
            time = "20" + time
        pat =
        time = +
    return dt.datetime.strptime(time, "%Y%m%d%H%M")

def get_dx_timestamp(name):
    """Converts a dx-timestamp (as part of a dx-product filename) to a
    python datetime.object.

    name : str
        representing a DWD product name

    time : :py:class:`datetime.datetime`
        timezone-aware datetime.datetime object
    return _get_timestamp_from_filename(name).replace(tzinfo=util.UTC())

def unpack_dx(raw):
    """function removes DWD-DX-product bit-13 zero packing"""
    # data is encoded in the first 12 bits
    data = 4095
    # the zero compression flag is bit 13
    flag = 4096

    beam = []

    # # naive version
    # # 49193 function calls in 0.772 CPU seconds
    # # 20234 function calls in 0.581 CPU seconds
    # for item in raw:
    #     if item & flag:
    #         beam.extend([0]* (item & data))
    #     else:
    #         beam.append(item & data)

    # performance version - hopefully
    # 6204 function calls in 0.149 CPU seconds

    # get all compression cases
    flagged = np.where(raw & flag)[0]

    # if there is no zero in the whole data, we can return raw as it is
    if flagged.size == 0:
        if raw.size != 128:
            raise OSError(
                f"DX decoding data size mismatch. Expected size of 128, but got {raw.size}."
        return raw

    # everything until the first flag is normal data
    beam.extend(raw[0 : flagged[0]])

    # iterate over all flags except the last one
    for this, nxt in zip(flagged[:-1], flagged[1:]):
        # create as many zeros as there are given within the flagged
        # byte's data part
        beam.extend([0] * (raw[this] & data))
        # append the data until the next flag
        beam.extend(raw[this + 1 : nxt])

    # process the last flag
    # add zeroes
    beam.extend([0] * (raw[flagged[-1]] & data))

    # add remaining data
    beam.extend(raw[flagged[-1] + 1 :])

    # return the data
    return np.array(beam)

def get_dx_header_token():
    """Return array with known header token of dx data

    head : dict
        with known header token, value set to None
    head = {
        "BY": None,
        "VS": None,
        "CO": None,
        "CD": None,
        "CS": None,
        "EP": None,
        "MS": None,
    return head

def parse_dx_header(header):
    """Internal function to retrieve and interpret the ASCII header of a DWD
    DX product file.

    header : str
        string representation of DX header
    # empty container
    out = {}
    # RADOLAN product type def
    out["producttype"] = header[0:2]
    # time stamp from file header as Python datetime object
    out["datetime"] = dt.datetime.strptime(
        header[2:8] + header[13:17] + "00", "%d%H%M%m%y%S"
    # Make it aware of its time zone (UTC)
    out["datetime"] = out["datetime"].replace(tzinfo=util.UTC())
    # radar location ID (always 10000 for composites)
    out["radarid"] = header[8:13]

    head = get_radolan_header_token_pos(header, mode="dx")

    # iterate over token and fill output dict accordingly
    for k, v in head.items():
        if v:
            if k == "BY":
                out["bytes"] = int(header[v[0] : v[1]])
            if k == "VS":
                out["version"] = header[v[0] : v[1]]
            if k == "CO":
                out["cluttermap"] = int(header[v[0] : v[1]])
            if k == "CD":
                out["dopplerfilter"] = int(header[v[0] : v[1]])
            if k == "CS":
                out["statfilter"] = int(header[v[0] : v[1]])
            if k == "EP":
                out["elevprofile"] = [
                    float(header[v[0] + 3 * i : v[0] + 3 * (i + 1)]) for i in range(8)
            if k == "MS":
                    cnt = int(header[v[0] : v[0] + 3])
                    out["message"] = header[v[0] + 3 : v[0] + 3 + cnt]
                except ValueError:

