Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011-2023, wradlib developers.
# Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more info.

Xarray based Data I/O (deprecated)

Reads data from netcdf-based CfRadial1, CfRadial2 and hdf5-based ODIM_H5 and
other hdf5-flavours (GAMIC).

This reader implementation uses

* `xarray <>`_,
* `netcdf4 <>`_,
* `h5py <>`_ and
* `h5netcdf <>`_.

The following two approaches are not recommended and will be removed from the codebase
in wradlib v 2.0.0.

In the first approach the data is claimed using netcdf4-Dataset in a diskless
non-persistent mode as follows::

    vol = io.xarray.OdimH5(ncfile)
    # or
    vol = io.xarray.CfRadial(ncfile)

The vol data structure holds one or many ['sweep_X'] xarray datasets, containing the
sweep data. The root group xarray dataset which corresponds to the
CfRadial2 root-group is available via the `.root`-object.

The writer implementation uses xarray for CfRadial2 output and relies on h5py
for the ODIM_H5 output.

The second approach reads ODIM files (metadata) into a *simple* accessible

    vol =, loader='netcdf4', **kwargs)

All datafiles are accessed via the given loader ('netcdf4', 'h5py',
'h5netcdf'). Only absolutely necessary data is actually read in this process,
eg. acquisition time and elevation, to fill the structure accordingly. All
subsequent metadata retrievals are cached to further improve performance.
Actual data access is realised via xarray using engine 'netcdf4' or 'h5netcdf',
depending on the loader.

Since for data handling xarray is utilized all xarray features can be
exploited, like lazy-loading, pandas-like indexing on N-dimensional data and
vectorized mathematical operations across multiple dimensions.

    See :ref:`/notebooks/fileio/wradlib_odim_multi_file_dataset.ipynb`.

    This implementation is considered experimental. Changes in the API should
    be expected.

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/

__all__ = [
__doc__ = __doc__.format("\n   ".join(__all__))

import collections
import datetime as dt
import glob
import os
import warnings

import dateutil
import deprecation
import h5netcdf
import h5py
import netCDF4
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from packaging.version import Version
from xarray.backends.api import combine_by_coords
from import gamic_mapping
from xradar.model import (
from xradar.model import sweep_vars_mapping as moments_mapping

from wradlib import version
from wradlib.georef import xarray as geo_xarray
from import (
from wradlib.util import has_import

    from import tqdm
except ImportError:

    def tqdm(val, **kwargs):
            "wradlib: Please wait for completion of time consuming task! \n"
            "wradlib: Please install 'tqdm' for showing a progress bar "
        return val

root_vars = {

sweep_vars1 = {

sweep_vars2 = {

sweep_vars3 = {

cf_full_vars = {"prt": "prf", "n_samples": "pulse"}

global_attrs = [
    ("Conventions", "Cf/Radial"),
    ("version", "Cf/Radial version number"),
    ("title", "short description of file contents"),
    ("institution", "where the original data were produced"),
        ("references that describe the data or the methods used " "to produce it"),
    ("source", "method of production of the original data"),
    ("history", "list of modifications to the original data"),
    ("comment", "miscellaneous information"),
    ("instrument_name", "nameThe  of radar or lidar"),
    ("site_name", "name of site where data were gathered"),
    ("scan_name", "name of scan strategy used, if applicable"),
    ("scan_id", "scan strategy id, if applicable. assumed 0 if missing"),
    ("platform_is_mobile", '"true" or "false", assumed "false" if missing'),
            '"true" or "false", assumed "true" if missing. '
            "This is set to true if ray times increase monotonically "
            "thoughout all of the sweeps in the volume"
    ("field_names", "array of strings of field names present in this file."),
    ("time_coverage_start", "copy of time_coverage_start global variable"),
    ("time_coverage_end", "copy of time_coverage_end global variable"),
        "simulated data",
            '"true" or "false", assumed "false" if missing. '
            "data in this file are simulated"

global_variables = dict(
        ("volume_number", np.int_),
        ("platform_type", "fixed"),
        ("instrument_type", "radar"),
        ("primary_axis", "axis_z"),
        ("time_coverage_start", "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"),
        ("time_coverage_end", "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"),
        ("latitude", np.nan),
        ("longitude", np.nan),
        ("altitude", np.nan),
        ("altitude_agl", np.nan),
        ("sweep_group_name", (["sweep"], [np.nan])),
        ("sweep_fixed_angle", (["sweep"], [np.nan])),
        ("frequency", np.nan),
        ("status_xml", "None"),

ODIM_NAMES = {value["short_name"]: key for (key, value) in moments_mapping.items()}

def _maybe_decode(attr):
        return attr.item().decode()
    except AttributeError:
        return attr

def _remove_duplicate_rays(ds, store=None):
    dimname = list(ds.dims)[0]
    # find exact duplicates and remove
    _, idx = np.unique(ds[dimname], return_index=True)
    if len(idx) < len(ds[dimname]):
        ds = ds.isel({dimname: idx})
        # if ray_time was erroneously created from wrong dimensions
        # we need to recalculate it
        if store and store._need_time_recalc:
            ray_times = store._get_ray_times(nrays=len(idx))
            # need to decode only if ds is decoded
            if "units" in ds.rtime.encoding:
                ray_times = xr.decode_cf(xr.Dataset({"rtime": ray_times})).rtime
            ds = ds.assign({"rtime": ray_times})
    return ds

def _fix_angle(da):
    # fix elevation outliers
    if len(set(da.values)) > 1:
        med = da.median(skipna=True)
        da = da.where(da == med).fillna(med)
    return da

