Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011-2023, wradlib developers.
# Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more info.

Xarray based Data I/O

    The Xarray backend code has moved to xradar-package. Here we keep a
    backwards-compatibility by providing knwon API.

Reads data from netcdf-based CfRadial1, CfRadial2,hdf5-based ODIM_H5 and
other hdf5-flavours (GAMIC), Iris/Sigmet and Rainbow5. More radar backends will be
implemented as needed.

Writes data to CfRadial2, ODIM_H5 or plain netCDF files.

This reader implementation uses

* `xarray <>`_,
* `netcdf4 <>`_,
* `h5py <>`_ and
* `h5netcdf <>`_.

It utilizes the newly implemented :py:class:`xarray:xarray.backends.BackendEntrypoint`.
For every radar source (CfRadial1, CfRadial2, GAMIC, ODIM, IRIS, Rainbow5) a specific backend is
implemented in wradlib which returns an specific `sweep` as :py:class:`xarray:xarray.Dataset`.
Convenience functions (eg. :func:``) are available to read
volume data into shallow :class:``-wrapper.

    This implementation is considered experimental. It will be based on CfRadial2, ODIM_H5
    and the new standard enforced by WMO JET-OWR `FM301 <>`_.
    Changes in the API should be expected. The development is continued at xradar-package.

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/

__all__ = [
__doc__ = __doc__.format("\n   ".join(__all__))

import collections
import datetime as dt
import glob
import io
import os
import re
import warnings

import deprecation
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from datatree import DataTree
from packaging.version import Version
from import _get_sweep_groups
from import _get_h5group_names
from import _get_iris_group_names
from import _get_rainbow_group_names
from import to_odim

from wradlib import version
from wradlib.georef import xarray as geoxarray
from wradlib.util import has_import, import_optional

    from import tqdm
except ImportError:

    def tqdm(val, **kwargs):
            "wradlib: Please wait for completion of time consuming task! \n"
            "wradlib: Please install 'tqdm' for showing a progress bar "
        return val

h5py = import_optional("h5py")
h5netcdf = import_optional("h5netcdf")
netCDF4 = import_optional("netCDF4")

backends = [

def raise_on_missing_xarray_backend():
    """Raise errors if functionality isn't available."""
    if Version(xr.__version__) < Version("0.17.0"):
        raise ImportError(
            f"'xarray>=0.17.0' needed to perform this operation. "
            f"'xarray={xr.__version__}'  available.",
    elif Version(xr.__version__) < Version("0.18.2"):
        xarray_backend_api = os.environ.get("XARRAY_BACKEND_API", None)
        if xarray_backend_api is None:
            os.environ["XARRAY_BACKEND_API"] = "v2"
            if xarray_backend_api != "v2":
                raise ValueError(
                    "Environment variable `XARRAY_BACKEND_API='v2'` needed to perform "
                    "this operation. "