    return out

[docs] def read_dx(filename): """Data reader for German Weather Service DX product raw radar data files. This product uses a simple algorithm to compress zero values to reduce data file size. Notes ----- While the format appears to be well-defined, there have been reports on DX- files that seem to produce errors. e.g. while one file usually contains a 360 degree by 128 1km range bins, there are files, that contain 361 beams. Also, while usually azimuths are stored monotonously in ascending order, this is not guaranteed by the format. This routine does not (yet) check for this and directly returns the data in the order found in the file. If you are in doubt, check the 'azim' attribute. Be aware that this function does no extensive checking on its output. If e.g. beams contain different numbers of range bins, the resulting data will not be a 2-D array but a 1-D array of objects, which will most probably break calling code. It was decided to leave the handling of these (hopefully) rare events to the user, who might still be able to retrieve some reasonable data, instead of raising an exception, making it impossible to get any data from a file containing errors. Parameters ---------- filename : str or file-like filename of binary file of DX raw data or file-like object Returns ------- data : :py:class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array of image data [dBZ]; shape (360,128) attributes : dict dictionary of attributes - currently implemented keys: - 'azim' - azimuths array of shape (360, ) - 'elev' - elevations (1 per azimuth); array of shape (360, ) - 'clutter' - clutter mask; boolean array of same shape as `data`; corresponds to bit 15 set in each dataset. - 'bytes'- the total product length (including header). Apparently, this value may be off by one byte for unknown reasons - 'version'- a product version string - use unknown - 'cluttermap' - number of the (DWD internal) cluttermap used - 'dopplerfilter' - number of the dopplerfilter used (DWD internal) - 'statfilter' - number of a statistical filter used (DWD internal) - 'elevprofile' - as stated in the format description, this list indicates the elevations in the eight 45 degree sectors. These sectors need not start at 0 degrees north, so it is advised to explicitly evaluate the `elev` attribute, if elevation information is needed. - 'message' - additional text stored in the header. Examples -------- See :ref:`/notebooks/fileio/legacy/read_dx.ipynb`. """ azimuthbitmask = 2 ** (14 - 1) databitmask = 2 ** (13 - 1) - 1 clutterflag = 2**15 dataflag = 2**13 - 1 with get_radolan_filehandle(filename) as f: # header string for later processing header = "" atend = False # read header while True: mychar = # 0x03 signals the end of the header but sometimes there might be # an additional 0x03 char after that if mychar == b"\x03": atend = True if mychar != b"\x03" and atend: break header += str(mychar.decode()) attrs = parse_dx_header(header) # position file at end of header # read number of bytes as declared in the header # intermediate fix: # if product length is uneven but header is even (e.g. because it has two # chr(3) at the end, read one byte less buflen = attrs["bytes"] - len(header) if (buflen % 2) != 0: # make sure that this is consistent with our assumption # i.e. contact DWD again, if DX files show up with uneven byte lengths # *and* only one 0x03 character # assert header[-2] == chr(3) buflen -= 1 buf = # we can interpret the rest directly as a 1-D array of 16 bit unsigned ints raw = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype="uint16") # a new ray/beam starts with bit 14 set # careful! where always returns its results in a tuple, so in order to get # the indices we have to retrieve element 0 of this tuple newazimuths = np.where(raw == azimuthbitmask)[0] # Thomas kontaktieren! # for the following calculations it is necessary to have the end of the # data as the last index newazimuths = np.append(newazimuths, len(raw)) # initialize our list of rays/beams beams = [] # initialize our list of elevations elevs = [] # initialize our list of azimuths azims = [] # iterate over all beams for i in range(newazimuths.size - 1): # unpack zeros beam = unpack_dx(raw[newazimuths[i] + 3 : newazimuths[i + 1]]) beams.append(beam) elevs.append((raw[newazimuths[i] + 2] & databitmask) / 10.0) azims.append((raw[newazimuths[i] + 1] & databitmask) / 10.0) beams = np.array(beams) # attrs = {} attrs["elev"] = np.array(elevs) attrs["azim"] = np.array(azims) attrs["clutter"] = (beams & clutterflag) != 0 # converting the DWD rvp6-format into dBZ data and return as numpy array # together with attributes return (beams & dataflag) * 0.5 - 32.5, attrs
