Source code for wradlib.georef.vector

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2011-2021, wradlib developers.
# Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more info.

Vector Functions (GDAL)

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/

__all__ = [
__doc__ = __doc__.format("\n   ".join(__all__))

import warnings

import numpy as np

from wradlib.georef import projection
from wradlib.util import has_import, import_optional

gdal = import_optional("osgeo.gdal")
ogr = import_optional("osgeo.ogr")
osr = import_optional("osgeo.osr")

if has_import(gdal):

[docs]def get_vector_points(geom): """Extract coordinate points from given ogr geometry as generator object If geometries are nested, function recurses. Parameters ---------- geom : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.ogr.Geometry` Yields ------ result : :py:class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` expands to Nx2 dimensional nested point arrays """ geomtype = geom.GetGeometryType() if geomtype > 1: # 1D Geometries, LINESTRINGS if geomtype == 2: result = np.array(geom.GetPoints()) yield result # RINGS, POLYGONS, MULTIPOLYGONS, MULTILINESTRINGS elif geomtype > 2: # iterate over geometries and recurse for item in geom: for result in get_vector_points(item): yield result else: warnings.warn( "unsupported geometry type detected in " "wradlib.georef.get_vector_points - skipping" )
[docs]def transform_geometry(geom, dest_srs, **kwargs): """Perform geotransformation to given destination SpatialReferenceSystem It transforms coordinates to a given destination osr spatial reference if a geotransform is neccessary. Parameters ---------- geom : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.ogr.Geometry` dest_srs : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.osr.SpatialReference` Destination Projection Keyword Arguments ----------------- source_srs : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.osr.SpatialReference` Source Projection Returns ------- geom : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.ogr.Geometry` Transformed Geometry """ gsrs = geom.GetSpatialReference() srs = kwargs.get("source_srs", gsrs) # srs is None assume wgs84 lonlat, but warn too if srs is None: srs = projection.get_default_projection() warnings.warn("geometry without spatial reference - assuming wgs84") # transform if not the same spatial reference system if not srs.IsSame(dest_srs): if gsrs is None: geom.AssignSpatialReference(srs) gsrs = geom.GetSpatialReference() dest_srs.SetAxisMappingStrategy(osr.OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER) gsrs.SetAxisMappingStrategy(osr.OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER) geom.TransformTo(dest_srs) return geom
[docs]def get_vector_coordinates(layer, **kwargs): """Function iterates over gdal ogr layer features and packs extracted \ vector coordinate points into nested ndarray It transforms coordinates to a given destination osr spatial reference if dest_srs is given and a geotransform is necessary. Parameters ---------- layer : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.ogr.Layer` Keyword Arguments ----------------- source_srs : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.osr.SpatialReference` Source Projection dest_srs: :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.osr.SpatialReference` Destination Projection key : str attribute key to extract from layer feature Returns ------- shp : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Dimension of subarrays Nx2 extracted shape coordinate points attrs : list List of attributes extracted from features """ shp = [] source_srs = kwargs.get("source_srs", layer.GetSpatialRef()) if source_srs is None: raise ValueError( "Spatial reference missing from source layer. " "Please provide a fitting spatial reference object" ) dest_srs = kwargs.get("dest_srs", None) key = kwargs.get("key", None) if key: attrs = [] else: attrs = None for i in range(layer.GetFeatureCount()): feature = layer.GetNextFeature() if feature: if key: attrs.append(feature[key]) geom = feature.GetGeometryRef() if dest_srs: transform_geometry(geom, dest_srs, source_srs=source_srs) # get list of xy-coordinates reslist = list(get_vector_points(geom)) shp.append(np.squeeze(np.array(reslist, dtype=object))) shp = np.squeeze(np.array(shp, dtype=object)) return shp, attrs
[docs]def ogr_reproject_layer(src_lyr, dst_lyr, dst_srs, src_srs=None): """Reproject src_lyr to dst_lyr. Creates one OGR.Layer with given name in given gdal.Dataset object using given OGR.GeometryType and FieldDefinitions Parameters ---------- src_lyr : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.ogr.Layer` OGRLayer source layer dst_lyr : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.ogr.Layer` OGRLayer destination layer dst_srs : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.osr.SpatialReference` Projection Target SRS src_srs : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.osr.SpatialReference` Projection Source SRS Returns ------- dst_lyr : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.ogr.Layer` OGRLayer destination layer """ if src_srs is None: src_srs = src_lyr.GetSpatialRef() if src_srs is None: raise ValueError( "Spatial reference missing from source layer. " "Please provide a fitting spatial reference object" ) # add fields dst_lyr.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn("index", ogr.OFTInteger)) # get the output layer's feature definition dst_lyr_defn = dst_lyr.GetLayerDefn() # loop through the input features src_feature = src_lyr.GetNextFeature() i = 0 while src_feature: # get the input geometry geom = src_feature.GetGeometryRef() # reproject the geometry geom = transform_geometry(geom, source_srs=src_srs, dest_srs=dst_srs) # create a new feature dst_feature = ogr.Feature(dst_lyr_defn) # set the geometry and attribute dst_feature.SetGeometry(geom) dst_feature.SetField("index", i) i += 1 # add the feature to the shapefile dst_lyr.CreateFeature(dst_feature) # dereference the features and get the next input feature dst_feature = None src_feature = src_lyr.GetNextFeature() return dst_lyr
