Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011-2020, wradlib developers.
# Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more info.

Miscellaneous Data I/O
.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/

__all__ = [
__doc__ = __doc__.format("\n   ".join(__all__))

import datetime as dt
import io
import pickle
import urllib
import warnings

import numpy as np

from wradlib import util

def _write_polygon_to_txt(f, idx, vertices):
    f.write(f"{idx[0]} {idx[1]}\n")
    for i, v in enumerate(vertices):
        f.write(f"{i} ")
        f.write(f"{v[0]:f} {v[1]:f} {v[2]:f} {v[3]:f}\n")

[docs]def write_polygon_to_text(fname, polygons): """Writes Polygons to a Text file which can be interpreted by ESRI \ ArcGIS's "Create Features from Text File (Samples)" tool. This is (yet) only a convenience function with limited functionality. E.g. interior rings are not yet supported. Parameters ---------- fname : str name of the file to save the vertex data to polygons : list list of lists of polygon vertices. Each vertex itself is a list of 3 coordinate values and an additional value. The third coordinate and the fourth value may be nan. Returns ------- None Note ---- As Polygons are closed shapes, the first and the last vertex of each polygon **must** be the same! Examples -------- Writes two triangle Polygons to a text file:: poly1 = [[0.,0.,0.,0.],[0.,1.,0.,1.],[1.,1.,0.,2.],[0.,0.,0.,0.]] poly2 = [[0.,0.,0.,0.],[0.,1.,0.,1.],[1.,1.,0.,2.],[0.,0.,0.,0.]] polygons = [poly1, poly2] write_polygon_to_text('polygons.txt', polygons) The resulting text file will look like this:: Polygon 0 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 2 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 2.000000 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 2 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 2.000000 3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 END """ with open(fname, "w") as f: f.write("Polygon\n") count = 0 for vertices in polygons: _write_polygon_to_txt(f, (count, 0), vertices) count += 1 f.write("END\n")
[docs]def to_pickle(fpath, obj): """Pickle object <obj> to file <fpath>""" output = open(fpath, "wb") pickle.dump(obj, output) output.close()
[docs]def from_pickle(fpath): """Return pickled object from file <fpath>""" pkl_file = open(fpath, "rb") obj = pickle.load(pkl_file) pkl_file.close() return obj
[docs]def get_radiosonde(wmoid, date, cols=None): """Download radiosonde data from internet. Based on Parameters ---------- wmoid : int WMO radiosonde ID date : :py:class:`datetime.datetime` Date and Time Keyword Arguments ----------------- cols : tuple tuple of int or strings describing the columns to consider, defaults to None (all columns) Returns ------- data : :py:class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Structured array of radiosonde data meta : dict radiosonde metadata """ year = date.strftime("%Y") month = date.strftime("%m") day = date.strftime("%d") hour = date.strftime("%H") # Radiosondes are only at noon and midnight hour = "12" if (6 < int(hour) < 18) else "00" # url url_str = ( "" "TYPE=TEXT%3ALIST&" f"YEAR={year}&MONTH={month}&" f"FROM={day}{hour}&TO={day}{hour}&STNM={wmoid}&" "ICE=1" ) # html request with urllib.request.urlopen(url_str) as url_request: response = # decode string url_text = response.decode("utf-8") # first line (eg errormessage) if url_text.find("<H2>") == -1: err = url_text.split("\n", 1)[1].split("\n", 1)[0] raise ValueError(err) # extract relevant information url_data = url_text.split("<PRE>")[1].split("</PRE>")[0] url_meta = url_text.split("<PRE>")[2].split("</PRE>")[0] # extract empty lines, names, units and data _, _, names, units, _, url_data = url_data.split("\n", 5) names = names.split() units = units.split() unitdict = {name: unit for (name, unit) in zip(names, units)} # read data with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) data = np.genfromtxt( io.StringIO(url_data), names=names, dtype=float, usecols=cols, autostrip=True, invalid_raise=False, ) # read metadata meta = {} for i, row in enumerate(io.StringIO(url_meta)): if i == 0: continue k, v = row.split(":") k = k.strip() v = v.strip() if k == "Station number": v = int(v) elif k == "Observation time": v = dt.datetime.strptime(v, "%y%m%d/%H%M") elif i > 2: v = float(v) meta[k] = v meta["quantity"] = {item: unitdict[item] for item in data.dtype.names} return data, meta
[docs]def get_membership_functions(filename): """Reads membership function parameters from wradlib-data file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename of wradlib-data file Returns ------- msf : :py:class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array of membership funcions with shape (hm-classes, observables, indep-ranges, 5) """ gzip = util.import_optional("gzip") with, "rb") as f: nclass = int(f.readline().decode().split(":")[1].strip()) nobs = int(f.readline().decode().split(":")[1].strip()) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) data = np.genfromtxt(f, skip_header=10, autostrip=True, invalid_raise=False) data = np.reshape(data, (nobs, int(data.shape[0] / nobs), data.shape[1])) msf = np.reshape( data, (data.shape[0], nclass, int(data.shape[1] / nclass), data.shape[2]) ) msf = np.swapaxes(msf, 0, 1) return msf