[docs]@deprecation.deprecated( deprecated_in="1.5", removed_in="2.0", current_version=version.version, details="Use `wradlib.georef.create_xarray_dataarray` " "instead.", ) def create_xarray_dataarray(*args, **kwargs): return geo_xarray.create_xarray_dataarray(*args, **kwargs)
def _reindex_angle(ds, store=None, force=False, tol=None): # Todo: The current code assumes to have PPI's of 360deg and RHI's of 90deg, # make this work also for sectorized (!!!) measurements # this needs refactoring, it's too complex if tol is True or tol is None: tol = 0.4 # disentangle different functionality full_range = {"azimuth": 360, "elevation": 90} dimname = list(ds.dims)[0] # sort in any case, to prevent unsorted errors ds = ds.sortby(dimname) # fix angle range for rhi if hasattr(ds, "elevation_upper_limit"): ul = np.rint(ds.elevation_upper_limit) full_range["elevation"] = ul secname = {"azimuth": "elevation", "elevation": "azimuth"}.get(dimname) dim = ds[dimname] diff = dim.diff(dimname) # this captures different angle spacing # catches also missing rays and double rays # and other erroneous ray alignments which result in different diff values diffset = set(diff.values) non_uniform_angle_spacing = len(diffset) > 1 # this captures missing and additional rays in case the angle differences # are equal non_full_circle = False if not non_uniform_angle_spacing: res = list(diffset)[0] non_full_circle = ((res * ds.dims[dimname]) % full_range[dimname]) != 0 # fix issues with ray alignment if force | non_uniform_angle_spacing | non_full_circle: # create new array and reindex if store and hasattr(store, "angle_resolution"): res = store.angle_resolution elif hasattr(ds[dimname], "angle_res"): res = ds[dimname].angle_res else: res = diff.median(dimname).values new_rays = int(np.round(full_range[dimname] / res, decimals=0)) # find exact duplicates and remove ds = _remove_duplicate_rays(ds, store=store) # do we have all needed rays? if non_uniform_angle_spacing | len(ds[dimname]) != new_rays: # todo: check if assumption that beam center points to # multiples of res/2. is correct in any case # it might fail for cfradial1 data which already points to beam centers azr = np.arange(res / 2.0, new_rays * res, res, dtype=diff.dtype) fill_value = { k: np.asarray(v._FillValue).astype(v.dtype) for k, v in ds.items() if hasattr(v, "_FillValue") } ds = ds.reindex( {dimname: azr}, method="nearest", tolerance=tol, fill_value=fill_value, ) # check other coordinates # check secondary angle coordinate (no nan) # set nan values to reasonable median if hasattr(ds, secname) and np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(ds[secname])): ds[secname] = ds[secname].fillna(ds[secname].median(skipna=True)) # todo: rtime is also affected, might need to be treated accordingly return ds @xr.register_dataset_accessor("gamic") class GamicAccessor: """Dataset Accessor for handling GAMIC HDF5 data files""" def __init__(self, xarray_obj): self._obj = xarray_obj self._radial_range = None self._azimuth_range = None self._elevation_range = None self._time_range = None self._sitecoords = None self._polcoords = None self._projection = None self._time = None @property def radial_range(self): """Return the radial range of this dataset.""" if self._radial_range is None: ngates = self._obj.attrs["bin_count"] range_samples = self._obj.attrs["range_samples"] range_step = self._obj.attrs["range_step"] bin_range = range_step * range_samples range_data = np.arange( bin_range / 2.0, bin_range * ngates, bin_range, dtype="float32" ) range_attrs = get_range_attrs(range_data) da = xr.DataArray(range_data, dims=["dim_1"], attrs=range_attrs) self._radial_range = da return self._radial_range @property def azimuth_range(self): """Return the azimuth range of this dataset.""" if self._azimuth_range is None: azstart = self._obj["azimuth_start"] azstop = self._obj["azimuth_stop"] zero_index = np.where(azstop < azstart) azstop[zero_index[0]] += 360 azimuth = (azstart + azstop) / 2.0 azimuth = azimuth.assign_attrs(get_azimuth_attrs()) self._azimuth_range = azimuth return self._azimuth_range @property def elevation_range(self): """Return the elevation range of this dataset.""" if self._elevation_range is None: elstart = self._obj["elevation_start"] elstop = self._obj["elevation_stop"] elevation = (elstart + elstop) / 2.0 elevation = elevation.assign_attrs(get_elevation_attrs()) self._elevation_range = elevation return self._elevation_range @property def time_range(self): """Return the time range of this dataset.""" if self._time_range is None: times = self._obj["timestamp"] / 1e6 attrs = { "units": "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "standard_name": "time", } da = xr.DataArray(times, attrs=attrs) self._time_range = da return self._time_range @xr.register_dataset_accessor("odim") class OdimAccessor: """Dataset Accessor for handling ODIM_H5 data files""" def __init__(self, xarray_obj): self._obj = xarray_obj self._radial_range = None self._azimuth_range = None self._elevation_range = None self._time_range = None self._time_range2 = None self._prt = None self._n_samples = None @property def radial_range(self): """Return the radial range of this dataset.""" if self._radial_range is None: ngates = self._obj.attrs["nbins"] range_start = self._obj.attrs["rstart"] * 1000.0 bin_range = self._obj.attrs["rscale"] cent_first = range_start + bin_range / 2.0 range_data = np.arange( cent_first, range_start + bin_range * ngates, bin_range, dtype="float32" ) range_attrs = get_range_attrs(range_data) da = xr.DataArray(range_data, dims=["dim_1"], attrs=range_attrs) self._radial_range = da return self._radial_range @property def azimuth_range2(self): """Return the azimuth range of this dataset.""" if self._azimuth_range is None: nrays = self._obj.attrs["nrays"] res = 360.0 / nrays azimuth_data = np.arange(res / 2.0, 360.0, res, dtype="float32") da = xr.DataArray(azimuth_data, dims=["dim_0"], attrs=get_azimuth_attrs()) self._azimuth_range = da return self._azimuth_range @property def azimuth_range(self): """Return the azimuth range of this dataset.""" if self._azimuth_range is None: startaz = self._obj.attrs["startazA"] stopaz = self._obj.attrs["stopazA"] zero_index = np.where(stopaz < startaz) stopaz[zero_index[0]] += 360 azimuth_data = (startaz + stopaz) / 2.0 da = xr.DataArray(azimuth_data, attrs=get_azimuth_attrs()) self._azimuth_range = da return self._azimuth_range @property def elevation_range2(self): """Return the elevation range of this dataset.""" if self._elevation_range is None: nrays = self._obj.attrs["nrays"] elangle = self._obj.attrs["elangle"] elevation_data = np.ones(nrays, dtype="float32") * elangle da = xr.DataArray( elevation_data, dims=["dim_0"], attrs=get_elevation_attrs() ) self._elevation_range = da return self._elevation_range @property def elevation_range(self): """Return the elevation range of this dataset.""" if self._elevation_range is None: startel = self._obj.attrs["startelA"] stopel = self._obj.attrs["stopelA"] elevation_data = (startel + stopel) / 2.0 da = xr.DataArray( elevation_data, dims=["dim_0"], attrs=get_elevation_attrs() ) self._elevation_range = da return self._elevation_range @property def time_range(self): """Return the time range of this dataset.""" if self._time_range is None: startT = self._obj.attrs["startazT"] stopT = self._obj.attrs["stopazT"] times = (startT + stopT) / 2.0 self._time_range = times return self._time_range @property def time_range2(self): """Return the time range of this dataset.""" if self._time_range2 is None: startdate = self._obj.attrs["startdate"] starttime = self._obj.attrs["starttime"] enddate = self._obj.attrs["enddate"] endtime = self._obj.attrs["endtime"] start = dt.datetime.strptime(startdate + starttime, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") end = dt.datetime.strptime(enddate + endtime, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") start = start.replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc) end = end.replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc) self._time_range2 = (start.timestamp(), end.timestamp()) return self._time_range2 @property def prt(self): if self._prt is None: try: prt = 1.0 / self._obj.attrs["prf"] da = xr.DataArray(prt, dims=["dim_0"]) self._prt = da except KeyError: pass return self._prt @property def n_samples(self): if self._n_samples is None: try: da = xr.DataArray(self._obj.attrs["pulse"], dims=["dim_0"]) self._n_samples = da except KeyError: pass return self._n_samples def to_cfradial2(volume, filename, timestep=None, engine=None): """Save RadarVolume/XRadVol/XRadVolume to CfRadial2.0 compliant file. Parameters ---------- volume : :class:``, :class:`` or :class:`` filename : str output filename timestep : int timestep of wanted volume """ if engine is None: if has_import(netCDF4): engine == "netcdf4" elif has_import(h5netcdf): engine == "h5netcdf" else: raise ImportError( "wradlib: ``netCDF4`` or ``h5netcdf`` needed to perform this operation." ) volume.root.load() root = volume.root.copy(deep=True) root.attrs["Conventions"] = "Cf/Radial" root.attrs["version"] = "2.0" root.to_netcdf(filename, mode="w", group="/", engine=engine) for idx, key in enumerate(root.sweep_group_name.values): if isinstance(volume, (OdimH5, CfRadial)): swp = volume[key] elif isinstance(volume, XRadVolume): swp = volume[idx][timestep].data else: ds = volume[idx] if "time" not in ds.dims: ds = ds.expand_dims("time") swp = ds.isel(time=timestep) swp.load() dim0 = list(set(swp.dims) & {"azimuth", "elevation", "time"})[0] try: swp = swp.swap_dims({dim0: "time"}) except ValueError: swp = swp.drop_vars("time").rename({"rtime": "time"}) swp = swp.swap_dims({dim0: "time"}) swp = swp.drop_vars(["x", "y", "z", "gr", "rays", "bins"], errors="ignore") swp = swp.sortby("time") swp.to_netcdf(filename, mode="a", group=key, engine=engine) def to_odim(volume, filename, timestep=0): """Save RadarVolume/XRadVol/XRadVolume to ODIM_H5/V2_2 compliant file. Parameters ---------- volume : :class:``, :class:`` or :class:`` filename : str output filename timestep : int timestep of wanted volume """ root = volume.root h5 = h5py.File(filename, "w") # root group, only Conventions for ODIM_H5 _write_odim({"Conventions": "ODIM_H5/V2_2"}, h5) # how group how = {} how.update({"_modification_program": "wradlib"}) h5_how = h5.create_group("how") _write_odim(how, h5_how) sweepnames = root.sweep_group_name.values # what group, object, version, date, time, source, mandatory # p. 10 f what = {} if len(sweepnames) > 1: what["object"] = "PVOL" else: what["object"] = "SCAN" what["version"] = "H5rad 2.2" what["date"] = str(root.time_coverage_start.values)[:10].replace("-", "") what["time"] = str(root.time_coverage_end.values)[11:19].replace(":", "") what["source"] = root.attrs["instrument_name"] h5_what = h5.create_group("what") _write_odim(what, h5_what) # where group, lon, lat, height, mandatory where = { "lon": root.longitude.values, "lat": root.latitude.values, "height": root.altitude.values, } h5_where = h5.create_group("where") _write_odim(where, h5_where) # datasets ds_list = [f"dataset{i + 1}" for i in range(len(sweepnames))] ds_idx = np.argsort(ds_list) for idx in ds_idx: if isinstance(volume, (OdimH5, CfRadial)): ds = volume[f"sweep_{idx + 1}"] elif isinstance(volume, XRadVolume): ds = volume[idx][timestep].data ds = ds.drop_vars("time", errors="ignore").rename({"rtime": "time"}) else: ds = volume[idx] if "time" not in ds.dims: ds = ds.expand_dims("time") ds = ds.isel(time=timestep, drop=True) ds = ds.drop_vars("time", errors="ignore").rename({"rtime": "time"}) h5_dataset = h5.create_group(ds_list[idx]) # what group p. 21 ff. h5_ds_what = h5_dataset.create_group("what") ds_what = {} # skip NaT values valid_times = ~np.isnat(ds.time.values) t = sorted(ds.time.values[valid_times]) start = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(np.rint(t[0].astype("O") / 1e9)) end = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(np.rint(t[-1].astype("O") / 1e9)) ds_what["product"] = "SCAN" ds_what["startdate"] = start.strftime("%Y%m%d") ds_what["starttime"] = start.strftime("%H%M%S") ds_what["enddate"] = end.strftime("%Y%m%d") ds_what["endtime"] = end.strftime("%H%M%S") _write_odim(ds_what, h5_ds_what) # where group, p. 11 ff. mandatory