Source code for wradlib.vpr

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011-2020, wradlib developers.
# Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more info.

Vertical Profile of Reflectivity (VPR)

Precipitation is 3-dimensional in space. The vertical distribution of
precipitation (and thus reflectivity) is typically non-uniform. As the height
of the radar beam increases with the distance from the radar location
(beam elevation, earth curvature), one sweep samples from different heights.
The effects of the non-uniform VPR and the different sampling heights need to
be accounted for if we are interested in the precipitation near the ground or
in defined heights. This module is intended to provide a set of tools to
account for these effects.

The first step will normally be to reference the polar volume data in a
3-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. The three dimensional Cartesian
coordinates of the original polar volume data can be computed using

Then, we can create regular 3-D grids in order to analyse the vertical profile
of reflectivity or rainfall intensity. For some applications you might want
to create so-called `Constant Altitude Plan Position Indicators (CAPPI)
in order to make radar observations at different distances from the radar more
comparable. Basically, a CAPPI is simply one slice out of a 3-D volume grid.
Analoguous, we will refer to the elements in a three dimensional Cartesian grid
as *voxels*. In wradlib, you can create
CAPPIS (:class:`~wradlib.vpr.CAPPI`) and Pseudo CAPPIs
(:class:`~wradlib.vpr.PseudoCAPPI`) for different altitudes at once.