[docs]class WradlibVariable: """Minimal variable wrapper."""
[docs] def __init__(self, dims, data, attrs): self._dimensions = dims self._data = data self._attrs = attrs
@property def dimensions(self): return self._dimensions @property def data(self): return self._data @property def attributes(self): return self._attrs
@deprecation.deprecated( deprecated_in="1.5", removed_in="2.0", current_version=version.version, details="Use `wradlib.georef.create_xarray_dataarray` instead.", ) def create_xarray_dataarray(*args, **kwargs): return geoxarray.create_xarray_dataarray(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def to_netcdf(volume, filename, timestep=None, keys=None, engine=None): """Save RadarVolume/XRadVolume to netcdf compliant file. Parameters ---------- volume : :class:``, :class:`` or :class:`` filename : str output filename timestep : int, slice timestep/slice of wanted volume, defaults to full slice keys : list list of sweep_group_names which should be written to the file engine : str engine to save data, defaults to 'netcdf4' or 'h5netcdf' if found (in this order) """ if engine is None: if has_import(netCDF4): engine == "netcdf4" elif has_import(h5netcdf): engine == "h5netcdf" else: raise ImportError( "wradlib: ``netCDF4`` or ``h5netcdf`` needed to perform this operation." ) volume.root.load() root = volume.root.copy(deep=True) root.attrs["Conventions"] = "Cf/Radial" root.attrs["version"] = "2.0" root.to_netcdf(filename, mode="w", group="/", engine=engine) if keys is None: keys = root.sweep_group_name.values for idx, key in enumerate(root.sweep_group_name.values): if key in keys: try: swp = volume[idx].data.isel(time=timestep) except AttributeError: ds = volume[idx] if "time" not in ds.dims: ds = ds.expand_dims("time") if timestep is None: timestep = slice(None, None, None) swp = ds.isel(time=timestep) swp.to_netcdf(filename, mode="a", group=key, engine=engine)
def _get_nc4group_names(filename, engine): if engine == "cfradial2": groupname = "sweep" else: raise ValueError(f"wradlib: unknown engine `{engine}`.") with netCDF4.Dataset(filename, "r") as fh: groups = ["".join(["", grp]) for grp in fh.groups if groupname in grp.lower()] if isinstance(filename, io.BytesIO): return groups def _unpack_netcdf_delta_units_ref_date(units): matches = re.match(r"(.+) since (.+)", units) if not matches: raise ValueError(f"invalid time units: {units}") return [s.strip() for s in matches.groups()] def _rewrite_time_reference_units(ds): has_time_reference = "time_reference" in ds.variables if has_time_reference: ref_date = str(ds.variables["time_reference"].data) for v in ds.variables.values(): attrs = v.attrs has_time_reference_units = ( "units" in attrs and "since" in attrs["units"] and "time_reference" in attrs["units"] ) if has_time_reference_units and has_time_reference: delta_units, _ = _unpack_netcdf_delta_units_ref_date(attrs["units"]) v.attrs["units"] = " ".join([delta_units, "since", ref_date]) return ds def _assign_data_radial2(ds): """Assign from CfRadial2 data structure. Parameters ---------- ds : Dataset """ ds.sweep_mode.load() sweep_mode = ds.sweep_mode.item() dim0 = "elevation" if sweep_mode == "rhi" else "azimuth" ds = ds.swap_dims({"time": dim0}) ds = ds.rename({"time": "rtime"}) time = ds.rtime.min().reset_coords(drop=True) # catch `decode_times=False` case try: time = time.dt.round("ns") except TypeError: pass if "fixed_angle" in ds.data_vars: ds = ds.rename({"fixed_angle": "sweep_fixed_angle"}) # todo: check use-case key = [key for key in time.attrs.keys() if "comment" in key] if key: del time.attrs[key[0]] coords = { "azimuth": ds.azimuth, "elevation": ds.elevation, "latitude": ds.latitude, "longitude": ds.longitude, "altitude": ds.altitude, "sweep_mode": sweep_mode, "time": time, } ds = ds.assign_coords(**coords) return ds