h5_ds_where = h5_dataset.create_group("where") rscale = ds.range.values[1] / 1.0 - ds.range.values[0] rstart = (ds.range.values[0] - rscale / 2.0) / 1000.0 # todo: make this work for RHI's a1gate = np.argsort(ds.sortby("azimuth").time.values)[0] try: fixed_angle = ds.fixed_angle except AttributeError: fixed_angle = ds.elevation.round(decimals=1).median().values ds_where = { "elangle": fixed_angle, "nbins": ds.range.shape[0], "rstart": rstart, "rscale": rscale, "nrays": ds.azimuth.shape[0], "a1gate": a1gate, } _write_odim(ds_where, h5_ds_where) # how group, p. 14 ff. h5_ds_how = h5_dataset.create_group("how") tout = [tx.astype("O") / 1e9 for tx in ds.sortby("azimuth").time.values] tout_sorted = sorted(tout) # handle non-uniform times (eg. only second-resolution) if np.count_nonzero(np.diff(tout_sorted)) < (len(tout_sorted) - 1): tout = np.roll( np.linspace(tout_sorted[0], tout_sorted[-1], len(tout)), a1gate ) tout_sorted = sorted(tout) difft = np.diff(tout_sorted) / 2.0 difft = np.insert(difft, 0, difft[0]) azout = ds.sortby("azimuth").azimuth diffa = np.diff(azout) / 2.0 diffa = np.insert(diffa, 0, diffa[0]) elout = ds.sortby("azimuth").elevation diffe = np.diff(elout) / 2.0 diffe = np.insert(diffe, 0, diffe[0]) try: sweep_number = ds.sweep_number + 1 except AttributeError: sweep_number = timestep ds_how = { "scan_index": sweep_number, "scan_count": len(sweepnames), "startazT": tout - difft, "stopazT": tout + difft, "startazA": azout - diffa, "stopazA": azout + diffa, "startelA": elout - diffe, "stopelA": elout + diffe, } _write_odim(ds_how, h5_ds_how) # write moments _write_odim_dataspace(ds, h5_dataset) h5.close() def _preprocess_moment(ds, mom, non_uniform_shape): attrs = mom._decode( quantity = mom.quantity # extract and translate attributes to cf what = mom.what attrs["scale_factor"] = what["gain"] attrs["add_offset"] = what["offset"] attrs["_FillValue"] = what["nodata"] attrs["_Undetect"] = what["undetect"] if mom.parent.decode_coords: attrs["coordinates"] = "elevation azimuth range" # handle non-standard moment names try: mapping = moments_mapping[quantity] except KeyError: pass else: attrs.update({key: mapping[key] for key in moment_attrs}) ds["data"] = ds["data"].assign_attrs(attrs) # fix dimensions dims = sorted(list(ds.dims.keys()), key=lambda x: int(x[len("phony_dim_") :])) ds = ds.rename( {"data": quantity, dims[0]: mom.parent._dim0[0], dims[1]: mom.parent._dim1} ) # apply coordinates to dataset if source moments have different shapes # and correct for it if mom.parent.decode_coords & non_uniform_shape: coords = mom.parent._get_coords() ds = ds.assign_coords(coords.coords) if mom.parent._dim0[0] == "azimuth": ds = ds.sortby(mom.parent._dim0[0]) ds = ds.pipe(_reindex_angle, mom.parent) return ds def _open_mfmoments( moments, chunks=None, compat="no_conflicts", preprocess=None, engine=None, lock=None, data_vars="all", coords="minimal", parallel=False, **kwargs, ): """Open multiple OdimH5 moments as a single dataset. This is derived from xarray.open_mfdataset [1] Parameters ---------- moments : sequence List of XRadSweep objects. chunks : int or dict, optional Chunk size preprocess : callable, optional If provided, call this function on each dataset prior to concatenation. engine : {'netcdf4', 'h5netcdf'}, optional Engine to use when reading files. Defaults to 'netcdf4'. lock : False or duck threading.Lock, optional Resource lock to use when reading data from disk. Only relevant when using dask or another form of parallelism. By default, appropriate locks are chosen to safely read and write files with the currently active dask scheduler. data_vars : {'minimal', 'different', 'all' or list of str}, optional These data variables will be concatenated together: * 'minimal': Only data variables in which the dimension already appears are included. * 'different': Data variables which are not equal (ignoring attributes) across all datasets are also concatenated (as well as all for which dimension already appears). Beware: this option may load the data payload of data variables into memory if they are not already loaded. * 'all': All data variables will be concatenated. * list of str: The listed data variables will be concatenated, in addition to the 'minimal' data variables. parallel : bool, optional If True, the open and preprocess steps of this function will be performed in parallel using ``dask.delayed``. Default is False. **kwargs : dict, optional Additional arguments passed on to :py:func:`xarray:xarray.open_dataset`. Returns ------- xarray.Dataset References ---------- .. [1] """ # noqa open_kwargs = dict(chunks=chunks, **kwargs) # if moments are specified in XRadTimeseries only load those if moments.parent._moments is not None: moments = [p for p in moments if p.quantity in moments.parent._moments] engine = moments[0].engine if engine == "netcdf4": opener = netCDF4.Dataset opener_kwargs = {} store = xr.backends.NetCDF4DataStore else: if Version(h5netcdf.__version__) < Version("0.8.0"): warnings.warn( f"WRADLIB: 'h5netcdf>=0.8.0' needed to perform this " f"operation. 'h5netcdf={h5netcdf.__version__} " f"available.", UserWarning, ) return None if Version(xr.__version__) < Version("0.15.0"): warnings.warn( f"WRADLIB: 'xarray>=0.15.0' needed to perform this " f"operation. 'xarray={xr.__version__} " f"available.", UserWarning, ) return None opener = h5netcdf.File opener_kwargs = {"phony_dims": "access"} store = xr.backends.H5NetCDFStore # do not use parallel if all moments in one file if len(set([p.filename for p in moments])) == 1: single_file = True if os.path.isfile(moments[0].filename): ds0 = opener(moments[0].filename, "r", **opener_kwargs) else: ds0 = moments[0].ncfile else: single_file = False if parallel: import dask # wrap the open_dataset, getattr, and preprocess with delayed open_ = dask.delayed(xr.open_dataset) getattr_ = dask.delayed(getattr) if preprocess is not None: preprocess = dask.delayed(preprocess) else: open_ = xr.open_dataset getattr_ = getattr if single_file: datasets = [open_(store(ds0, group=p.ncpath)) for p in moments] else: fileid = [] for p in moments: if os.path.isfile(p.filename): p = opener(p.filename, "r", **opener_kwargs) else: p = p.ncfile fileid.append(p) datasets = [ open_(store(f, group=p.ncpath), **open_kwargs) for f, p in zip(fileid, moments) ] if Version(xr.__version__) <= Version("0.16.2"): closers = [getattr_(ds, "_file_obj") for ds in datasets] else: closers = [getattr_(ds, "_close") for ds in datasets] # check for differences in shape of moments non_uniform_shape = len(set([tuple(ds.sizes.values()) for ds in datasets])) > 1 if preprocess is not None: datasets = [ preprocess(ds, mom, non_uniform_shape) for ds, mom in zip(datasets, moments) ] if parallel: # calling compute here will return the datasets/file_objs lists, # the underlying datasets will still be stored as dask arrays datasets, closers = dask.compute(datasets, closers) # Combine all datasets, closing them in case of a ValueError try: combined = combine_by_coords( datasets, compat="no_conflicts", data_vars="all", coords="minimal" ) except ValueError: for ds in datasets: ds.close() raise def multi_file_closer(): for closer in closers: closer() combined.set_close(multi_file_closer) combined.attrs = datasets[0].attrs return combined class OdimH5GroupAttributeMixin: """Mixin Class for Odim Group Attribute Retrieval""" __slots__ = ["_attrs", "_ncfile", "_ncpath", "_parent", "_how", "_what", "_where"] def __init__(self, ncfile=None, ncpath=None, parent=None): super().__init__() self._ncfile = ncfile self._ncpath = ncpath self._parent = parent self._attrs = None self._how = None self._what = None self._where = None @property def is_netcdf(self): return has_import(netCDF4) and isinstance(self.ncfile, netCDF4.Dataset) @property def is_h5netcdf(self): return has_import(h5netcdf) and isinstance(self.ncfile, h5netcdf.File) @property def ncpath(self): """Returns path string inside HDF5 File.""" return self._ncpath @property def ncid(self): """Returns handle for current path.""" # root-group can't be subset with netcdf4 and h5netcdf if self._ncpath == "/": if self.is_netcdf or self.is_h5netcdf: return self._ncfile return self._ncfile[self.ncpath] @property def ncfile(self): """Returns file handle.""" return self._ncfile @property def how(self): """Return attributes of `how`-group.""" if self._how is None: self._how = self._get_attributes("how") return self._how @property def what(self): """Return attributes of `what`-group.""" if self._what is None: self._what = self._get_attributes("what") return self._what @property def where(self): """Return attributes of `where`-group.""" if self._where is None: self._where = self._get_attributes("where") return self._where @property def attrs(self): """Return group attributes.""" if self._attrs is None: if self.is_netcdf: self._attrs = {k: self.ncid.getncattr(k) for k in self.ncid.ncattrs()} else: self._attrs = self._decode({**self.ncid.attrs}) return self._attrs @property def filename(self): """Return filename group belongs to.""" if self.is_netcdf: return self.ncfile.filepath() else: return self.ncfile.filename @property def groups(self): """Return list of available groups.""" if self.is_netcdf: return list(self.ncid.groups) else: return list(self.ncid.keys()) @property def engine(self): """Return engine used for accessing data""" if self.is_netcdf: return "netcdf4" else: return "h5netcdf" @property def parent(self): """Return parent object.""" return self._parent def _get_attributes(self, grp, ncid=None): """Return dict with attributes extracted from `grp`""" if ncid is None: ncid = self.ncid try: if self.is_netcdf: attrs = {k: ncid[grp].getncattr(k) for k in ncid[grp].ncattrs()} return attrs else: attrs = {**ncid[grp].attrs} attrs = self._decode(attrs) return attrs except (IndexError, KeyError): return None def _get_attribute(self, grp, attr=None, ncid=None): """Return single attribute extracted from `grp`""" if ncid is None: ncid = self.ncid try: if self.is_netcdf: return ncid[grp].getncattr(attr) else: v = ncid[grp].attrs[attr] try: v = v.item() except (ValueError, AttributeError): pass try: v = v.decode() except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError): pass return v except (IndexError, KeyError): return None def _decode(self, attrs): """Decode strings if possible.""" for k, v in attrs.items(): try: v = v.item() except (ValueError, AttributeError): pass try: v = v.decode() except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError): pass attrs[k] = v return attrs class OdimH5SweepMetaDataMixin: """Mixin Class for Odim MetaData.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._a1gate = None self._angle_resolution = None self._azimuth = None self._elevation = None self._fixed_angle = None self._nrays = None self._nbins = None self._time = None self._endtime = None self._rtime = None self._rng = None @property def a1gate(self): """Return and cache a1gate, azimuth of first measured gate""" if self._a1gate is None: self._a1gate = self._get_a1gate() return self._a1gate @property def angle_resolution(self): """Return and cache angular resolution in degree.""" if self._angle_resolution is None: self._angle_resolution = self._get_angle_resolution() return self._angle_resolution @property def azimuth(self): """Return and cache azimuth xr.DataArray.""" if self._azimuth is None: self._azimuth = self._get_azimuth() return self._azimuth @property def elevation(self): """Return and cache elevation xr.DataArray.""" if self._elevation is None: self._elevation = self._get_elevation() return self._elevation @property def fixed_angle(self): """Return and cache elevation angle in degree.""" if self._fixed_angle is None: self._fixed_angle = self._get_fixed_angle() return self._fixed_angle @property def nrays(self): """Return and cache number of rays.""" if self._nrays is None: self._nrays = self._get_nrays() return self._nrays @property def nbins(self): """Return and cache number of bins.""" if self._nbins is None: self._nbins = self._get_nbins() return self._nbins @property def rng(self): """Return and cache range xr.DataArray.""" if self._rng is None: self._rng = self._get_range() return self._rng @property def ray_times(self): """Return and cache ray_times xr.DataArray.""" if self._rtime is None: da = self._get_ray_times() # decode, if necessary if self.decode_times: da = self._decode_cf(da) self._rtime = da return self._rtime @property def time(self): """Return and cache time xr.DataArray.""" if self._time is None: da = self._get_time() # decode, if necessary if self.decode_times: da = self._decode_cf(da) self._time = da return self._time @property def starttime(self): """Return sweep starttime xr.DataArray.""" return self._time @property def endtime(self): """Return sweep endtime xr.DataArray.""" if self._endtime is None: da = self._get_time(point="end") # decode, if necessary if self.decode_times: da = self._decode_cf(da) self._endtime = da return self._endtime