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/

__all__ = [
__doc__ = __doc__.format("\n   ".join(__all__))
__doctest_requires__ = {"CAPPI": ["osgeo"]}

import warnings

import numpy as np

from wradlib import georef, ipol, util

[docs]class CartesianVolume: """Create 3-D regular volume grid in Cartesian coordinates from polar \ data with multiple elevation angles Parameters ---------- polcoords : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` of shape (num bins, 3) gridcoords : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` of shape (num voxels, 3) maxrange : float The maximum radar range (must be the same for each elevation angle) minelev : float The minimum elevation angle of the volume (degree) maxelev : float The maximum elevation angle of the volume (degree) ipclass : :class:`wradlib.ipol.IpolBase` an interpolation class from :mod:`wradlib.ipol` ipargs : dict keyword arguments corresponding to ``ipclass`` Returns ------- output : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` float 1-d ndarray of the same length as ``gridcoords`` (num voxels,) Examples -------- See :ref:`/notebooks/workflow/recipe2.ipynb`. """
[docs] def __init__( self, polcoords, gridcoords, gridshape=None, maxrange=None, minelev=None, maxelev=None, ipclass=ipol.Idw, **ipargs, ): if gridshape is not None: warnings.warn( f"``gridshape`` is not used in {self.__class__}. " "It will be removed in wradlib version 2.0.", DeprecationWarning, ) # radar location in Cartesian coordinates # TODO: pass projected radar location as argument # (allows processing of incomplete polar volumes) self.radloc = np.array( [ np.mean(polcoords[:, 0]), np.mean(polcoords[:, 1]), np.min(polcoords[:, 2]), ] ).reshape((-1, 3)) # Set the mask which masks the blind voxels of the 3-D volume grid self.mask = self._get_mask(gridcoords, polcoords, maxrange, minelev, maxelev) # create an instance of the Interpolation class self.trgix = np.where(np.logical_not(self.mask)) self.ip = ipclass(src=polcoords, trg=gridcoords[self.trgix], **ipargs)
def __call__(self, data, **kwargs): """Interpolates the polar data to 3-dimensional Cartesian coordinates Parameters ---------- data : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` 1-d array of length (num radar bins in volume,) The length of this array must be the same as len(polcoords) Returns ------- output : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` 1-d array of length (num voxels,) """ # Interpolate data in 3-D ipdata = np.repeat(np.nan, len(self.mask)) ipdata[self.trgix] = self.ip(data, **kwargs) return ipdata def _get_mask( self, gridcoords, polcoords=None, maxrange=None, minelev=None, maxelev=None, ): """Returns a mask (the base class only contains a dummy function which masks nothing) This method needs to be replaced for inherited classes such as CAPPI or PseudoCAPPI. Parameters ---------- gridcoords : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array of shape (num voxels, 3) polcoords : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array of shape (num bins, 3) maxrange : float The maximum radar range (must be the same for each elevation angle, and same unit as gridcoords) minelev : float The minimum elevation angle of the volume (degree) maxelev : float The maximum elevation angle of the volume (degree) Returns ------- output : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Boolean array of length (num voxels,) """ return np.repeat(False, len(gridcoords))
[docs]class CAPPI(CartesianVolume): """Create a Constant Altitude Plan Position Indicator (CAPPI) A CAPPI gives the value of a target variable (typically reflectivity in dBZ, but here also other variables such as e.g. rainfall intensity) in a defined altitude. In order to create a CAPPI, you first have to create an instance of this class. Calling this instance with the actual polar volume data will return the CAPPI grid. Parameters ---------- polcoords : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` coordinate array of shape (num bins, 3) Represents the 3-D coordinates of the original radar bins gridcoords : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` coordinate array of shape (num voxels, 3) Represents the 3-D coordinates of the Cartesian grid maxrange : float The maximum radar range (must be the same for each elevation angle) ipclass : :class:`wradlib.ipol.IpolBase` an interpolation class from :mod:`wradlib.ipol` ipargs : dict keyword arguments corresponding to ``ipclass`` Returns ------- output : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` float 1-d ndarray of the same length as ``gridcoords`` (num voxels,) See Also -------- :func:`~wradlib.vpr.out_of_range` :func:`~wradlib.vpr.blindspots` Examples -------- See :ref:`/notebooks/workflow/recipe2.ipynb`. Here's an example how a set of CAPPIs can be created from synthetic polar volume data: >>> import wradlib >>> import numpy as np >>> from osgeo import osr >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as pl >>> pl.interactive(True) >>> # define elevation and azimuth angles, ranges, radar site coordinates, >>> # projection >>> elevs = np.array([0.5,1.5,2.4,3.4,4.3,5.3,6.2,7.5,8.7,10,12,14,16.7,19.5]) >>> azims = np.arange(0., 360., 1.) >>> ranges = np.arange(0., 120000., 1000.) >>> sitecoords = (120.255547,14.924218,500.) >>> proj = osr.SpatialReference() >>> _ = proj.ImportFromEPSG(32651) >>> # create Cartesian coordinates corresponding the location of the >>> # polar volume bins >>> polxyz = wradlib.vpr.volcoords_from_polar(sitecoords, elevs, ... azims, ranges, proj) # noqa >>> poldata = wradlib.vpr.synthetic_polar_volume(polxyz) >>> # this is the shape of our polar volume >>> polshape = (len(elevs),len(azims),len(ranges)) >>> # now we define the coordinates for the 3-D grid (the CAPPI layers) >>> x = np.linspace(polxyz[:,0].min(), polxyz[:,0].max(), 120) >>> y = np.linspace(polxyz[:,1].min(), polxyz[:,1].max(), 120) >>> z = np.arange(500.,10500.,500.) >>> xyz = wradlib.util.gridaspoints(z, y, x) >>> gridshape = (len(z), len(y), len(x)) >>> # create an instance of the CAPPI class and >>> # use it to create a series of CAPPIs >>> gridder = wradlib.vpr.CAPPI(polxyz, xyz, maxrange=ranges.max(), # noqa ... minelev=elevs.min(), maxelev=elevs.max(), ... ipclass=wradlib.ipol.Idw) >>> gridded = gridder(poldata) ).reshape(gridshape) >>> >>> # plot results >>> levels = np.linspace(0,100,25) >>> wradlib.vis.plot_max_plan_and_vert(x, y, z, gridded, levels=levels, ... >>> """ def _get_mask(self, gridcoords, polcoords, maxrange, minelev, maxelev): """Masks the "blind" voxels of the Cartesian 3D-volume For the CAPPI, blind voxels are below `minelev` and above `maxelev` and beyond `maxrange`. """ below, above, out_of_range = blindspots( self.radloc, gridcoords, minelev, maxelev, maxrange ) return np.logical_not( np.logical_not(out_of_range) & np.logical_not(below) & np.logical_not(above) )