def get_radolan_header_token(): """Return array with known header token of radolan composites Returns ------- head : dict with known header token, value set to None """ head = { "BY": None, "VS": None, "SW": None, "PR": None, "INT": None, "GP": None, "MS": None, "LV": None, "CS": None, "MX": None, "BG": None, "ST": None, "VV": None, "MF": None, "QN": None, "VR": None, "U": None, } return head def get_radolan_site_token(): head = get_radolan_header_token() head.update( { "CO": None, "CD": None, "MH": None, "HI": None, "CI": None, "CL": None, "FL": None, } ) return head def get_radolan_header_token_pos(header, *, mode="composite"): """Get Token and positions from DWD radolan header Parameters ---------- header : str (ASCII header) mode : str, optional 'composite', 'station' or 'dx', defaults to 'composite'. Returns ------- head : dict with found header tokens and positions """ if mode == "composite": head_dict = get_radolan_header_token() elif mode == "station": head_dict = get_radolan_site_token() elif mode == "dx": head_dict = get_dx_header_token() else: raise ValueError( f"Unknown mode {mode}, use either `composite`, `stations or `dx` depending on data source" ) for token in head_dict.keys(): d = header.rfind(token) if d > -1: head_dict[token] = d head = {} result_dict = {} result_dict.update((k, v) for k, v in head_dict.items() if v is not None) for k, v in head_dict.items(): if v is not None: start = v + len(k) filt = [x for x in result_dict.values() if x > v] if filt: stop = min(filt) else: stop = len(header) head[k] = (start, stop) else: head[k] = v return head
[docs] def parse_dwd_composite_header(header): """Parses the ASCII header of a DWD quantitative composite file Parameters ---------- header : str (ASCII header) Returns ------- output : dict of metadata retrieved from file header """ # do not parse ascii header if isinstance(header, dict) and header["producttype"] == "ascii": return header # empty container out = {} # RADOLAN product type def out["producttype"] = header[0:2] # file time stamp as Python datetime object out["datetime"] = dt.datetime.strptime( header[2:8] + header[13:17] + "00", "%d%H%M%m%y%S" ) # radar location ID (always 10000 for composites) out["radarid"] = header[8:13] # if station product if out["radarid"] == 10000: kwargs = dict(mode="composite") else: kwargs = dict(mode="station") # assume site product with 200 rows/cols out["nrow"] = 200 out["ncol"] = 200 # get dict of header token with positions head = get_radolan_header_token_pos(header, **kwargs) # iterate over token and fill output dict accordingly for k, v in head.items(): if v: if k == "BY": out["datasize"] = int(header[v[0] : v[1]]) - len(header) - 1 elif k == "VS": vs = int(header[v[0] : v[1]]) out["formatversion"] = vs out["maxrange"] = { 0: "100 km and 128 km (mixed)", 1: "100 km", 2: "128 km", 3: "150 km", }.get(vs, "100 km") elif k == "SW": out["radolanversion"] = header[v[0] : v[1]].strip() elif k == "PR": out["precision"] = float("1" + header[v[0] : v[1]].strip()) elif k == "INT": out["intervalseconds"] = int(header[v[0] : v[1]]) * 60 elif k == "U": out["intervalunit"] = int(header[v[0] : v[1]]) if out["intervalunit"] == 1: out["intervalseconds"] *= 1440 elif k == "GP": dimstrings = header[v[0] : v[1]].strip().split("x") out["nrow"] = int(dimstrings[0]) out["ncol"] = int(dimstrings[1]) elif k == "BG": dimstrings = header[v[0] : v[1]] dimstrings = ( dimstrings[: int(len(dimstrings) / 2)], dimstrings[int(len(dimstrings) / 2) :], ) out["nrow"] = int(dimstrings[0]) out["ncol"] = int(dimstrings[1]) elif k == "LV": lv = header[v[0] : v[1]].split() out["nlevel"] = int(lv[0]) out["level"] = np.array(lv[1:]).astype("float") elif k == "MS": try: locationstring = header[v[0] :].strip().split("<")[1].split(">")[0] out["radarlocations"] = locationstring.split(",") except IndexError: try: cnt = int(header[v[0] : v[0] + 3]) out["message"] = header[v[0] + 3 : v[0] + 3 + cnt] except ValueError: pass elif k == "ST": locationstring = header[v[0] :].strip().split("<")[1].split(">")[0] out["radardays"] = locationstring.split(",") elif k == "CS": if out["producttype"] == "PZ": out["statisticfilter"] = header[v[0] : v[1]].strip() else: out["indicator"] = { 0: "near ground level", 1: "maximum", 2: "tops", }.get(int(header[v[0] : v[1]])) elif k == "MX": out["imagecount"] = int(header[v[0] : v[1]]) elif k == "VV": out["predictiontime"] = int(header[v[0] : v[1]]) elif k == "MF": out["moduleflag"] = int(header[v[0] : v[1]]) elif k == "QN": out["quantification"] = int(header[v[0] : v[1]]) elif k == "VR": out["reanalysisversion"] = header[v[0] : v[1]].strip() elif k == "CO": out["cluttermap"] = header[v[0] : v[1]].strip() elif k == "CD": out["dopplerfilter"] = header[v[0] : v[1]].strip() elif k == "MH": out["maxheight"] = int(header[v[0] : v[1]]) elif k == "HI": out["hailwarning"] = header[v[0] : v[1]].strip() elif k == "CI": ci = header[v[0] : v[1]] lci = len(ci) // 2 out["severeconvection"] = [float(ci[:lci]), float(ci[lci:])] elif k == "CL": cl = header[v[0] : v[1]] out["severeconvectionheights"] = [int(cl[0:2]), int(cl[2:4])] elif k == "FL": out["freezing_level"] = header[v[0] : v[1]].strip() return out
def decode_radolan_runlength_line(line, attrs): """Decodes one line of runlength coded binary data of DWD composite file and returns decoded array Parameters ---------- line : :py:class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` of byte values attrs : dict dictionary of attributes derived from file header Returns ------- arr : :py:class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` of decoded values """ # byte '0' is line number, we don't need it # so, we start with offset byte lo = 1 byte = line[lo] # line empty condition, lf directly behind line number if byte == 10: return np.ones(attrs["ncol"], dtype=np.uint8) * attrs["nodataflag"] offset = byte - 16 # check if offset byte is 255 and take next byte(s) # also for the offset while byte == 255: lo += 1 byte = line[lo] offset += byte - 16 # just take the rest dline = line[lo + 1 :] # this could be optimized # iterate over line string, until lf (10) is reached for lo, byte in enumerate(dline): if byte == 10: break width = (byte & 0xF0) >> 4 val = byte & 0x0F # the "offset pixel" are "not measured" values # so, we set them to 'nodata' if lo == 0: arr = np.ones(offset, dtype=np.uint8) * attrs["nodataflag"] arr = np.append(arr, np.ones(width, dtype=np.uint8) * val) trailing = attrs["ncol"] - len(arr) if trailing > 0: arr = np.append(arr, np.ones(trailing, dtype=np.uint8) * attrs["nodataflag"]) elif trailing < 0: arr = dline[:trailing] return arr def read_radolan_runlength_line(fid): """Reads one line of runlength coded binary data of DWD composite file and returns it as numpy array Parameters ---------- fid : object file/buffer id Returns ------- line : :py:class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array of coded values """ line = fid.readline() # check if eot if line == b"\x04": return None # convert input buffer to np.uint8 array line = np.frombuffer(line, np.uint8).astype(np.uint8) return line
[docs] def decode_radolan_runlength_array(binarr, attrs): """Decodes the binary runlength coded section from DWD composite file and return decoded numpy array with correct shape Parameters ---------- binarr : str Buffer attrs : dict Attribute dict of file header Returns ------- arr : :py:class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array of decoded values """ buf = io.BytesIO(binarr) # read and decode first line line = read_radolan_runlength_line(buf) arr = decode_radolan_runlength_line(line, attrs) # read following lines line = read_radolan_runlength_line(buf) while line is not None: dline = decode_radolan_runlength_line(line, attrs) arr = np.vstack((arr, dline)) line = read_radolan_runlength_line(buf) # reshape early for PZ station product if mh := attrs.get("maxheight", False): arr = arr.reshape(mh, attrs["nrow"], attrs["ncol"]) # return upside down because first line read is top line return np.flip(arr, axis=-2)
[docs] def read_radolan_binary_array(fid, size, *, raise_on_error=True): """Read binary data from file given by filehandle Parameters ---------- fid : object file handle size : int number of bytes to read raise_on_error : bool If True, raise IOError if data is truncated. Returns ------- binarr : bytes binary data """ binarr = if raise_on_error and len(binarr) != size: try: desc = except AttributeError: desc = repr(fid) raise OSError( f"File corruption while reading {desc}! Could not read enough data!" ) return binarr