[docs]class XRadMoment(OdimH5GroupAttributeMixin): """Class for holding one radar moment Parameters ---------- ncfile : {netCDF4.Dataset, h5py.File or h5netcdf.File object} File handle of file containing radar sweep ncpath : str path to moment group (datasetX) parent : XRadSweep parent sweep object """
[docs] def __init__(self, ncfile, ncpath, parent): super().__init__(ncfile, ncpath, parent) self._quantity = None
def __repr__(self): summary = [f"<wradlib.{type(self).__name__}>"] dims = "Dimension(s):" dims_summary = [f"{self.parent._dim0[0]}: {self.parent.nrays}"] dims_summary.append(f"{self.parent._dim1}: {self.parent.nbins}") dims_summary = ", ".join(dims_summary) summary.append(f"{dims} ({dims_summary})") angle = "Elevation(s):" angle_summary = f"{self.parent.fixed_angle:.1f}" summary.append(f"{angle} ({angle_summary})") moms = "Moment:" moms_summary = f"{self.quantity}" summary.append(f"{moms} ({moms_summary})") return "\n".join(summary) @property def data(self): """Return moment xr.DataArray.""" return[self.quantity] @property def time(self): """Return sweep time.""" return self.parent.time @property def quantity(self): """Return `quantity` aka moment name""" if self._quantity is None: if isinstance(self.parent, XRadSweepOdim): self._quantity = self.what["quantity"] else: self._quantity = gamic_mapping[self.attrs["moment"].lower()] return self._quantity
[docs]class XRadSweep(OdimH5GroupAttributeMixin, OdimH5SweepMetaDataMixin, XRadBase): """Class for holding one radar sweep Parameters ---------- ncfile : {netCDF4.Dataset, h5py.File or h5netcdf.File object} File handle of file containing radar sweep ncpath : str path to sweep group """
[docs] def __init__(self, ncfile, ncpath, parent=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(ncfile, ncpath, parent) self._dask_kwargs = { "chunks": kwargs.get("chunks", None), "parallel": kwargs.get("parallel", False), } self._cf_kwargs = { "mask_and_scale": kwargs.get("mask_and_scale", True), "decode_coords": kwargs.get("decode_coords", True), "decode_times": kwargs.get("decode_times", True), } self._misc_kwargs = { "keep_elevation": kwargs.get("keep_elevation", False), "keep_azimuth": kwargs.get("keep_azimuth", False), } self._data = None self._need_time_recalc = False self._seq.extend(self._get_moments()) self._dim0 = ("azimuth", "elevation") self._dim1 = "range" self.fixed_angle
def __repr__(self): summary = [f"<wradlib.{type(self).__name__}>"] dims = "Dimension(s):" dims_summary = [f"{self._dim0[0]}: {self.nrays}"] dims_summary.append(f"{self._dim1}: {self.nbins}") dims_summary = ", ".join(dims_summary) summary.append(f"{dims} ({dims_summary})") angle = f"{self._dim0[1].capitalize()}(s):" angle_summary = f"{self.fixed_angle:0.1f}" summary.append(f"{angle} ({angle_summary})") moms = "Moment(s):" moms_summary = self.moments moms_summary = ", ".join(moms_summary) summary.append(f"{moms} ({moms_summary})") return "\n".join(summary) def __del__(self): if self._data is not None: self._data.close() self._data = None self._ncfile = None def _decode_cf(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, xr.DataArray): out = xr.decode_cf(xr.Dataset({"arr": obj}), **self._cf_kwargs).arr else: out = xr.decode_cf(obj, **self._cf_kwargs) return out def _get_coords(self): ds = xr.Dataset( coords={ "time": self.time, "rtime": self.ray_times, "azimuth": self.azimuth, "elevation": self.elevation, "range": self.rng, } ) return ds def _get_moments(self): mdesc = self._mdesc moments = [k for k in self.groups if mdesc in k] moments_idx = np.argsort([int(s[len(mdesc) :]) for s in moments]) moments_names = np.array(moments)[moments_idx].tolist() moments = [ XRadMoment( ncfile=self.ncfile, ncpath="/".join([self.ncpath, mom]), parent=self ) for mom in moments_names ] return moments def reset_data(self): """Reset .data xr.Dataset""" self._data = None @property def _mdesc(self): return self._get_mdesc() @property def chunks(self): """Return `chunks` setting.""" return self._dask_kwargs.get("chunks") @property def parallel(self): """Return `parallel` setting.""" return self._dask_kwargs.get("parallel") @property def mask_and_scale(self): """Return `mask_and_scale` setting.""" return self._cf_kwargs.get("mask_and_scale") @property def decode_coords(self): """Return `decode_coords` setting.""" return self._cf_kwargs.get("decode_coords") @property def decode_times(self): """Return `decode_times` setting.""" return self._cf_kwargs.get("decode_times") @property def data(self): """Return and cache moments as combined xr.Dataset""" if self._data is None: self._data = self._merge_moments() # if self._data is not None: # if metadata declared in XRadTimeseries, load and assign if self.parent._meta is not None: vars = {} for k, v in self.parent._meta.items(): attr = self._get_attribute(v, attr=k) if hasattr(attr, "ndim"): attr = xr.DataArray(attr, dims=[self._dim0[0]]) vars[k] = attr self._data = self._data.assign(vars) if self.decode_coords: coords = self._get_coords().coords self._data = self._data.assign_coords(coords) self._data = self._data.sortby(self._dim0[0]) self._data = self._data.pipe(_reindex_angle, self) sweep_mode = ( "azimuth_surveillance" if self._dim0[0] == "azimuth" else "rhi" ) self._data = self._data.assign_coords({"sweep_mode": sweep_mode}) self._data = self._data.assign_coords( if self.mask_and_scale | self.decode_coords | self.decode_times: self._data = self._data.pipe(self._decode_cf) return self._data @property def coords(self): """Returns xr.Dataset containing coordinates.""" # sort coords by azimuth, only necessary for gamic flavour # for odim is already sorted return self._get_coords().sortby(self._dim0[0]) @property def moments(self): """Return list of moments.""" return [f"{k.quantity}" for k in self]
class XRadSweepOdim(XRadSweep): """Class for holding one radar sweep Parameters ---------- ncfile : {netCDF4.Dataset, h5py.File or h5netcdf.File object} File handle of file containing radar sweep ncpath : str path to sweep group """ def __init__(self, ncfile, ncpath, parent=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(ncfile, ncpath, parent, **kwargs) def _get_a1gate(self): return self.where["a1gate"] def _get_angle_resolution(self): return self.azimuth.diff(self._dim0[0]).median(skipna=True).round(decimals=1) def _get_fixed_angle(self): # try RHI first angle_keys = ["az_angle", "azangle"] for ak in angle_keys: angle = self.where.get(ak, None) if angle is not None: break if angle is not None: angle = np.round(angle, decimals=1) self._dim0 = (self._dim0[1], self._dim0[0]) else: angle = np.round(self.where["elangle"], decimals=1) return angle def _get_azimuth_how(self): how = startaz = how["startazA"] stopaz = how["stopazA"] zero_index = np.where(stopaz < startaz) stopaz[zero_index[0]] += 360 azimuth_data = (startaz + stopaz) / 2.0 return azimuth_data def _get_azimuth_where(self): nrays = self.where["nrays"] res = 360.0 / nrays azimuth_data = np.arange(res / 2.0, 360.0, res, dtype="float32") return azimuth_data def _get_elevation_how(self): how = startel = how["startelA"] stopel = how["stopelA"] elevation_data = (startel + stopel) / 2.0 return elevation_data def _get_elevation_where(self): where = self.where nrays = where["nrays"] elangle = where["elangle"] elevation_data = np.ones(nrays, dtype="float32") * elangle return elevation_data def _get_time_how(self): how = startT = how["startazT"] stopT = how["stopazT"] time_data = (startT + stopT) / 2.0 return time_data def _get_time_what(self, nrays=None): what = self.what startdate = what["startdate"] starttime = what["starttime"] enddate = what["enddate"] endtime = what["endtime"] start = dt.datetime.strptime(startdate + starttime, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") end = dt.datetime.strptime(enddate + endtime, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") start = start.replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc).timestamp() end = end.replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc).timestamp() if nrays is None: nrays = self.where["nrays"] if start == end: warnings.warn( "WRADLIB: Equal ODIM `starttime` and `endtime` " "values. Can't determine correct sweep start-, " "end- and raytimes.", UserWarning, ) time_data = np.ones(nrays) * start else: delta = (end - start) / nrays time_data = np.arange(start + delta / 2.0, end, delta) time_data = np.roll(time_data, shift=+self.a1gate) return time_data def _get_ray_times(self, nrays=None): try: time_data = self._get_time_how() self._need_time_recalc = False except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError): time_data = self._get_time_what(nrays=nrays) self._need_time_recalc = True da = xr.DataArray( time_data, dims=[self._dim0[0]], attrs=get_time_attrs("1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"), ) return da def _get_azimuth(self): try: azimuth_data = self._get_azimuth_how() except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError): azimuth_data = self._get_azimuth_where() da = xr.DataArray(azimuth_data, dims=[self._dim0[0]], attrs=get_azimuth_attrs()) if not self._misc_kwargs["keep_azimuth"] and self._dim0[0] == "elevation": da = da.pipe(_fix_angle) return da def _get_elevation(self): try: elevation_data = self._get_elevation_how() except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError): elevation_data = self._get_elevation_where() da = xr.DataArray( elevation_data, dims=[self._dim0[0]], attrs=get_elevation_attrs() ) if not self._misc_kwargs["keep_elevation"] and self._dim0[0] == "azimuth": da = da.pipe(_fix_angle) return da def _get_mdesc(self): return "data" def _get_range(self): where = self.where ngates = where["nbins"] range_start = where["rstart"] * 1000.0 bin_range = where["rscale"] cent_first = range_start + bin_range / 2.0 range_data = np.arange( cent_first, range_start + bin_range * ngates, bin_range, dtype="float32" ) range_attrs = get_range_attrs(range_data) da = xr.DataArray(range_data, dims=[self._dim1], attrs=range_attrs) return da def _merge_moments(self): ds = _open_mfmoments( self, chunks=self.chunks, preprocess=_preprocess_moment, parallel=self.parallel, mask_and_scale=self.mask_and_scale, decode_times=self.decode_times, decode_coords=self.decode_coords, ) return ds def _get_nrays(self): return self.where["nrays"] def _get_nbins(self): return self.where["nbins"] def _get_time(self, point="start"): what = self.what startdate = what[f"{point}date"] starttime = what[f"{point}time"] start = dt.datetime.strptime(startdate + starttime, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") start = start.replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc).timestamp() da = xr.DataArray(start, attrs=get_time_attrs("1970-01-01T00:00:00Z")) return da def _get_time_fast(self): ncid = self.ncid try: if self.is_netcdf: startdate = ncid["what"].getncattr("startdate") starttime = ncid["what"].getncattr("starttime") else: startdate = _maybe_decode(ncid["what"].attrs["startdate"]) starttime = _maybe_decode(ncid["what"].attrs["starttime"]) except (IndexError, KeyError): return None start = dt.datetime.strptime(startdate + starttime, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") start = start.replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc).timestamp() return start class XRadSweepGamic(XRadSweep): """Class for holding one radar sweep Parameters ---------- ncfile : {netCDF4.Dataset, h5py.File or h5netcdf.File object} File handle of file containing radar sweep ncpath : str path to sweep group """ def __init__(self, ncfile, ncpath, parent=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(ncfile, ncpath, parent, **kwargs) self._ray_header = None @property def ray_header(self): # todo: caching adds to memory footprint if self._ray_header is None: self._ray_header = self.ncid["ray_header"][:] return self._ray_header def _get_a1gate(self): return np.argsort(self.coords.rtime.values)[0] def _get_angle_resolution(self): return["angle_step"] def _get_azimuth(self): azstart = self.ray_header["azimuth_start"] azstop = self.ray_header["azimuth_stop"] if self._dim0[0] == "azimuth": zero_index = np.where(azstop < azstart) azstop[zero_index[0]] += 360 azimuth = (azstart + azstop) / 2.0 da = xr.DataArray(azimuth, dims=[self._dim0[0]], attrs=get_azimuth_attrs()) if not self._misc_kwargs["keep_azimuth"] and self._dim0[0] == "elevation": da = da.pipe(_fix_angle) return da def _get_elevation(self): elstart = self.ray_header["elevation_start"] elstop = self.ray_header["elevation_stop"] elevation = (elstart + elstop) / 2.0 da = xr.DataArray(elevation, dims=[self._dim0[0]], attrs=get_elevation_attrs()) if not self._misc_kwargs["keep_elevation"] and self._dim0[0] == "azimuth": da = da.pipe(_fix_angle) return da def _get_mdesc(self): return "moment_" def _get_range(self): range_samples =["range_samples"] range_step =["range_step"] bin_range = range_step * range_samples range_data = np.arange( bin_range / 2.0, bin_range * self.nbins, bin_range, dtype="float32" ) range_attrs = get_range_attrs(range_data) da = xr.DataArray(range_data, dims=[self._dim1], attrs=range_attrs) return da def _get_ray_times(self): times = self.ray_header["timestamp"] / 1e6 attrs = {"units": "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "standard_name": "time"} da = xr.DataArray(times, dims=[self._dim0[0]], attrs=attrs) return da def _get_fixed_angle(self): try: angle = np.round([self._dim0[1]], decimals=1) except KeyError: self._dim0 = (self._dim0[1], self._dim0[0]) angle = np.round([self._dim0[1]], decimals=1) return angle def _merge_moments(self): if "h5" in self.engine: if Version(h5netcdf.__version__) < Version("0.8.0"): warnings.warn( f"WRADLIB: 'h5netcdf>=0.8.0' needed to perform this " f"operation. 'h5netcdf={h5netcdf.__version__} " f"available.", UserWarning, ) return None if Version(xr.__version__) < Version("0.15.0"): warnings.warn( f"WRADLIB: 'xarray>=0.15.0' needed to perform this " f"operation. 'xarray={xr.__version__} " f"available.", UserWarning, ) return None opener = h5netcdf.File opener_kwargs = {"phony_dims": "access"} store = xr.backends.H5NetCDFStore else: opener = netCDF4.Dataset opener_kwargs = {} store = xr.backends.NetCDF4DataStore if os.path.isfile(self.filename): ds0 = opener(self.filename, "r", **opener_kwargs) else: ds0 = self.ncfile ds = xr.open_dataset(store(ds0, self.ncpath), chunks=self.chunks) ds = ds.drop_vars("ray_header", errors="ignore") for mom in self: mom_name = mom.ncpath.split("/")[-1] dmom = ds[mom_name] name = dmom.moment.lower() try: name = gamic_mapping[name] except KeyError: ds = ds.drop_vars(mom_name) continue # extract and translate attributes to cf attrs = collections.OrderedDict() dmax = np.iinfo(dmom.dtype).max dmin = np.iinfo(dmom.dtype).min minval = dmom.dyn_range_min maxval = dmom.dyn_range_max dtype = minval.dtype dyn_range = maxval - minval if maxval != minval: gain = dyn_range / (dmax - 1) minval -= gain else: gain = (dmax - dmin) / dmax minval = dmin gain = np.array([gain])[0].astype(dtype) minval = np.array([minval])[0].astype(dtype) undetect = np.array([dmin])[0].astype(dtype) attrs["scale_factor"] = gain attrs["add_offset"] = minval attrs["_FillValue"] = undetect attrs["_Undetect"] = undetect if self.decode_coords: attrs["coordinates"] = "elevation azimuth range" mapping = moments_mapping[name] attrs.update({key: mapping[key] for key in moment_attrs}) # assign attributes to moment dmom.attrs = collections.OrderedDict() dmom.attrs.update(attrs) ds = ds.rename({mom_name: name.upper()}) # fix dimensions dims = sorted(list(ds.dims.keys()), key=lambda x: int(x[len("phony_dim_") :])) ds = ds.rename({dims[0]: self._dim0[0], dims[1]: self._dim1}) # todo: this sorts and reindexes the unsorted GAMIC dataset by azimuth # only if `decode_coords` is False # adding coord -> sort -> reindex -> remove coord if not self.decode_coords: # and (self._dim0[0] == "azimuth"): ds = ( ds.assign_coords({self._dim0[0]: getattr(self, self._dim0[0])}) .sortby(self._dim0[0]) .pipe(_reindex_angle, self) .drop_vars(self._dim0[0]) ) return ds def _get_nrays(self): return["ray_count"] def _get_nbins(self): return["bin_count"] def _get_time(self): start =["timestamp"] start = dateutil.parser.parse(start) start = start.replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc).timestamp() da = xr.DataArray(start, attrs=get_time_attrs("1970-01-01T00:00:00Z")) return da def _get_time_fast(self): ncid = self.ncid try: if self.is_netcdf: start = ncid["how"].getncattr("timestamp") else: start = ncid["how"].attrs["timestamp"] if Version(h5py.__version__) < Version("3.0.0"): start = start.decode() except (IndexError, KeyError): return None start = dateutil.parser.parse(start) start = start.replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc).timestamp() return start
[docs]class XRadTimeSeries(OdimH5GroupAttributeMixin, XRadBase): """Class for holding a timeseries of radar sweeps"""
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__() self._data = None self._moments = None self._meta = None
# override append and claim file for OdimH5GroupAttributeMixin def append(self, value): # do only for first file in this timeseries value._parent = self if not len(self): self._ncfile = value.ncfile self._ncpath = value.ncpath return super().append(value) def __repr__(self): summary = [f"<wradlib.{type(self).__name__}>"] dims = "Dimension(s):" dims_summary = [f"time: {len(self)}"] dims_summary.append(f"{self._seq[0]._dim0[0]}: {self._seq[0].nrays}") dims_summary.append(f"{self._seq[0]._dim1}: {self._seq[0].nbins}") dims_summary = ", ".join(dims_summary) summary.append(f"{dims} ({dims_summary})") angle = f"{self._seq[0]._dim0[1].capitalize()}(s):" angle_summary = self[0].fixed_angle summary.append(f"{angle} ({angle_summary:.1f})") return "\n".join(summary) def reset_data(self): self._data = None @property def data(self): if self._data is None: # moments handling # coords = set(['rtime', 'range', 'azimuth', 'elevation', 'time', # 'altitude', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'sweep_mode']) # get intersection and union moment_set = [set(t1.moments) for t1 in self] moment_set_i = set.intersection(*moment_set) moment_set_u = set.union(*moment_set) # drop variables not available in all datasets drop = moment_set_i ^ moment_set_u # keep = (moment_set_i | coords) ^ coords drop = list(self.check_moments().keys()) if drop: warnings.warn( f"wradlib: Moments {*drop,} are not available in all datasets " "and will be dropped from the result.\n" "This will be solved in xarray, see " "" ) # todo: catch possible error and add precise ErrorMessage self._data = xr.concat( [, errors="ignore") for f in tqdm( self, desc="Collecting", unit=" Timesteps", leave=None ) ], # data_vars=list(keep), dim="time", ) return self._data def check_rays(self): nrays = [swp.nrays for swp in self] snrays = set(nrays) idx = [] for nr in snrays: if nr % 360: idx.extend(np.argwhere(np.array(nrays) == nr).flatten().tolist()) if len(snrays) > 1: warnings.warn( f"wradlib: number of rays differing between sweeps.\n" f"{snrays}" ) return snrays, idx def check_moments(self): moments = [set([mom.quantity for mom in swp]) for swp in self] mi = set.intersection(*moments) mu = set.union(*moments) mp = mi ^ mu miss = {} for mom in mu: idx = [] if mom in mp: for i, mset in enumerate(moments): if mom not in mset: idx.append(i) miss[mom] = idx return miss def set_moments(self, moments): if not isinstance(moments, list): pass else: self._moments = moments def set_metadata(self, metadata): if not isinstance(metadata, dict): pass else: self._meta = metadata
[docs]class XRadVolume(OdimH5GroupAttributeMixin, XRadBase): """Class for holding a volume of radar sweeps"""
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__() self._data = None self._root = None
def __repr__(self): summary = [f"<wradlib.{type(self).__name__}>"] dims = "Dimension(s):" dims_summary = f"sweep: {len(self)}" summary.append(f"{dims} ({dims_summary})") angle = f"{self[0][0]._dim0[1].capitalize()}(s):" angle_summary = [f"{k[0].fixed_angle:.1f}" for k in self] angle_summary = ", ".join(angle_summary) summary.append(f"{angle} ({angle_summary})") return "\n".join(summary) @property def root(self): """Return root object.""" if self._root is None: self.assign_root() return self._root def assign_root(self): """(Re-)Create root object according CfRadial2 standard""" # assign root variables sweep_group_names = [f"sweep_{i}" for i in range(len(self))] try: sweep_fixed_angles = [ts[0].fixed_angle for ts in self] except AttributeError: sweep_fixed_angles = [ts.fixed_angle for ts in self] # extract time coverage times = np.array( [[t[0].ray_times.values.min(), t[-1].ray_times.values.max()] for t in self] ).flatten() time_coverage_start = min(times) time_coverage_end = max(times) time_coverage_start_str = str(time_coverage_start)[:19] + "Z" time_coverage_end_str = str(time_coverage_end)[:19] + "Z" # create root group from scratch root = xr.Dataset() #, # # take first dataset/file for retrieval of location site = # assign root variables root = root.assign( { "volume_number": 0, "platform_type": "fixed", "instrument_type": "radar", "primary_axis": "axis_z", "time_coverage_start": time_coverage_start_str, "time_coverage_end": time_coverage_end_str, "latitude": site["latitude"].values, "longitude": site["longitude"].values, "altitude": site["altitude"].values, "sweep_group_name": (["sweep"], sweep_group_names), "sweep_fixed_angle": (["sweep"], sweep_fixed_angles), } ) # assign root attributes attrs = collections.OrderedDict() attrs.update( { "version": "None", "title": "None", "institution": "None", "references": "None", "source": "None", "history": "None", "comment": "im/exported using wradlib", "instrument_name": "None", } ) attrs["version"] = self.what["version"] root = root.assign_attrs(attrs) root = root.assign_attrs(self.attrs) self._root = root @property def site(self): """Return coordinates of radar site.""" ds = xr.Dataset(coords=self.where).rename( {"height": "altitude", "lon": "longitude", "lat": "latitude"} ) return ds @property def Conventions(self): """Return Conventions string.""" try: conv = self.ncid.attrs["Conventions"] except KeyError: conv = None return conv def to_odim(self, filename, timestep=0): """Save volume to ODIM_H5/V2_2 compliant file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the output file timestep : int timestep of wanted volume """ if self.root: to_odim(self, filename, timestep=timestep) else: warnings.warn( "WRADLIB: No OdimH5-compliant data structure " "available. Not saving.", UserWarning, ) def to_cfradial2(self, filename, timestep=0): """Save volume to CfRadial2 compliant file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the output file timestep : int timestep wanted volume """ if self.root: to_cfradial2(self, filename, timestep=timestep) else: warnings.warn( "WRADLIB: No CfRadial2-compliant data structure " "available. Not saving.", UserWarning, ) def to_netcdf(self, filename, timestep=None, keys=None): """Save volume to netcdf compliant file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the output file timestep : int, slice timestep/slice of wanted volume keys : list list of sweep_group_names which should be written to the file """ if self.root: to_netcdf(self, filename, keys=keys, timestep=timestep) else: warnings.warn( "WRADLIB: No netcdf-compliant data structure " "available. Not saving.", UserWarning, )