[docs]def ogr_create_layer(ds, name, srs=None, geom_type=None, fields=None): """Creates OGR.Layer objects in gdal.Dataset object. Creates one OGR.Layer with given name in given gdal.Dataset object using given OGR.GeometryType and FieldDefinitions Parameters ---------- ds : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.gdal.Dataset` object name : str OGRLayer name srs : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.osr.SpatialReference` object geom_type : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.ogr.GeometryType` (eg. ogr.wkbPolygon) fields : list list of 2 element tuples (str, :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.ogr.DataType`) field name, field type Returns ------- out : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.ogr.Layer` object """ if geom_type is None: raise TypeError("geometry_type needed") lyr = ds.CreateLayer(name, srs=srs, geom_type=geom_type) if fields is not None: for fname, fvalue in fields: lyr.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn(fname, fvalue)) return lyr
[docs]def ogr_copy_layer(src_ds, index, dst_ds, reset=True): """Copy OGR.Layer object. Copy OGR.Layer object from src_ds gdal.Dataset to dst_ds gdal.Dataset Parameters ---------- src_ds : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.gdal.Dataset` object index : int layer index dst_ds : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.gdal.Dataset` object reset : bool if True resets src_layer """ # get and copy src geometry layer src_lyr = src_ds.GetLayerByIndex(index) if reset: src_lyr.ResetReading() src_lyr.SetSpatialFilter(None) src_lyr.SetAttributeFilter(None) dst_ds.CopyLayer(src_lyr, src_lyr.GetName())
[docs]def ogr_copy_layer_by_name(src_ds, name, dst_ds, reset=True): """Copy OGR.Layer object. Copy OGR.Layer object from src_ds gdal.Dataset to dst_ds gdal.Dataset Parameters ---------- src_ds : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.gdal.Dataset` object name : str layer name dst_ds : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.gdal.Dataset` object reset : bool if True resets src_layer """ # get and copy src geometry layer src_lyr = src_ds.GetLayerByName(name) if src_lyr is None: raise ValueError("OGR layer 'name' not found in dataset") if reset: src_lyr.ResetReading() src_lyr.SetSpatialFilter(None) src_lyr.SetAttributeFilter(None) dst_ds.CopyLayer(src_lyr, src_lyr.GetName())
[docs]def ogr_add_feature(ds, src, name=None): """Creates OGR.Feature objects in OGR.Layer object. OGR.Features are built from numpy src points or polygons. OGR.Features 'FID' and 'index' corresponds to source data element Parameters ---------- ds : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.gdal.Dataset` object src : :py:class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` source data name : str name of wanted Layer """ if name is not None: lyr = ds.GetLayerByName(name) else: lyr = ds.GetLayer() defn = lyr.GetLayerDefn() geom_name = ogr.GeometryTypeToName(lyr.GetGeomType()) fields = [defn.GetFieldDefn(i).GetName() for i in range(defn.GetFieldCount())] feat = ogr.Feature(defn) for index, src_item in enumerate(src): geom = numpy_to_ogr(src_item, geom_name) if "index" in fields: feat.SetField("index", index) feat.SetGeometry(geom) lyr.CreateFeature(feat)
[docs]def ogr_add_geometry(layer, geom, attrs): """Copies single OGR.Geometry object to an OGR.Layer object. Given OGR.Geometry is copied to new OGR.Feature and written to given OGR.Layer by given index. Attributes are attached. Parameters ---------- layer : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.ogr.Layer` object geom : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.ogr.Geometry` object attrs : list attributes referring to layer fields """ defn = layer.GetLayerDefn() feat = ogr.Feature(defn) for i, item in enumerate(attrs): feat.SetField(i, item) feat.SetGeometry(geom) layer.CreateFeature(feat)
[docs]def numpy_to_ogr(vert, geom_name): """Convert a vertex array to gdal/ogr geometry. Using JSON as a vehicle to efficiently deal with numpy arrays. Parameters ---------- vert : array-like a numpy array of vertices of shape (num vertices, 2) geom_name : str Name of Geometry Returns ------- out : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.ogr.Geometry` object of type geom_name """ if geom_name in ["Polygon", "MultiPolygon"]: json_str = f"{{'type':'{geom_name}','coordinates':[{repr(vert.tolist())}]}}" else: json_str = f"{{'type':'{geom_name}','coordinates':{repr(vert.tolist())}}}" return ogr.CreateGeometryFromJson(json_str)
[docs]def ogr_to_numpy(ogrobj): """Backconvert a gdal/ogr geometry to a numpy vertex array. Using JSON as a vehicle to efficiently deal with numpy arrays. Parameters ---------- ogrobj : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.ogr.Geometry` object Returns ------- out : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` a nested ndarray of vertices of shape (num vertices, 2) """ jsonobj = eval(ogrobj.ExportToJson()) return np.squeeze(jsonobj["coordinates"])
[docs]def ogr_geocol_to_numpy(ogrobj): """Backconvert a gdal/ogr geometry Collection to a numpy vertex array. This extracts only Polygon geometries! Using JSON as a vehicle to efficiently deal with numpy arrays. Parameters ---------- ogrobj : :py:class:`gdal:osgeo.ogr.Geometry` Collection object Returns ------- out : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` a nested ndarray of vertices of shape (num vertices, 2) """ jsonobj = eval(ogrobj.ExportToJson()) mpol = [] for item in jsonobj["geometries"]: if item["type"] == "Polygon": mpol.append(item["coordinates"]) return np.squeeze(mpol)
[docs]def get_centroid(polyg): """Return centroid of a polygon Parameters ---------- polyg : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` of shape (num vertices, 2) or ogr.Geometry object Returns ------- out : tuple x and y coordinate of the centroid """ if not type(polyg) == ogr.Geometry: polyg = numpy_to_ogr(polyg, "Polygon") return polyg.Centroid().GetPoint()[0:2]