[docs] def get_radolan_filehandle(fname): """Opens radolan file and returns file handle Parameters ---------- fname : str or file-like filename or file-like object Returns ------- f : object file handle """ if isinstance(fname, str): if fname.endswith(".gz"): gzip = util.import_optional("gzip") fname = else: fname = open(fname, "rb") return fname
[docs] def read_radolan_header(fid): """Reads radolan ASCII header and returns it as string Parameters ---------- fid : object file handle Returns ------- header : str """ header = "" while True: mychar = if not mychar: raise EOFError("Unexpected EOF detected while reading RADOLAN header.") # if the first char is "n", then most likely this is ascii radolan data if header == "" and mychar == b"n": # read the header header = [fid.readline().decode().split() for i in range(6)] header = {h[0]: int(h[1]) for h in header} header["producttype"] = "ascii" return header if mychar == b"\x03": break header += str(mychar.decode()) return header
def _fix_radolan_truncated_buffer(data, size, dtype): """Fill truncated buffer.""" isize = np.dtype(dtype).itemsize fill_value = 250 if isize == 1 else 8192 if len(data) % isize: data = data[:-1] fill = np.full((size - len(data)) // isize, fill_value, dtype=dtype) data += fill.tobytes() return data
[docs] def read_radolan_composite(f, *, missing=-9999, loaddata=True, fillmissing=False): """Read quantitative radar composite format of the German Weather Service The quantitative composite format of the DWD (German Weather Service) was established in the course of the RADOLAN project and includes several file types, e.g. RX, RO, RK, RZ, RP, RT, RC, RI, RG, PC, PG and many, many more. (see format description on the RADOLAN project homepage :cite:`DWD2009`). At the moment, the national RADOLAN composite is a 900 x 900 grid with 1 km resolution and in polar-stereographic projection. There are other grid resolutions for different composites (e.g. PC, PG) Note ---- DWD also provides data in ASCII format, which have a very limited header and need to extract product and datetime from the filename. Use on your own risk. .. versionadded:: 1.17 Warning ------- This function already evaluates and applies the so-called PR factor which is specified in the header section of the RADOLAN files. The raw values in an RY file are in the unit 0.01 mm/5min, while read_radolan_composite returns values in mm/5min (e.g. factor 100 higher). The factor is also returned as part of attrs dictionary under keyword "precision". Note ---- You might also use :func:`` or :func:`xarray:xarray.open_dataset` with keyword engine='radolan' to import into xarray Dataset. Parameters ---------- f : str or file-like path to the composite file or file-like object missing : int value assigned to no-data cells loaddata : bool True | False, If False function returns (None, attrs) fillmissing : bool If True fills truncated values with "missing". Defaults to False. Does not work for run-length encoded files ("PC" and "PG). Returns ------- output : tuple tuple of two items (data, attrs): - data : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` of shape (number of rows, number of columns) or :py:class:`xarray:xarray.Dataset` - attrs : dict of metadata information from the file header Examples -------- See :ref:`/notebooks/fileio/radolan/radolan_format.ipynb`. """ NODATA = missing # get _radolan_file class with _radolan_file( f, fillmissing=fillmissing, copy=True, ancillary=False ) as radfile: attrs = radfile.attrs if not loaddata: return None, attrs if radfile.attrs["producttype"] == "ascii": NODATA = attrs["nodataflag"] else: attrs["nodataflag"] = NODATA if not attrs["radarid"] == "10000": util.warn( "You are using function " " for a non composite file. " "This might work, but please check the validity of the results!" ) arr =[radfile.product] # apply precision factor if "precision" in attrs: arr = arr * attrs["precision"] # set nodata value if "nodatamask" in attrs: arr.flat[attrs["nodatamask"].flatten()] = NODATA return arr, attrs