[docs]def open_radar_dataset(filename_or_obj, engine=None, **kwargs): """Open and decode a radar sweep or volume from a single file or file-like object. This function uses :py:func:`xarray:xarray.open_dataset` under the hood. Please refer for details to the documentation of :py:func:`xarray:xarray.open_dataset`. Parameters ---------- filename_or_obj : str, Path, file-like or Datastore Strings and Path objects are interpreted as a path to a local or remote radar file and opened with an appropriate engine. engine : str or xarray.backends.BackendEntrypoint Engine to use when reading files, eg. ``wradlib-odim`` or ````. Keyword Arguments ----------------- group : str, optional Path to a sweep group in the given file to open. **kwargs : dict, optional Additional arguments passed on to :py:func:`xarray:xarray.open_dataset`. Returns ------- dataset : :py:class:`xarray:xarray.Dataset` or :class:`` The newly created radar dataset or radar volume. See Also -------- :func:`` """ if not ( (engine in backends) or (hasattr(engine, "name") and in backends) ): raise TypeError(f"Missing or unknown `engine` keyword argument '{engine}'.") group = kwargs.pop("group", None) groups = [] backend_kwargs = kwargs.pop("backend_kwargs", {}) # get engine name engine_name = engine if isinstance(engine, str) else engine_name = engine_name.split("-")[1] warnings.warn( f"`open_{engine_name}_dataset` functionality has been moved to `xradar`-package " f"and will be removed in 2.0. Use `open_{engine_name}_datatree` from " "`xradar`-package.", category=FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if isinstance(group, (str, int)): groups = [group] elif isinstance(group, list): pass else: if engine_name == "cfradial1": groups = ["/"] engine = "netcdf4" elif engine_name == "cfradial2": groups = _get_nc4group_names(filename_or_obj, engine_name) elif engine_name in ["gamic", "odim"]: groups = _get_h5group_names(filename_or_obj, engine_name) elif engine_name == "iris": groups = _get_iris_group_names(filename_or_obj) elif engine_name in ["rainbow"]: groups = _get_rainbow_group_names(filename_or_obj) elif engine_name in ["furuno"]: groups = [group] elif isinstance(group, str): groups = [group] elif isinstance(group, int): groups = [group] else: pass if engine_name in ["gamic", "odim"]: keep_azimuth = kwargs.pop("keep_azimuth", False) backend_kwargs["keep_azimuth"] = keep_azimuth kwargs["backend_kwargs"] = backend_kwargs with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") ds = [ xr.open_dataset(filename_or_obj, group=grp, engine=engine, **kwargs) for grp in groups ] # cfradial1 backend always returns single group or root-object, # from above we get back root-object in any case if engine_name == "cfradial1" and not isinstance(group, str): dsn = list(_get_sweep_groups(ds[0], sweep=group).values()) ds = [] for dsx in dsn: dsx = dsx.rename({"time": "rtime"}) dsx = dsx.assign_coords({"time": dsx.rtime.min()}) # backwards compat dsx = dsx.assign_coords( { "sweep_mode": dsx.sweep_mode.str.decode("ascii").reset_coords( drop=True ) } ) ds.append(dsx) if group is None: vol = RadarVolume(engine=engine_name) vol.extend(ds) vol.sort(key=lambda x: x.time.min().values) ds = vol else: ds = ds[0] return ds
[docs]def open_radar_mfdataset(paths, **kwargs): """Open multiple radar files as a single radar sweep dataset or radar volume. This function uses :py:func:`xarray:xarray.open_mfdataset` under the hood. Please refer for details to the documentation of :py:func:`xarray:xarray.open_mfdataset`. Needs ``dask`` package to be installed [1]_. Parameters ---------- paths : str or sequence Either a string glob in the form ``"path/to/my/files/*"`` or an explicit list of files to open. Paths can be given as strings or as pathlib Paths. If concatenation along more than one dimension is desired, then ``paths`` must be a nested list-of-lists (see :py:func:`xarray:xarray.combine_nested` for details). (A string glob will be expanded to a 1-dimensional list.) chunks : int or dict, optional Dictionary with keys given by dimension names and values given by chunk sizes. In general, these should divide the dimensions of each dataset. If int, chunk each dimension by ``chunks``. By default, chunks will be chosen to load entire input files into memory at once. This has a major impact on performance: please see the full documentation for more details [2]_. concat_dim : str, or list of str, DataArray, Index or None, optional Dimensions to concatenate files along. You only need to provide this argument if ``combine='by_coords'``, and if any of the dimensions along which you want to concatenate is not a dimension in the original datasets, e.g., if you want to stack a collection of 2D arrays along a third dimension. Set ``concat_dim=[..., None, ...]