[docs]class PseudoCAPPI(CartesianVolume): """Create a Pseudo-CAPPI Constant Altitude Plan Position Indicator (CAPPI) The difference to a CAPPI (:class:`wradlib.vpr.CAPPI`) is that the blind area *below* and *above* the radar are not masked, but filled by interpolation. Only the areas beyond the *range* of the radar are masked out. As a result, "blind" areas below the radar are particularly filled from the lowest available elevation angle. In order to create a Pseudo CAPPI, you first have to create an instance of this class. Calling this instance with the actual polar volume data will return the Pseudo CAPPI grid. Parameters ---------- polcoords : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` coordinate array of shape (num bins, 3) Represents the 3-D coordinates of the original radar bins gridcoords : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` coordinate array of shape (num voxels, 3) Represents the 3-D coordinates of the Cartesian grid maxrange : float The maximum radar range (must be the same for each elevation angle) minelev : float The minimum elevation angle of the volume (degree) maxelev : float The maximum elevation angle of the volume (degree) ipclass : :class:`wradlib.ipol.IpolBase` an interpolation class from :mod:`wradlib.ipol` ipargs : dict keyword arguments corresponding to ``ipclass`` Returns ------- output : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` float 1-d ndarray of the same length as ``gridcoords`` (num voxels,) See Also -------- :func:`~wradlib.vpr.out_of_range` Examples -------- See :ref:`/notebooks/workflow/recipe2.ipynb`. """ def _get_mask(self, gridcoords, polcoords, maxrange, minelev, maxelev): """Masks the "blind" voxels of the Cartesian 3D-volume grid For the Pseudo CAPPI, blind voxels are only those beyond `maxrange`. """ return np.logical_not( np.logical_not(out_of_range(self.radloc, gridcoords, maxrange)) )
[docs]def out_of_range(center, gridcoords, maxrange): """Masks the region outside the radar range Parameters --------- center : tuple radar location gridcoords : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` array of 3-D coordinates with shape (num voxels, 3) maxrange : float maximum range (same unit as gridcoords) Returns ------- output : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` 1-D Boolean array of length len(gridcoords) """ return ((gridcoords - center) ** 2).sum(axis=-1) > maxrange**2
[docs]def blindspots(center, gridcoords, minelev, maxelev, maxrange): """Masks blind regions of the radar, marked on a 3-D grid The radar is blind below the radar, above the radar and beyond the range. The function returns three boolean arrays which indicate whether (1) the grid node is below the radar, (2) the grid node is above the radar, (3) the grid node is beyond the maximum range. Parameters --------- center : tuple radar location gridcoords : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` array of 3-D coordinates with shape (num voxels, 3) minelev : float The minimum elevation angle of the volume (degree) maxelev : float The maximum elevation angle of the volume (degree) maxrange : float maximum range (same unit as gridcoords) Returns ------- output : tuple tuple of three boolean arrays (below, above, out_of_range) each of length (num grid points) """ site_altitude = center[:, 2] # distances of 3-D grid nodes from radar site (center) dist_from_rad = np.sqrt(((gridcoords - center) ** 2).sum(axis=-1)) # below the radar below = gridcoords[:, 2] < ( georef.bin_altitude(dist_from_rad, minelev, site_altitude, re=6371000) ) # above the radar above = gridcoords[:, 2] > ( georef.bin_altitude(dist_from_rad, maxelev, site_altitude, re=6371000) ) # out of range out_of_range = dist_from_rad > maxrange return below, above, out_of_range
[docs]def volcoords_from_polar(sitecoords, elevs, azimuths, ranges, proj=None): """Create Cartesian coordinates for regular polar volumes Parameters ---------- sitecoords : tuple sequence of three floats indicating the radar position (longitude in decimal degrees, latitude in decimal degrees, height a.s.l. in meters) elevs : sequence sequence of elevation angles azimuths : sequence sequence of azimuth angles ranges : sequence sequence of ranges proj : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.osr.SpatialReference` GDAL OSR Spatial Reference Object describing projection Returns ------- output : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array of shape (num volume bins, 3) Examples -------- See :ref:`/notebooks/workflow/recipe2.ipynb`. """ # make sure that elevs is an array elevs = np.array([elevs]).ravel() # create polar grid el, az, r = util.meshgrid_n(elevs, azimuths, ranges) # get projected coordinates coords = georef.spherical_to_proj(r, az, el, sitecoords, proj=proj) coords = coords.reshape(-1, 3) return coords