def _get_radolan_product_attributes(attrs): """Create RADOLAN product attributes dictionary Parameters ---------- attrs : dict dictionary of metadata information from the file header Returns ------- pattrs : dict RADOLAN product attributes """ product = attrs["producttype"] pattrs = {} if product not in ["PG", "PC", "PZ", "ascii"]: interval = attrs["intervalseconds"] precision = attrs["precision"] if product in ["RX", "EX", "WX"]: pattrs.update(radolan["dBZ"]) elif product in ["WN"]: pattrs.update(radolan["dBZ2"]) pattrs["scale_factor"] *= np.float32(precision) elif product in [ "RY", "RZ", "RW", "RH", "RB", "RL", "RU", "EH", "EB", "EW", "EY", "EZ", "YW", "RV", "RE", "RQ", ]: pattrs.update(radolan["RR"]) scale_factor = np.float32(precision * 3600 / interval) pattrs.update({"scale_factor": scale_factor}) elif product in [ "SQ", "SH", "SF", "W1", "W2", "W3", "W4", ]: pattrs.update(radolan["RA"]) pattrs.update({"scale_factor": np.float32(precision)}) elif product in ["PG", "PC", "PZ"]: pattrs.update(radolan["PG"]) elif product in ["%M", "%J", "%Y"]: pattrs.update(radolan["%"]) elif product in ["ascii"]: pattrs["scale_factor"] = attrs["precision"] pattrs["_FillValue"] = np.array([attrs["nodataflag"]], dtype=np.int32) else: raise ValueError(f"Unkown RADOLAN product {product!r}!") return pattrs radolan = { "dBZ": { "scale_factor": np.float32(0.5), "add_offset": np.float32(-32.5), "valid_min": np.int32(0), "valid_max": np.int32(255), "_FillValue": np.array([249, 250, 255], dtype=np.int32), "standard_name": "equivalent_reflectivity_factor", "long_name": "equivalent_reflectivity_factor", "unit": "dBZ", }, "dBZ2": { "scale_factor": np.float32(0.5), "add_offset": np.float32(-32.5), "valid_min": np.int32(0), "valid_max": np.int32(4095), "_FillValue": np.array([2490, 2500, 65535], dtype=np.int32), "standard_name": "equivalent_reflectivity_factor", "long_name": "equivalent_reflectivity_factor", "unit": "dBZ", }, "RR": { "add_offset": np.float32(0), "valid_min": np.int32(0), "valid_max": np.int32(4095), "_FillValue": np.array([2490, 2500, 65535], dtype=np.int32), "standard_name": "rainfall_rate", "long_name": "rainfall_rate", "unit": "mm h-1", }, "RA": { "add_offset": np.float32(0), "valid_min": np.int32(0), "valid_max": np.int32(4095), "_FillValue": np.array([2490, 2500, 65535], dtype=np.int32), "standard_name": "rainfall_amount", "long_name": "rainfall_amount", "unit": "mm", }, "PG": { "valid_min": np.int32(0), "valid_max": np.int32(255), "_FillValue": np.int32(255), }, "%": { "add_offset": np.float32(0), "valid_min": np.int32(0), "valid_max": np.int32(4095), "_FillValue": np.array([2490, 2500, 65535], dtype=np.int32), "standard_name": "relativ_rainfall_amount_to_30_year_average", "long_name": "relativ_rainfall_amount_to_30_year_average", "unit": "1", }, } class _radolan_file: """A file object for RADOLAN data. This class maps RADOLAN data to NetCDF style dimensions, variables and attributes. Parameters ---------- filename : str or file-like path to the composite file or file-like object fillmissing : bool If True fills truncated values with "missing". Defaults to False. Does not work for run-length encoded files ("PC" and "PG). copy : bool If False tries to get a view into the data. If True copies data in any case. Defaults to False. ancillary : bool, tuple of str If True, resturns ancillary masks ("secondary", "nodatamask", "cluttermask") as additional data variables. Can be specified as tuple of strings. Defaults to False. Returns ------- dset : :py:class:`xarray:xarray.Dataset` RADOLAN data and coordinates """ def __init__( self, filename, *, fillmissing=False, copy=False, ancillary=False, **kwargs ): if hasattr(filename, "seek"): if hasattr(filename, "name"): self.filename = else: self.filename = "None" else: self.filename = filename filename = get_radolan_filehandle(filename) if hasattr(filename, "seek"): self.fp = filename else: mode = "r" self.fp = open(filename, f"{mode}b") self._attrs = None self._product = None self._data = {} self._dtype = None self._shape = None self.dimensions = {} self._variables = None self.attributes = {} self._fill = fillmissing self._copy = copy if self.attrs["producttype"] == "ascii": self._product = self.filename[0:2].upper() self._ancillary = self._get_ancillary(requested=ancillary) @property def attrs(self): if self._attrs is None: # move file pointer to start self._attrs = self._read_attrs() return self._attrs @property def product(self): if self._product is None: self._product = self.attrs["producttype"] return self._product @property def data(self): if not self._data or self.product not in self._data: self._read_data() return self._data @property def shape(self): if self._shape is None: shape = (self.attrs["nrow"], self.attrs["ncol"]) if mh := self.attrs.get("maxheight", False): shape = (mh,) + shape self._shape = shape return self._shape @property def