@deprecation.deprecated( deprecated_in="1.10", removed_in="2.0", current_version=version.version, details="Use xarray BackendEntrypoint based functionality instead.", ) def collect_by_time(obj): """Collect XRadSweep objects having same time Parameters ---------- obj : list list of XRadSweep objects Returns ------- out : XRadTimeSeries wrapper around list of XRadSweep objects """ out = XRadTimeSeries() if isinstance(obj, XRadSweep): obj = [obj] times = [ds._get_time_fast() for ds in obj] unique_times = np.array(sorted(list(set(times)))) if len(unique_times) == len(obj): out.extend(obj) out.sort(key=lambda x: x._get_time_fast()) else: # runs only if several files for the same timestep are available # eg DWD's one sweep one moment files for t in unique_times: idx = np.argwhere(times == t).flatten() out1 = obj[idx[0]] [out1.extend(obj[i]) for i in idx[1:]] out.append(out1) return out @deprecation.deprecated( deprecated_in="1.10", removed_in="2.0", current_version=version.version, details="Use xarray BackendEntrypoint based functionality instead.", ) def collect_by_angle(obj): """Collect XRadSweep objects having same angle Parameters ---------- obj : list list of XRadSweep objects Returns ------- out : :class:`` wrapper around nested list of XRadSweep objects """ out = XRadVolume() angles = [ds.fixed_angle for ds in obj] unique_angles = list(set(angles)) if len(unique_angles) == len(obj): out.extend(obj) else: for a in unique_angles: idx = np.argwhere(angles == a).flatten() merge_list = [obj[i] for i in idx] out.append(merge_list) return out def _open_odim_sweep(filename, loader, **kwargs): """Returns list of XRadSweep objects Every sweep will be put into it's own class instance. """ ld_kwargs = kwargs.get("ld_kwargs", {}) if loader == "netcdf4": opener = netCDF4.Dataset attr = "groups" elif loader == "h5netcdf": opener = h5netcdf.File attr = "keys" ld_kwargs["phony_dims"] = "access" else: opener = h5py.File attr = "keys" dsdesc = "dataset" sweep_cls = XRadSweepOdim if "GAMIC" in kwargs.get("flavour", "ODIM"): if loader == "netcdf4": raise ValueError( "wradlib: GAMIC files can't be read using netcdf4" " loader. Use either 'h5py' or 'h5netcdf." ) dsdesc = "scan" sweep_cls = XRadSweepGamic # open file if not isinstance(filename, str): if has_import(h5py) and opener == h5py.File: raise ValueError( "wradlib: file-like objects can't be read using h5py " "loader. Use either 'netcdf4' or 'h5netcdf'." ) if has_import(netCDF4) and opener == netCDF4.Dataset: handle = opener( f"{str(filename)}", mode="r",, **ld_kwargs ) else: handle = opener(filename, "r", **ld_kwargs) else: handle = opener(filename, "r", **ld_kwargs) # get group names fattr = getattr(handle, attr) if callable(fattr): groups = list(fattr()) else: groups = list(fattr) # iterate over single sweeps # todo: if sorting does not matter, we can skip this sweeps = [k for k in groups if dsdesc in k] sweeps_idx = np.argsort([int(s[len(dsdesc) :]) for s in sweeps]) sweeps = np.array(sweeps)[sweeps_idx].tolist() return [sweep_cls(handle, k, **kwargs) for k in sweeps]
[docs]@deprecation.deprecated( deprecated_in="1.10", removed_in="2.0", current_version=version.version, details="Use the appropriate `{engine}_dataset` or `{engine}_mfdataset` function.", ) def open_odim(paths, loader="netcdf4", **kwargs): """Open multiple ODIM files as a XRadVolume structure. Parameters ---------- paths : str or sequence Either a filename or string glob in the form `'path/to/my/files/*.h5'` or an explicit list of files to open. loader : {'netcdf4', 'h5py', 'h5netcdf'} Loader used for accessing file metadata, defaults to 'netcdf4'. kwargs : dict, optional Additional arguments passed on to :class:``. """ if (loader == "h5netcdf") and ( has_import(h5netcdf) and (Version(h5netcdf.__version__) < Version("0.8.0")) ): warnings.warn( f"WRADLIB: 'h5netcdf>=0.8.0' needed to perform this " f"operation. 'h5netcdf={h5netcdf.__version__} " f"available.", UserWarning, ) if isinstance(paths, str): paths = glob.glob(paths) else: paths = np.array(paths).flatten().tolist() if loader not in ["netcdf4", "h5netcdf", "h5py"]: raise ValueError(f"wradlib: Unknown loader: {loader}") sweeps = [] [ sweeps.extend(_open_odim_sweep(f, loader, **kwargs)) for f in tqdm(paths, desc="Open", unit=" Files", leave=None) ] angles = collect_by_angle(sweeps) for i in tqdm(range(len(angles)), desc="Collecting", unit=" Angles", leave=None): angles[i] = collect_by_time(angles[i]) angles.sort(key=lambda x: x[0].time) for f in angles: f._parent = angles angles._ncfile = angles[0].ncfile angles._ncpath = "/" return angles
class XRadVolFile: """BaseClass for holding netCDF4.Dataset handles""" def __init__(self, filename=None, flavour=None, **kwargs): self._filename = filename self._nch = None self._flavour = None self._nch, self._flavour = self._check_file(filename, flavour) def _check_file(self, filename, flavour): raise NotImplementedError def __del__(self): if self._nch is not None: self._nch.close() @property def filename(self): return self._filename @property def nch(self): return self._nch @property def flavour(self): return self._flavour class OdimH5File(XRadVolFile): """Class for holding netCDF4.Dataset handles of OdimH5 files Parameters ---------- filename : str Source data file name. flavour : str Name of hdf5 flavour ('ODIM' or 'GAMIC'). Defaults to 'ODIM'. """ def __init__(self, filename=None, flavour=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(filename=filename, flavour=flavour, **kwargs) def _check_file(self, filename, flavour): nch = netCDF4.Dataset(filename, diskless=True, persist=False) if nch.disk_format != "HDF5": raise TypeError( f"wradlib: File {filename} is neither 'NETCDF4' (using HDF5 groups) " "nor plain 'HDF5'." ) if flavour is None: try: flavour = nch.Conventions except AttributeError as e: raise AttributeError( f"wradlib: Missing 'Conventions' attribute in {filename} ./n" "Use the 'flavour' kwarg to specify your source data." ) from e if "ODIM" not in flavour: raise AttributeError( f"wradlib: 'Conventions' attribute '{flavour}' in {filename} is unknown./n" "Use the 'flavour' kwarg to specify your source data." ) if "ODIM" in flavour: self._dsdesc = "dataset" self._swmode = "product" self._mfmt = "data" self._msrc = "groups" elif "GAMIC" in flavour: self._dsdesc = "scan" self._swmode = "scan_type" self._mfmt = "moment_" self._msrc = "variables" else: raise AttributeError( f"wradlib: Unknown 'flavour' kwarg attribute: {flavour} ." ) return nch, flavour @property def flavour(self): flv = ["ODIM", "GAMIC"] return [s for s in flv if s in self._flavour][0] class NetCDF4File(XRadVolFile): """Class for holding netCDF4.Dataset handles of Cf/Radial files Parameters ---------- filename : str Source data file name. flavour : str Name of flavour ('Cf/Radial' or 'Cf/Radial2'). """ def __init__(self, filename=None, flavour=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(filename=filename, flavour=flavour, **kwargs) def _check_file(self, filename, flavour): nch = netCDF4.Dataset(filename, diskless=True, persist=False) if flavour is None: try: Conventions = nch.Conventions version = nch.version except AttributeError as e: raise AttributeError( f"wradlib: Missing 'Conventions' attribute in {filename} ./n" "Use the 'flavour' kwarg to specify your source data." ) from e if "cf/radial" in Conventions.lower(): if version == "2.0": flavour = "Cf/Radial2" else: flavour = "Cf/Radial" if flavour not in ["Cf/Radial", "Cf/Radial2"]: raise AttributeError( f"wradlib: Unknown 'flavour' kwarg attribute: {flavour} ." ) return nch, flavour
[docs]class XRadVol( """BaseClass for xarray based RadarVolumes Implements `collections.MutableMapping` dictionary. """
[docs] def __init__(self, init_root=False): self._sweeps = {} self._nch = [] self.root = None self._sweep_angles = [] self._sweep_names = [] if init_root: self._init_root() warnings.warn( f"{self.__class__} is deprecated as of 1.10. and will be removed in 2.0. " f"Use xarray backends from `xradar`-package.", category=FutureWarning, stacklevel=3, )
def __getitem__(self, key): if key == "root": warnings.warn( "WRADLIB: Use of `obj['root']` is deprecated, " "please use obj.root instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) return self._root return self._sweeps[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key in self._sweeps: self._sweeps[key] = value else: warnings.warn( "WRADLIB: Use class methods to add data. " "Direct setting is not allowed.", UserWarning, ) def __delitem__(self, key): del self._sweeps[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._sweeps) def __len__(self): return len(self._sweeps) def __repr__(self): return self._sweeps.__repr__() def __del__(self): del self._root for k in list(self._sweeps): del k for k in self._nch: del k def _init_root(self): self.root = xr.Dataset(data_vars=global_variables, attrs=global_attrs) @property def root(self): """Return `root` dataset.""" return self._root @root.setter def root(self, value): self._root = value @property def sweep_angles(self): if self.root is None: return self._sweep_angles return list(self.root.sweep_fixed_angle.values) @sweep_angles.setter def sweep_angles(self, value): if self.root is None: self._sweep_angles.append(value) @property def sweep_names(self): if self.root is None: return self._sweep_names else: return list(self.root.sweep_group_name.values) @sweep_names.setter def sweep_names(self, value): if self.root is None: self._sweep_names.append(value) @property def sweep(self): """Return sweep dimension count.""" return self.root.dims["sweep"] @property def sweeps(self): """Return zip sweep names, sweep_angles""" return zip(self.sweep_names, self.sweep_angles) @property def location(self): """Return location of data source.""" return ( self.root.longitude.values.item(), self.root.latitude.values.item(), self.root.altitude.values.item(), ) @property def Conventions(self): """Return CF/ODIM `Conventions`.""" return self.root.Conventions @property def version(self): """Return CF/ODIM version""" return self.root.version def to_cfradial2(self, filename): """Save volume to CfRadial2.0 compliant file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the output file """ if self.root: to_cfradial2(self, filename) else: warnings.warn( "WRADLIB: No CfRadial2-compliant data structure " "available. Not saving.", UserWarning, ) def to_odim(self, filename): """Save volume to ODIM_H5/V2_2 compliant file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the output file """ if self.root: to_odim(self, filename) else: warnings.warn( "WRADLIB: No OdimH5-compliant data structure " "available. Not saving.", UserWarning, ) def georeference(self, sweeps=None): """Georeference sweeps Parameters ---------- sweeps : list list with sweep keys to georeference, defaults to all sweeps """ if sweeps is None: sweeps = self for swp in sweeps: self[swp] = self[swp].pipe(geo_xarray.georeference_dataset)
[docs]class CfRadial(XRadVol): """Class for xarray based retrieval of CfRadial data files"""
[docs] def __init__(self, filename=None, flavour=None, **kwargs): """Initialize xarray structure from Cf/Radial data structure. Parameters ---------- filename : str Source data file name. flavour : str Name of flavour ('Cf/Radial' or 'Cf/Radial2'). Keyword Arguments ----------------- decode_times : bool If True, decode cf times to np.datetime64. Defaults to True. decode_coords : bool If True, use the ‘coordinates’ attribute on variable to assign coordinates. Defaults to True. mask_and_scale : bool If True, lazily scale (using scale_factor and add_offset) and mask (using _FillValue). Defaults to True. chunks : int or dict, optional If chunks is provided, it used to load the new dataset into dask arrays. chunks={} loads the dataset with dask using a single chunk for all arrays. georef : bool If True, adds 2D AEQD x,y,z-coordinates, ground_range (gr) and 2D (rays,bins)-coordinates for easy georeferencing (eg. cartopy) dim0 : str name of the ray-dimension of DataArrays and Dataset: * `time` - cfradial2 standard * `azimuth` - better for working with xarray """ super().__init__() if not isinstance(filename, list): filename = [filename] for i, f in enumerate(filename): nch = NetCDF4File(f, flavour=flavour) self._nch.append(nch) if nch.flavour == "Cf/Radial2": self.assign_data_radial2(nch, **kwargs) else: self.assign_data_radial(nch, **kwargs)