`` explicitly to disable concatenation along a particular dimension. Default is None, which for a 1D list of filepaths is equivalent to opening the files separately and then merging them with :py:func:`xarray:xarray.merge`. combine : {"by_coords", "nested"}, optional Whether :py:func:`xarray:xarray.combine_by_coords` or :py:func:`xarray:xarray.combine_nested` is used to combine all the data. Default is to use :py:func:`xarray:xarray.combine_by_coords`. engine : str or xarray.backends.BackendEntrypoint Engine to use when reading files, eg. ``wradlib-odim`` or ````. **kwargs : optional Additional arguments passed on to :py:func:`xarray:xarray.open_mfdataset`. Returns ------- dataset : :py:class:`xarray:xarray.Dataset` or :class:`` See Also -------- :func:`` References ---------- .. [1] .. [2] """ def _unpack_paths(paths): from pathlib import Path out = [] for p in paths: if isinstance(p, list): out.append(_unpack_paths(p)) else: if isinstance(p, io.BytesIO): out.append(p) else: if os.path.isfile(p): if isinstance(p, Path): out.append(str(p)) else: out.append(p) else: out.append(sorted(glob.glob(p))) return out def _align_paths(paths): if isinstance(paths, str): paths = sorted(glob.glob(paths)) else: paths = _unpack_paths(paths) patharr = np.array(paths) if patharr.ndim == 2 and len(patharr) == 1: patharr = patharr[0] return patharr patharr = _align_paths(paths) def _concat_combine(kwargs, patharr): concat_dim = kwargs.pop("concat_dim", "time") combine = kwargs.pop("combine", "nested") if concat_dim and patharr.ndim > 1: concat_dim = ["time"] + (patharr.ndim - 1) * [None] if concat_dim is None: combine = "by_coords" return concat_dim, combine concat_dim, combine = _concat_combine(kwargs, patharr) engine = kwargs.pop("engine") if not ( (engine in backends) or (hasattr(engine, "name") and in backends) ): raise TypeError(f"Missing or unknown `engine` keyword argument '{engine}'.") # get engine name engine_name = engine if isinstance(engine, str) else engine_name = engine_name.split("-")[1] warnings.warn( f"`open_{engine_name}_mfdataset` is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0. " "Future development will take place in `xradar`-package.", category=FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) group = kwargs.pop("group", None) if group is None: if engine_name == "cfradial2": group = _get_nc4group_names(patharr.flat[0], engine_name) elif engine_name in ["gamic", "odim"]: group = _get_h5group_names(patharr.flat[0], engine_name) elif engine_name == "iris": group = _get_iris_group_names(patharr.flat[0]) elif engine_name in ["rainbow"]: group = _get_rainbow_group_names(patharr.flat[0]) elif engine_name == "furuno": group = [group] elif isinstance(group, str): group = [group] elif isinstance(group, int): group = [group] else: pass with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") ds = [ xr.open_mfdataset( patharr.tolist(), engine=engine, group=grp, concat_dim=concat_dim, combine=combine, **kwargs, ) for grp in tqdm(group) ] if len(ds) > 1: vol = RadarVolume(engine=engine_name) vol.extend(ds) vol.sort(key=lambda x: x.time.min().values) ds = vol else: ds = ds[0] return ds
class XRadBase( """Base Class for all XRad-classes.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__() self._seq = [] def __getitem__(self, index): return self._seq[index] def __setitem__(self, index, value): self._seq[index] = value def __delitem__(self, index): del self._seq[index] def insert(self, pos, val): self._seq.insert(pos, val) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._seq) def __len__(self): return len(self._seq) def __repr__(self): return self._seq.__repr__() def __del__(self): if self._seq: for i in range(len(self._seq)): del self._seq[0] self._seq = None def sort(self, **kwargs): self._seq.sort(**kwargs)
[docs]class RadarVolume(XRadBase): """Class for holding a volume of radar sweeps"""
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__() self._data = None self._root = None self._engine = kwargs.pop("engine", "netcdf4") self._dims = {"azimuth": "elevation", "elevation": "azimuth"}