dtype(self): if self._dtype is None: if self.product in ["RX", "EX", "WX"]: self._dtype = np.dtype(np.uint8) elif self.product in ["HG"]: self._dtype = np.dtype(np.uint32) else: self._dtype = np.dtype(np.uint16) return self._dtype @property def variables(self): if self._variables is None: self._read() return self._variables def _read_attrs(self): header = read_radolan_header(self.fp) if isinstance(header, dict) and header["producttype"] == "ascii": header["ncol"] = header.pop("ncols") header["nrow"] = header.pop("nrows") header["radarid"] = "10000" header["nodataflag"] = header.pop("NODATA_value") if header["nodataflag"] == -1: header["precision"] = 0.1 header["datetime"] = _get_timestamp_from_filename( self.filename, pattern=dwdascii ).replace(tzinfo=util.UTC()) return parse_dwd_composite_header(header) def _process_data(self): data = self._data[self.product] if self.attrs["producttype"] == "ascii": self.attrs["nodatamask"] = np.where(data == self.attrs["nodataflag"])[0] elif self.product in ["PG", "PC", "PZ"]: self.attrs["nodataflag"] = 255 self.attrs["nodatamask"] = data == 255 elif self.product in ["RX", "EX", "WX"]: self.attrs["nodatamask"] = np.where(data == 250)[0] self.attrs["cluttermask"] = np.where(data == 249)[0] else: self.attrs["secondary"] = np.where(data & 0x1000)[0] self.attrs["nodatamask"] = np.where(data & 0x2000)[0] negative = np.where(data & 0x4000)[0] self.attrs["cluttermask"] = np.where(data & 0x8000)[0] data &= 0xFFF if self.product == "RD": data[negative] = -data[negative] # masks if self._ancillary: for a in self._ancillary: vals = self.attrs.get(a, None) if vals is not None: ancdata = np.zeros_like(data, dtype=bool) ancdata[vals] = True self._data[a] = ancdata def _read_data(self): # handle ascii data if self.attrs["producttype"] == "ascii": # todo: check if flip is needed self._data[self.product] = np.flip(np.genfromtxt(self.fp), axis=0) self._process_data() return # handle truncated data binarr_kwargs = {} if self._fill and self.product not in ["PG", "PC", "PZ"]: binarr_kwargs.update({"raise_on_error": False}) # read data size = self.attrs["datasize"] indat = read_radolan_binary_array(self.fp, size, **binarr_kwargs) if self._fill and len(indat) < size and self.product not in ["PG", "PC", "PZ"]: indat = _fix_radolan_truncated_buffer(indat, size, self.dtype) if self.product in ["PC", "PG", "PZ"]: self._data[self.product] = decode_radolan_runlength_array( indat, { "ncol": self.attrs["ncol"], "nrow": self.attrs["nrow"], "maxheight": self.attrs.get("maxheight", False), "nodataflag": 255, }, ) else: self._data[self.product] = np.frombuffer(indat, dtype=self.dtype) if not self._copy and self.dtype == np.uint8: self._data[self.product] = self._data[self.product].view( dtype=self.dtype ) else: # use astype here since we change the data later self._data[self.product] = self._data[self.product].astype(self.dtype) self._process_data() for _k, v in self._data.items(): v.shape = self.shape self._data[_k] = v def _read(self): attrs = self.attrs.copy() pattrs = _get_radolan_product_attributes(attrs) if self.attrs.get("maxheight", False): self.dimensions["z"] = self.attrs["maxheight"] self.dimensions["y"] = self.attrs["nrow"] self.dimensions["x"] = self.attrs["ncol"] dims = " ".join(list(self.dimensions.keys())) pattrs.update({"long_name": self.product, "coordinates": f"time {dims}"}) data_var = WradlibVariable(self.dimensions, data=self, attrs=pattrs) # coordinate variables time_attrs = { "standard_name": "time", "units": "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", } raw_time = attrs.get("datetime").replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc) time = np.array([raw_time.timestamp()]) time_var = WradlibVariable("time", data=time, attrs=time_attrs) pred_time = attrs.get("predictiontime", None) if pred_time is not None: pred_time = np.array( [raw_time + dt.timedelta(minutes=pred_time)], dtype=np.datetime64 ) pred_time_var = WradlibVariable( "prediction_time", data=pred_time, attrs=time_attrs ) # if GDAL is not installed, fall back to trigonometric calculation if util.has_import(osr): if attrs.get("formatversion", 3) >= 5: crs = projection.create_osr("dwd-radolan-wgs84") else: crs = projection.create_osr("dwd-radolan-sphere") else: crs = "trig" coords_kwargs = {} if self.attrs.get("maxheight", False): radar = dwdradarmapping[int(self.attrs["radarid"])] site = dwdlocs[radar] coords_kwargs.update(dict(lon=site["lon"], lat=site["lat"])) xlocs, ylocs = rect.get_radolan_coordinates( self.dimensions["y"], self.dimensions["x"], crs=crs, mode="center", **coords_kwargs, ) xattrs = { "units": "m", "long_name": "x coordinate of projection", "standard_name": "projection_x_coordinate", } x_var = WradlibVariable("x", xlocs, xattrs) yattrs = { "units": "m", "long_name": "y coordinate of projection", "standard_name": "projection_y_coordinate", } y_var = WradlibVariable("y", ylocs, yattrs) if self.attrs.get("maxheight", False): zattrs = { "units": "m", "long_name": "z coordinate of projection", "standard_name": "projection_z_coordinate", } zlocs = np.arange( 1000, self.attrs["maxheight"] * 1000 + 1, 1000, dtype=float ) z_var = WradlibVariable("z", zlocs, zattrs) self._variables = { self.product: data_var, "time": time_var, } if self.attrs.get("maxheight", False): self._variables.update({"z": z_var}) self._variables.update( { "y": y_var, "x": x_var, } ) if pred_time is not None: self._variables.update({"prediction_time": pred_time_var}) if self._ancillary: for a in self._ancillary: ancvar = WradlibVariable(self.dimensions, data=self, attrs={}) self._variables[a] = ancvar # remove unneeded global attributes remove = [ "producttype", "datetime", "datasize", "precision", "nrow", "ncol", "maxrange", "intervalseconds", "xllcorner", "yllcorner", "cellsize", "nodataflag", ] [attrs.pop(key, None) for key in remove] self.attributes.update(attrs) def _get_ancillary(self, requested=True): if self.product in ["PG", "PC", "PZ"] or self.attrs["producttype"] == "ascii": anc = ("nodatamask",) elif self.product in ["RX", "EX", "WX"]: anc = ("nodatamask", "cluttermask") else: anc = ("nodatamask", "cluttermask", "secondary") if requested is False: return tuple([]) elif requested is True: requested = anc anc = set(anc) & set(requested) reject = set(anc) ^ set(requested) if reject: util.warn( f"Ancillary data `{tuple(reject)}` requested but not available for product `{self.product}`." ) return tuple(anc) def close(self): """Closes the Radolan file.""" # only close if we've opened it and it can be closed if self.filename != "None" and hasattr(self, "fp") and not self.fp.closed: self.fp.close() __del__ = close def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.close()
[docs] def open_radolan_dataset(filename_or_obj, **kwargs): """Open and decode a RADOLAN dataset from a file or file-like object. Parameters ---------- filename_or_obj : str, Path, file-like or DataStore Strings and Path objects are interpreted as a path to a local or remote file. Keyword Arguments ----------------- fillmissing : bool Fill truncated data, defaults to False. copy : bool Create copies instead of views into the data, defaults to False. ancillary : bool, tuple of str If True, resturns ancillary masks ("secondary", "nodatamask", "cluttermask") as additional data variables. Can be specified as tuple of strings. Defaults to False. **kwargs : dict, optional Additional arguments passed on to :py:func:`xarray:xarray.open_dataset`. Returns ------- dataset : :py:class:`xarray:xarray.Dataset` """ backend_kwargs = { "fillmissing": kwargs.pop("fillmissing", False), "copy": kwargs.pop("copy", False), } kwargs["backend_kwargs"] = backend_kwargs return xr.open_dataset(filename_or_obj, engine="radolan", **kwargs)
[docs] def open_radolan_mfdataset(paths, **kwargs): """Open multiple RADOLAN files as a single dataset. Needs `dask <>`__-package to be installed. Parameters ---------- paths : str or sequence Either a string glob in the form ``"path/to/my/files/*"`` or an explicit list of files to open. Paths can be given as strings or as pathlib Paths. Keyword Arguments ----------------- fillmissing : bool Fill truncated data, defaults to False. copy : bool Create copies instead of views into the data, defaults to False. ancillary : bool, tuple of str If True, resturns ancillary masks ("secondary", "nodatamask", "cluttermask") as additional data variables. Can be specified as tuple of strings. Defaults to False. **kwargs : dict, optional Additional arguments passed on to :py:func:`xarray:xarray.open_mfdataset`. Returns ------- dataset : :py:class:`xarray:xarray.Dataset` """ backend_kwargs = { "fillmissing": kwargs.pop("fillmissing", False), "copy": kwargs.pop("copy", False), } kwargs["backend_kwargs"] = backend_kwargs if kwargs.get("concat_dim", False): kwargs["combine"] = "nested" return xr.open_mfdataset(paths, engine="radolan", **kwargs)