def volcoords_from_polar_irregular(sitecoords, elevs, azimuths, ranges, proj=None): """Create Cartesian coordinates for polar volumes with irregular \ sweep specifications Parameters ---------- sitecoords : tuple sequence of three floats indicating the radar position (longitude in decimal degrees, latitude in decimal degrees, height a.s.l. in meters) elevs : sequence sequence of elevation angles azimuths : sequence sequence of azimuth angles ranges : sequence sequence of ranges proj : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.osr.SpatialReference` GDAL OSR Spatial Reference Object describing projection Returns ------- output : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array of shape (num volume bins, 3) """ # check structure: Are azimuth angles and range bins the same for each # elevation angle? oneaz4all = True onerange4all = True # check elevs array, first: must be one-dimensional try: elevs = np.array(elevs) except Exception: print("Could not create an array from argument <elevs>.") print("The following exception was raised:") raise assert (elevs.ndim == 1) and ( elevs.dtype != np.dtype("object") ), "Argument <elevs> in wradlib.volcoords_from_polar must be a 1-D array." # now: is there one azimuths array for all elevation angles # or one for each? try: azimuths = np.array(azimuths) except Exception: print("Could not create an array from argument <azimuths>.") print("The following exception was raised:") raise if len(azimuths) == len(elevs): # are the items of <azimuths> arrays themselves? isseq = [util.issequence(elem) for elem in azimuths] assert not ((False in isseq) and (True in isseq)), ( "Argument <azimuths> contains both iterable " "and non-iterable items." ) if True in isseq: # we expect one azimuth array for each elevation angle oneaz4all = False # now: is there one ranges array for all elevation angles or one for each? try: ranges = np.array(ranges) except Exception: print("Could not create an array from argument <ranges>.") print("The following exception was raised:") raise if len(ranges) == len(elevs): # are the items of <azimuths> arrays themselves? isseq = [util.issequence(elem) for elem in ranges] assert not ((False in isseq) and (True in isseq)), ( "Argument <azimuths> contains both iterable " "and non-iterable items." ) if True in isseq: # we expect one azimuth array for each elevation angle onerange4all = False if oneaz4all and onerange4all: # this is the simple way return volcoords_from_polar(sitecoords, elevs, azimuths, ranges, proj) # No simply way, so we need to construct the coordinates arrays for # each elevation angle # but first adapt input arrays to this task if onerange4all: ranges = np.array([ranges for i in range(len(elevs))]) if oneaz4all: azimuths = np.array([azimuths for i in range(len(elevs))]) # and second create the corresponding polar volume grid el = np.array([]) az = np.array([]) r = np.array([]) for i, elev in enumerate(elevs): az_tmp, r_tmp = np.meshgrid(azimuths[i], ranges[i]) el = np.append(el, np.repeat(elev, len(azimuths[i]) * len(ranges[i]))) az = np.append(az, az_tmp.ravel()) r = np.append(r, r_tmp.ravel()) # get projected coordinates coords = georef.spherical_to_proj(r, az, el, sitecoords, proj=proj) coords = coords.reshape(-1, 3) return coords
[docs]def make_3d_grid(sitecoords, proj, maxrange, maxalt, horiz_res, vert_res, minalt=0.0): """Generate Cartesian coordinates for a regular 3-D grid based on \ radar specs. Parameters ---------- sitecoords : tuple Radar location coordinates in lon, lat proj : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.osr.SpatialReference` GDAL OSR Spatial Reference Object describing projection maxrange : float maximum radar range (same unit as SRS defined by ``proj``, typically meters) maxalt : float maximum altitude to which the 3-d grid should extent (meters) horiz_res : float horizontal resolution of the 3-d grid (same unit as SRS defined by ``proj``, typically meters) vert_res : float vertical resolution of the 3-d grid (meters) Keyword Arguments ----------------- minalt : float minimum altitude to which the 3-d grid should extent (meters) Returns ------- output : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`, tuple float array of shape (num grid points, 3), a tuple of 3 representing the grid shape """ center = georef.reproject(sitecoords[0], sitecoords[1], projection_target=proj) # minz = sitecoords[2] llx = center[0] - maxrange lly = center[1] - maxrange x = np.arange(llx, llx + 2 * maxrange + horiz_res, horiz_res) y = np.arange(lly, lly + 2 * maxrange + horiz_res, horiz_res) z = np.arange(minalt, maxalt + vert_res, vert_res) xyz = util.gridaspoints(z, y, x) shape = (len(z), len(y), len(x)) return xyz, shape
def synthetic_polar_volume(coords): """Returns a totally arbitrary synthetic polar volume - just for testing Parameters ---------- coords : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` (num volume bins, 3), as returned by volcoords_from_polar Returns ------- output : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` float array of shape (num volume bins, 3) """ x = coords[:, 0] * 10 / np.max(coords[:, 0]) y = coords[:, 1] * 10 / np.max(coords[:, 1]) z = coords[:, 2] / 1000.0 out = np.abs(np.sin(x * y)) * np.exp(-z) out = out * 100.0 / out.max() return out
[docs]def norm_vpr_stats(volume, reference_layer, stat=None, **kwargs): """Returns the average normalised vertical profile of a volume or \ any other desired statistics Given a Cartesian 3-d ``volume`` and an arbitrary ``reference layer`` index, the function normalises all vertical profiles represented by the volume and computes a static of all profiles (e.g. an average vertical profile using the default ``stat``). Parameters ---------- volume : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` or :class:`` Cartesian 3-d grid with shape (num vertical layers, num x intervals, num y intervals) reference_layer : int This index defines the vertical layers of ``volume`` that is used to normalise all vertical profiles stat : callable typically a numpy statistics function (defaults to numpy.mean) kwargs : dict further keyword arguments taken by ``stat`` Returns ------- output : :py:class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` or :py:class:`` Array of shape (num vertical layers,) which provides the statistic from ``stat`` applied over all normalised vertical profiles (e.g. the mean normalised vertical profile if :py:func:`numpy:numpy.mean` is used) """ if stat is None: stat = np.mean tmp = volume / volume[reference_layer] return stat(tmp.reshape((-1,[-2:]))), axis=1, **kwargs)
if __name__ == "__main__": print("wradlib: Calling module <vpr> as main...")