def assign_data_radial2(self, nch, **kwargs): """Assign from CfRadial2 data structure. Parameters ---------- nch : object NetCDF4 File object Keyword Arguments ----------------- decode_times : bool If True, decode cf times to np.datetime64. Defaults to True. decode_coords : bool If True, use the ‘coordinates’ attribute on variable to assign coordinates. Defaults to True. mask_and_scale : bool If True, lazily scale (using scale_factor and add_offset) and mask (using _FillValue). Defaults to True. chunks : int or dict, optional If chunks is provided, it used to load the new dataset into dask arrays. chunks={} loads the dataset with dask using a single chunk for all arrays. georef : bool If True, adds 2D AEQD x,y,z-coordinates, ground_range (gr) and 2D (rays,bins)-coordinates for easy georeferencing (eg. cartopy) dim0 : str name of the ray-dimension of DataArrays and Dataset: * `time` - cfradial2 standard * `azimuth` - better for working with xarray """ # keyword argument handling georef = kwargs.pop("georef", False) dim0 = kwargs.pop("dim0", "time") self.root = _open_dataset(nch.nch, grp=None, **kwargs) sweepnames = self.root.sweep_group_name.values for sw in sweepnames: ds = _open_dataset(nch.nch, grp=sw, **kwargs) ds = ds.swap_dims({"time": dim0}) coords = { "longitude": self.root.longitude, "latitude": self.root.latitude, "altitude": self.root.altitude, "azimuth": ds.azimuth, "elevation": ds.elevation, } ds = ds.assign_coords(**coords) # adding xyz aeqd-coordinates if georef: ds = geo_xarray.georeference_dataset(ds) self._sweeps[sw] = ds def assign_data_radial(self, nch, **kwargs): """Assign from CfRadial1 data structure. Keyword Arguments ----------------- decode_times : bool If True, decode cf times to np.datetime64. Defaults to True. decode_coords : bool If True, use the ‘coordinates’ attribute on variable to assign coordinates. Defaults to True. mask_and_scale : bool If True, lazily scale (using scale_factor and add_offset) and mask (using _FillValue). Defaults to True. chunks : int or dict, optional If chunks is provided, it used to load the new dataset into dask arrays. chunks={} loads the dataset with dask using a single chunk for all arrays. georef : bool If True, adds 2D AEQD x,y,z-coordinates, ground_range (gr) and 2D (rays,bins)-coordinates for easy georeferencing (eg. cartopy) dim0 : str name of the ray-dimension of DataArrays and Dataset: * `time` - cfradial2 standard * `azimuth` - better for working with xarray """ # keyword argument handling georef = kwargs.pop("georef", False) dim0 = kwargs.pop("dim0", "time") root = _open_dataset(nch.nch, grp=None, **kwargs) var = root.variables.keys() remove_root = var ^ root_vars remove_root &= var root1 = root.drop_vars(remove_root).rename({"fixed_angle": "sweep_fixed_angle"}) sweep_group_name = [] for i in range(root1.dims["sweep"]): sweep_group_name.append(f"sweep_{i + 1}") self.root = root1.assign({"sweep_group_name": (["sweep"], sweep_group_name)}) keep_vars = sweep_vars1 | sweep_vars2 | sweep_vars3 remove_vars = var ^ keep_vars remove_vars &= var data = root.drop_vars(remove_vars) data.attrs = {} start_idx = data.sweep_start_ray_index.values end_idx = data.sweep_end_ray_index.values data = data.drop_vars({"sweep_start_ray_index", "sweep_end_ray_index"}) for i, sw in enumerate(sweep_group_name): tslice = slice(start_idx[i], end_idx[i]) ds = data.isel(time=tslice, sweep=slice(i, i + 1)).squeeze("sweep") ds = ds.swap_dims({"time": dim0}) ds.sweep_mode.load() coords = { "longitude": self.root.longitude, "latitude": self.root.latitude, "altitude": self.root.altitude, "azimuth": ds.azimuth, "elevation": ds.elevation, "sweep_mode": ds.sweep_mode.item().decode(), } ds = ds.assign_coords(**coords) # adding xyz aeqd-coordinates if georef: ds = geo_xarray.georeference_dataset(ds) self._sweeps[sw] = ds
[docs]class OdimH5(XRadVol): """Class for xarray based retrieval of ODIM_H5 data files"""
[docs] def __init__(self, filename=None, flavour=None, **kwargs): """Initialize xarray structure from hdf5 data structure. Parameters ---------- filename : str Source data file name. flavour : str Name of hdf5 flavour ('ODIM' or 'GAMIC'). Defaults to 'ODIM'. Keyword Arguments ----------------- decode_times : bool If True, decode cf times to np.datetime64. Defaults to True. decode_coords : bool If True, use the ‘coordinates’ attribute on variable to assign coordinates. Defaults to True. mask_and_scale : bool If True, lazily scale (using scale_factor and add_offset) and mask (using _FillValue). Defaults to True. chunks : int or dict, optional If chunks is provided, it used to load the new dataset into dask arrays. chunks={} loads the dataset with dask using a single chunk for all arrays. georef : bool If True, adds 2D AEQD x,y,z-coordinates, ground_range (gr) and 2D (rays,bins)-coordinates for easy georeferencing (eg. cartopy) standard : str * `none` - data is read as verbatim as possible, no metadata * `odim` - data is read, odim metadata added to datasets * `cf-mandatory` - data is read according to cfradial2 standard importing mandatory metadata * `cf-full` - data is read according to cfradial2 standard importing all available cfradial2 metadata (not fully implemented) dim0 : str name of the ray-dimension of DataArrays and Dataset: * `time` - cfradial2 standard * `azimuth` - better for working with xarray """ super().__init__() if not isinstance(filename, list): filename = [filename] if len(filename) == 0: raise ValueError("File list empty") for f in filename: self.assign_data(f, flavour=flavour, **kwargs) if "cf" in kwargs.get("standard", "cf-mandatory"): self.assign_root()
def assign_data(self, filename, flavour=None, **kwargs): """Assign xarray dataset from hdf5 data structure. Parameters ---------- filename : str Source data file name. flavour : str Name of hdf5 flavour ('ODIM' or 'GAMIC'). Defaults to 'ODIM'. Keyword Arguments ----------------- decode_times : bool If True, decode cf times to np.datetime64. Defaults to True. decode_coords : bool If True, use the ‘coordinates’ attribute on variable to assign coordinates. Defaults to True. mask_and_scale : bool If True, lazily scale (using scale_factor and add_offset) and mask (using _FillValue). Defaults to True. chunks : int or dict, optional If chunks is provided, it used to load the new dataset into dask arrays. chunks={} loads the dataset with dask using a single chunk for all arrays. georef : bool If True, adds 2D AEQD x,y,z-coordinates, ground_range (gr) and 2D (rays,bins)-coordinates for easy georeferencing (eg. cartopy). Defaults to False. standard : str * `none` - data is read as verbatim as possible, no metadata * `odim` - data is read, odim metadata added to datasets * `cf-mandatory` - data is read according to cfradial2 standard importing mandatory metadata, default value * `cf-full` - data is read according to cfradial2 standard importing all available cfradial2 metadata (not fully implemented) dim0 : str name of the ray-dimension of DataArrays and Dataset: * `time` - cfradial2 standard, default value * `azimuth` - better for working with xarray """ nch = OdimH5File(filename, flavour=flavour) self._nch.append(nch) # keyword argument handling decode_times = kwargs.get("decode_times", True) decode_coords = kwargs.get("decode_coords", True) mask_and_scale = kwargs.get("mask_and_scale", True) georef = kwargs.get("georef", False) standard = kwargs.get("standard", "cf-mandatory") dim0 = kwargs.get("dim0", "time") # retrieve and assign global groups /how, /what, /where groups = ["how", "what", "where"] how, what, where = _get_odim_groups(nch.nch, groups) rt_grps = {"how": how, "what": what, "where": where} # sweep group handling (src_swp_grp_name, swp_grp_name) = _get_odim_sweep_group_names( nch.nch, nch._dsdesc ) # iterate sweeps in file for i, sweep in enumerate(src_swp_grp_name): # retrieve ds and assign datasetX how/what/where group attributes groups = [None, "how", "what", "where"] ds, ds_how, ds_what, ds_where = _get_odim_groups(nch.nch[sweep], groups) ds_grps = {"how": ds_how, "what": ds_what, "where": ds_where} # moments ds = _assign_odim_moments(ds, nch, sweep, **kwargs) # retrieve and assign gamic ray_header if nch.flavour == "GAMIC": rh = _get_gamic_ray_header(nch.filename, i) ds_grps["what"] = ds_grps["what"].assign(rh) # coordinates wrap-up vars = collections.OrderedDict() coords = collections.OrderedDict() if "cf" in standard or georef: coords["longitude"] = rt_grps["where"].attrs["lon"] coords["latitude"] = rt_grps["where"].attrs["lat"] coords["altitude"] = rt_grps["where"].attrs["height"] if "cf" in standard or georef: sweep_mode = _get_odim_sweep_mode(nch, ds_grps) coords["sweep_mode"] = sweep_mode if "cf" in standard or decode_coords or georef: coords.update(_get_odim_coordinates(nch, ds_grps)) # georeference needs coordinate variables if georef: geods = xr.Dataset(vars, coords) geods = geo_xarray.georeference_dataset(geods) coords.update(geods.coords) # time coordinate if "cf" in standard or decode_times: timevals = _get_odim_timevalues(nch, ds_grps) if decode_times: coords["time"] = ( ["dim_0"], timevals, get_time_attrs("1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"), ) else: coords["time"] = (["dim_0"], timevals) # assign global sweep attributes fixed_angle = _get_odim_fixed_angle(nch, ds_grps) if "cf" in standard: vars.update( { "sweep_number": i, "sweep_mode": sweep_mode, "follow_mode": "none", "prt_mode": "fixed", "fixed_angle": fixed_angle, } ) if "cf-full" in standard: full_vars = _get_odim_full_vars(nch, ds_grps) vars.update(full_vars) # assign variables and coordinates ds = ds.assign(vars) ds = ds.assign_coords(**coords) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", ".*does not create an index anymore.*" ) ds = ds.rename({"dim_0": dim0, "dim_1": "range"}) # decode dataset if requested if decode_times or decode_coords or mask_and_scale: ds = xr.decode_cf( ds, decode_times=decode_times, decode_coords=decode_coords, mask_and_scale=mask_and_scale, ) # determine if same sweep try: index = self.sweep_angles.index(fixed_angle) except ValueError: nidx = len(self._sweeps) + 1 swp_grp_name = f"sweep_{nidx}" self._sweeps[swp_grp_name] = ds self.sweep_names.append(swp_grp_name) self.sweep_angles.append(fixed_angle) else: dictkey = self.sweep_names[index] self._sweeps[dictkey] = xr.merge([self._sweeps[dictkey], ds]) def assign_root(self): # retrieve and assign global groups /how, /what, /where first = self._nch[0] groups = ["how", "what", "where"] how, what, where = _get_odim_groups(first.nch, groups) rt_grps = {"how": how, "what": what, "where": where} # assign root variables # extract time coverage tmin = [ds.time.values.min() for ds in self._sweeps.values()] time_coverage_start = min(tmin) tmax = [ds.time.values.max() for ds in self._sweeps.values()] time_coverage_end = max(tmax) time_coverage_start_str = str(time_coverage_start)[:19] + "Z" time_coverage_end_str = str(time_coverage_end)[:19] + "Z" # create root group from scratch root = xr.Dataset(data_vars=global_variables, attrs=global_attrs) # assign root variables root = root.assign( { "volume_number": 0, "platform_type": "fixed", "instrument_type": "radar", "primary_axis": "axis_z", "time_coverage_start": time_coverage_start_str, "time_coverage_end": time_coverage_end_str, "latitude": rt_grps["where"].attrs["lat"], "longitude": rt_grps["where"].attrs["lon"], "altitude": rt_grps["where"].attrs["height"], "sweep_group_name": (["sweep"], self.sweep_names), "sweep_fixed_angle": (["sweep"], self.sweep_angles), } ) # assign root attributes attrs = _get_odim_root_attributes(first, rt_grps) root = root.assign_attrs(attrs) self.root = root