def __repr__(self): summary = [f"<wradlib.{type(self).__name__}>"] dims = "Dimension(s):" dims_summary = f"sweep: {len(self)}" summary.append(f"{dims} ({dims_summary})") dim0 = list(set(self[0].dims) & {"azimuth", "elevation"})[0] angle = f"{self._dims[dim0].capitalize()}(s):" # Todo: remove if fixed in xradar try: angle_summary = [f"{v['sweep_fixed_angle']:.1f}" for v in self] except KeyError: angle_summary = [f"{v.attrs['fixed_angle']:.1f}" for v in self] angle_summary = ", ".join(angle_summary) summary.append(f"{angle} ({angle_summary})") return "\n".join(summary) @property def root(self): """Return root object.""" if self._root is None: self.assign_root() return self._root def get_attrs(self, sweep, group): for v in self[sweep].variables.values(): if "source" in v.encoding: src = v.encoding["source"] break return xr.open_dataset(src, engine=self._engine, group=group).attrs def get_attr(self, sweep, group, attr): for v in self[sweep].variables.values(): if "source" in v.encoding: src = v.encoding["source"] break return xr.open_dataset(src, engine=self._engine, group=group).attrs[attr] def assign_root(self): """(Re-)Create root object according CfRadial2 standard""" # assign root variables sweep_group_names = [f"sweep_{i}" for i in range(len(self))] # todo: remove if fixed in xradar try: sweep_fixed_angles = [ts["sweep_fixed_angle"] for ts in self] except KeyError: sweep_fixed_angles = [ts.attrs["fixed_angle"] for ts in self] # extract time coverage times = np.array( [[ts.rtime.values.min(), ts.rtime.values.max()] for ts in self] ).flatten() time_coverage_start = min(times) time_coverage_end = max(times) time_coverage_end = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( np.ceil(time_coverage_end.astype("O") / 1e9) ) time_coverage_start_str = str(time_coverage_start)[:19] + "Z" time_coverage_end_str = str(time_coverage_end)[:19] + "Z" # create root group from scratch root = xr.Dataset() #, # # take first dataset/file for retrieval of location # site = # assign root variables root = root.assign( { "volume_number": 0, "platform_type": "fixed", "instrument_type": "radar", "primary_axis": "axis_z", "time_coverage_start": time_coverage_start_str, "time_coverage_end": time_coverage_end_str, "latitude": self[0]["latitude"].reset_coords(drop=True), "longitude": self[0]["longitude"].reset_coords(drop=True), "altitude": self[0]["altitude"].reset_coords(drop=True), "sweep_group_name": (["sweep"], sweep_group_names), "sweep_fixed_angle": (["sweep"], sweep_fixed_angles), } ) # assign root attributes attrs = {} attrs.update( { "version": "None", "title": "None", "institution": "None", "references": "None", "source": "None", "history": "None", "comment": "im/exported using wradlib", "instrument_name": "None", } ) # attrs["version"] = self[0].attrs["version"] root = root.assign_attrs(attrs) # todo: pull in only CF attributes root = root.assign_attrs(self[0].attrs) self._root = root @property def site(self): """Return coordinates of radar site.""" return self[0][["latitude", "longitude", "altitude"]] @property def Conventions(self): """Return Conventions string.""" try: conv = self[0].attrs["Conventions"] except KeyError: conv = None return conv def to_odim(self, filename, timestep=0): """Save volume to ODIM_H5/V2_2 compliant file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the output file timestep : int timestep of wanted volume """ if self.root: to_odim(self.tree(timestep), filename) else: warnings.warn( "WRADLIB: No OdimH5-compliant data structure " "available. Not saving.", UserWarning, ) def to_cfradial2(self, filename, timestep=0): """Save volume to CfRadial2 compliant file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the output file timestep : int timestep wanted volume """ if self.root: self.tree(timestep, "cfradial2").to_netcdf(filename) else: warnings.warn( "WRADLIB: No CfRadial2-compliant data structure " "available. Not saving.", UserWarning, ) def to_netcdf(self, filename, timestep=None, keys=None): """Save volume to netcdf compliant file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the output file timestep : int, slice timestep/slice of wanted volume keys : list list of sweep_group_names which should be written to the file """ if self.root: to_netcdf(self, filename, keys=keys, timestep=timestep) else: warnings.warn( "WRADLIB: No netcdf-compliant data structure " "available. Not saving.", UserWarning, ) def tree(self, timestep=0, datamodel=None): dtree = DataTree(data=self.root, name="root") for i, sw in enumerate(self): if "time" in sw.dims: sw = sw.isel(time=timestep) dim0 = list(set(sw.dims) & {"azimuth", "elevation"})[0] sw = sw.drop_vars("time") sw = sw.rename({"rtime": "time"}) if datamodel == "cfradial2": sw = sw.swap_dims({dim0: "time"}) if "fixed_angle" in sw: sw = sw.rename({"fixed_angle": "sweep_fixed_angle"}) DataTree(sw, name=f"sweep_{i}", parent=dtree) return dtree