def _open_dataset(nch, grp=None, **kwargs): """Open netcdf4/hdf5 group as xarray dataset. Parameters ---------- nch : handle netcdf4-file handle grp : str group to access Returns ------- nch : handle xarray Dataset handle """ if grp is not None: nch = nch.groups.get(grp, False) if nch: nch = xr.open_dataset(xr.backends.NetCDF4DataStore(nch), **kwargs) return nch def _get_gamic_ray_header(filename, scan): """Returns GAMIC ray header dictionary. Parameters ---------- filename : str filename of GAMIC file scan : int Number of scan in file Returns ------- vars : dict OrderedDict of ray header items """ # ToDo: move rayheader into own dataset h5 = h5py.File(filename, mode="r") ray_header = h5[f"scan{scan}/ray_header"][:] h5.close() vars = collections.OrderedDict() for name in ray_header.dtype.names: rh = ray_header[name] attrs = None vars.update({name: (["dim_0"], rh, attrs)}) return vars def _get_odim_sweep_group_names(nch, name): """Return sweep names. Returns source names and cfradial names. Parameters ---------- nch : handle netCDF4 Dataset handle name : str Common part of source dataset names. Returns ------- src : list list of source dataset names swg_grp_name : list list of corresponding cfradial sweep_group_name """ src = [key for key in nch.groups.keys() if name in key] src.sort(key=lambda x: int(x[len(name) :])) swp_grp_name = [f"sweep_{i}" for i in range(1, len(src) + 1)] return src, swp_grp_name def _get_odim_variables_moments(ds, moments=None, **kwargs): """Retrieve radar moments from dataset variables. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray dataset source dataset moments : list list of moment strings Returns ------- ds : xarray Dataset altered dataset """ standard = kwargs.get("standard", "cf-mandatory") mask_and_scale = kwargs.get("mask_and_scale", True) decode_coords = kwargs.get("decode_coords", True) # fix dimensions dims = sorted(list(ds.dims.keys()), key=lambda x: int(x[len("phony_dim_") :])) ds = ds.rename({dims[0]: "dim_0", dims[1]: "dim_1"}) for mom in moments: # open dataX dataset dmom = ds[mom] name = dmom.moment.lower() if "cf" in standard and name not in gamic_mapping.keys(): ds = ds.drop_vars(mom) continue # extract attributes dmax = np.iinfo(dmom.dtype).max dmin = np.iinfo(dmom.dtype).min minval = dmom.dyn_range_min maxval = dmom.dyn_range_max dtype = minval.dtype gain = (maxval - minval) / (dmax - 1) offset = minval - gain gain = gain.astype(dtype) offset = offset.astype(dtype) undetect = np.array([dmin])[0].astype(dtype) # create attribute dict attrs = collections.OrderedDict() # clean moment attributes if standard != "none": dmom.attrs = collections.OrderedDict() if standard in ["odim"]: attrs["gain"] = gain attrs["offset"] = offset attrs["nodata"] = undetect attrs["undetect"] = undetect # add cfradial moment attributes if "cf" in standard or mask_and_scale: attrs["scale_factor"] = gain attrs["add_offset"] = minval attrs["_FillValue"] = float(dmax) if "cf" in standard or decode_coords: attrs["coordinates"] = "elevation azimuth range" if "full" in standard: attrs["_Undetect"] = undetect if "cf" in standard: cfname = gamic_mapping[name] for k, v in moments_mapping[cfname].items(): attrs[k] = v name = attrs.pop("short_name") # assign attributes to moment dmom.attrs.update(attrs) # keep original dataset name if standard != "none": ds = ds.rename({mom: name.upper()}) return ds def _get_odim_group_moments(nch, sweep, moments=None, **kwargs): """Retrieve radar moments from hdf groups. Parameters ---------- nch : netCDF Dataset handle sweep : str sweep key moments : list list of moment strings Returns ------- ds : dictionary moment datasets """ standard = kwargs.get("standard", "cf-mandatory") mask_and_scale = kwargs.get("mask_and_scale", True) decode_coords = kwargs.get("decode_coords", True) chunks = kwargs.get("chunks", None) datas = {} for mom in moments: dmom_what = _open_dataset(nch[sweep][mom], "what", chunks=chunks) name = dmom_what.attrs.pop("quantity") if "cf" in standard and name not in moments_mapping.keys(): continue dsmom = _open_dataset(nch[sweep], mom, chunks=chunks) # create attribute dict attrs = collections.OrderedDict() if standard in ["odim"]: attrs.update(dmom_what.attrs) # add cfradial moment attributes if "cf" in standard or mask_and_scale: attrs["scale_factor"] = dmom_what.attrs.get("gain") attrs["add_offset"] = dmom_what.attrs.get("offset") attrs["_FillValue"] = dmom_what.attrs.get("nodata") if "cf" in standard or decode_coords: attrs["coordinates"] = "elevation azimuth range" if "cf" in standard: for k, v in moments_mapping[name].items(): attrs[k] = v # drop short_name attrs.pop("short_name") if "full" in standard: attrs["_Undetect"] = dmom_what.attrs.get("undetect") # assign attributes dmom = # keep original dataset name if standard == "none": name = mom # fix dimensions dims = dmom.dims datas.update({name: dmom.rename({dims[0]: "dim_0", dims[1]: "dim_1"})}) return datas def _get_odim_groups(ncf, groups, **kwargs): """Get hdf groups. Parameters ---------- ncf : netCDf4 Dataset handle groups : list list of groups-keys Returns ------- out : tuple tuple of xarray datasets """ return tuple(map(lambda x: _open_dataset(ncf, x, **kwargs), groups)) def _get_odim_moment_names(sweep, fmt=None, src=None): """Get moment names. Parameters ---------- sweep : netCDf4 Group handle fmt : str dataset descriptor format src : str dataset location Returns ------- out : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` array of moment names """ moments = [mom for mom in getattr(sweep, src).keys() if fmt in mom] moments_idx = np.argsort([int(s[len(fmt) :]) for s in moments]) return np.array(moments)[moments_idx] def _assign_odim_moments(ds, nch, sweep, **kwargs): """Assign radar moments to dataset. Parameters ---------- nch : netCDF4.Dataset handle source netCDF4 Dataset ds : xarray dataset destination dataset sweep : str netcdf group name Keyword Arguments ----------------- decode_times : bool If True, decode cf times to np.datetime64. Defaults to True. decode_coords : bool If True, use the ‘coordinates’ attribute on variable to assign coordinates. Defaults to True. mask_and_scale : bool If True, lazily scale (using scale_factor and add_offset) and mask (using _FillValue). Defaults to True. georef : bool If True, adds 2D AEQD x,y,z-coordinates, ground_range (gr) and 2D (rays,bins)-coordinates for easy georeferencing (eg. cartopy) standard : str * `none` - data is read as verbatim as possible, no metadata * `odim` - data is read, odim metadata added to datasets * `cf-mandatory` - data is read according to cfradial2 standard importing mandatory metadata * `cf-full` - data is read according to cfradial2 standard importing all available cfradial2 metadata (not fully implemented) Returns ------- ds : xarray dataset Dataset with assigned radar moments """ moments = _get_odim_moment_names(nch.nch[sweep], fmt=nch._mfmt, src=nch._msrc) if nch.flavour == "ODIM": for name, dmom in _get_odim_group_moments( nch.nch, sweep, moments=moments, **kwargs ).items(): ds[name] = dmom if nch.flavour == "GAMIC": ds = _get_odim_variables_moments(ds, moments=moments, **kwargs) return ds def _get_odim_timevalues(nch, grps): """Retrieve TimeArray from source data. Parameters ---------- nch : netCDF4.Dataset handle source netCDF4 Dataset grps : dict Dictionary of dataset hdf5 groups ('how', 'what', 'where') Returns ------- timevals : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` array of time values """ if nch.flavour == "ODIM": try: timevals = grps["how"].odim.time_range except (KeyError, AttributeError): # timehandling if only start and end time is given start, end = grps["what"].odim.time_range2 if start == end: warnings.warn( "WRADLIB: Equal ODIM `starttime` and `endtime` " "values. Can't determine correct sweep start-, " "end- and raytimes.", UserWarning, ) timevals = np.ones(grps["where"].nrays) * start else: delta = (end - start) / grps["where"].nrays timevals = np.arange(start + delta / 2.0, end, delta) timevals = np.roll(timevals, shift=-grps["where"].a1gate) if nch.flavour == "GAMIC": timevals = grps["what"].gamic.time_range.values return timevals def _get_odim_coordinates(nch, grps): """Retrieve coordinates according OdimH5 standard. Parameters ---------- nch : netCDF4.Dataset handle source netCDF4 Dataset grps : dict Dictionary of dataset hdf5 groups ('how', 'what', 'where') Returns ------- coords : dict Dictionary of coordinate arrays """ flavour = nch.flavour.lower() coords = collections.OrderedDict() if flavour == "odim": rng = grps["where"] az = el = grps["how"] if flavour == "gamic": az = el = grps["what"] rng = grps["how"] try: coords["azimuth"] = getattr(az, flavour).azimuth_range coords["elevation"] = getattr(el, flavour).elevation_range except (KeyError, AttributeError): az = el = grps["where"] coords["azimuth"] = getattr(az, flavour).azimuth_range2 coords["elevation"] = getattr(el, flavour).elevation_range2 coords["range"] = getattr(rng, flavour).radial_range return coords def _get_odim_sweep_mode(nch, grp): """Retrieve sweep mode Parameters ---------- nch : netCDF4.Dataset handle grp : dict Dictionary of dataset hdf5 groups ('how', 'what', 'where') Returns ------- out : str 'azimuth_surveillance' or 'rhi' """ odim_mode = grp["what"].attrs[nch._swmode] return "rhi" if odim_mode == "RHI" else "azimuth_surveillance" def _get_odim_full_vars(nch, grps): """Retrieve available non mandatory variables from source data. Parameters ---------- nch : netCDF4.Dataset handle grps : dict Dictionary of dataset hdf5 groups ('how', 'what', 'where') Returns ------- full_vars : dict full cf-variables """ full_vars = collections.OrderedDict() if nch.flavour == "ODIM": for k, v in cf_full_vars.items(): full_vars[k] = getattr(getattr(grps["how"], nch.flavour.lower()), k) if nch.flavour == "GAMIC": pass return full_vars def _get_odim_fixed_angle(nch, grps): """Retrieve fixed angle from source data. Parameters ---------- nch : netCDF4.Dataset handle grps : dict Dictionary of dataset hdf5 groups ('how', 'what', 'where') Returns ------- fixed-angle : float fixed angle of specific scan """ mode = _get_odim_sweep_mode(nch, grps) if nch.flavour == "ODIM": ang = {"azimuth_surveillance": "elangle", "rhi": "azangle"} fixed_angle = getattr(grps["where"], ang[mode]) if nch.flavour == "GAMIC": ang = {"azimuth_surveillance": "elevation", "rhi": "azimuth"} fixed_angle = grps["how"].attrs[ang[mode]] return fixed_angle def _get_odim_root_attributes(nch, grps): """Retrieve root attributes according CfRadial2 standard. Parameters ---------- grps : dict Dictionary of root hdf5 groups ('how', 'what', 'where') Returns ------- attrs : dict Dictionary of root attributes """ attrs = collections.OrderedDict() attrs.update( { "version": "None", "title": "None", "institution": "None", "references": "None", "source": "None", "history": "None", "comment": "im/exported using wradlib", "instrument_name": "None", } ) attrs["version"] = grps["what"].attrs["version"] if nch.flavour == "ODIM": attrs["institution"] = grps["what"].attrs["source"] attrs["instrument"] = grps["what"].attrs["source"] if nch.flavour == "GAMIC": attrs["title"] = grps["how"].attrs["template_name"] attrs["instrument"] = grps["how"].attrs["host_name"] return attrs def _write_odim(src, dest): """Writes Odim Attributes. Parameters ---------- src : dict Attributes to write dest : handle h5py-group handle """ for key, value in src.items(): if key in dest.attrs: continue if isinstance(value, str): tid = h5py.h5t.C_S1.copy() tid.set_size(len(value) + 1) H5T_C_S1_NEW = h5py.Datatype(tid) dest.attrs.create(key, value, dtype=H5T_C_S1_NEW) else: dest.attrs[key] = value def _write_odim_dataspace(src, dest): """Writes Odim Dataspaces. Parameters ---------- src : dict Moments to write dest : handle h5py-group handle """ keys = [key for key in src if key in ODIM_NAMES] data_list = [f"data{i + 1}" for i in range(len(keys))] data_idx = np.argsort(data_list) for idx in data_idx: value = src[keys[idx]] h5_data = dest.create_group(data_list[idx]) enc = value.encoding # p. 21 ff h5_what = h5_data.create_group("what") try: undetect = float(value._Undetect) except AttributeError: undetect = np.finfo(np.float_).max # set some defaults, if not available scale_factor = float(enc.get("scale_factor", 1.0)) add_offset = float(enc.get("add_offset", 0.0)) _fillvalue = float(enc.get("_FillValue", undetect)) dtype = enc.get("dtype", value.dtype) what = { "quantity":, "gain": scale_factor, "offset": add_offset, "nodata": _fillvalue, "undetect": undetect, } _write_odim(what, h5_what) # moments handling val = value.sortby("azimuth").values fillval = _fillvalue * scale_factor fillval += add_offset val = np.where(np.isnan(val), fillval, val) val = (val - add_offset) / scale_factor if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer): val = np.rint(val).astype(dtype) ds = h5_data.create_dataset( "data", data=val, compression="gzip", compression_opts=6, fillvalue=_fillvalue, dtype=dtype, ) if enc["dtype"] == "uint8": image = "IMAGE" version = "1.2" tid1 = h5py.h5t.C_S1.copy() tid1.set_size(len(image) + 1) H5T_C_S1_IMG = h5py.Datatype(tid1) tid2 = h5py.h5t.C_S1.copy() tid2.set_size(len(version) + 1) H5T_C_S1_VER = h5py.Datatype(tid2) ds.attrs.create("CLASS", image, dtype=H5T_C_S1_IMG) ds.attrs.create("IMAGE_VERSION", version, dtype=H5T_C_S1_VER)