Source code for wradlib.clutter

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011-2020, wradlib developers.
# Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more info.

Clutter Identification

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/

__all__ = [
__doc__ = __doc__.format("\n   ".join(__all__))

import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage

from wradlib import dp, util

[docs]def filter_gabella_a(img, wsize, tr1, cartesian=False, radial=False): """First part of the Gabella filter looking for large reflectivity \ gradients. This function checks for each pixel in ``img`` how many pixels surrounding it in a window of ``wsize`` are by ``tr1`` smaller than the central pixel. Parameters ---------- img : :py:class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` radar image to which the filter is to be applied wsize : int Size of the window surrounding the central pixel tr1 : float Threshold value cartesian : bool Specify if the input grid is Cartesian or polar radial : bool Specify if only radial information should be used Returns ------- output : :py:class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` an array with the same shape as ``img``, containing the filter's results. See Also -------- :func:`~wradlib.clutter.filter_gabella` - the complete filter :func:`~wradlib.clutter.filter_gabella_b` - the second part of the filter Examples -------- See :ref:`/notebooks/classify/wradlib_clutter_gabella_example.ipynb`. """ nn = wsize // 2 count = -np.ones(img.shape, dtype=int) range_shift = range(-nn, nn + 1) azimuth_shift = range(-nn, nn + 1) if radial: azimuth_shift = [0] for sa in azimuth_shift: refa = np.roll(img, sa, axis=0) for sr in range_shift: refr = np.roll(refa, sr, axis=1) count += img - refr < tr1 count[:, 0:nn] = wsize**2 count[:, -nn:] = wsize**2 if cartesian: count[0:nn, :] = wsize**2 count[-nn:, :] = wsize**2 return count
[docs]def filter_gabella_b(img, thrs=0.0): """Second part of the Gabella filter comparing area to circumference of \ contiguous echo regions. Parameters ---------- img : :py:class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` thrs : float Threshold below which the field values will be considered as no rain Returns ------- output : :py:class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` contains in each pixel the ratio between area and circumference of the meteorological echo it is assigned to or 0 for non precipitation pixels. See Also -------- :func:`~wradlib.clutter.filter_gabella` - the complete filter :func:`~wradlib.clutter.filter_gabella_a` - the first part of the filter Examples -------- See :ref:`/notebooks/classify/wradlib_clutter_gabella_example.ipynb`. """ conn = np.ones((3, 3)) # create binary image of the rainfall field binimg = img > thrs # label objects (individual rain cells, so to say) labelimg, nlabels = ndimage.label(binimg, conn) # erode the image, thus removing the 'boundary pixels' binimg_erode = ndimage.binary_erosion(binimg, structure=conn) # determine the size of each object labelhist, edges = np.histogram( labelimg, bins=nlabels + 1, range=(-0.5, labelimg.max() + 0.5) ) # determine the size of the eroded objects erodelabelhist, edges = np.histogram( np.where(binimg_erode, labelimg, 0), bins=nlabels + 1, range=(-0.5, labelimg.max() + 0.5), ) # the boundary is the difference between these two boundarypixels = labelhist - erodelabelhist # now get the ratio between object size and boundary ratio = labelhist.astype(np.float32) / boundarypixels # assign it back to the objects # first get the indices indices = np.digitize(labelimg.ravel(), edges) - 1 # then produce a new field with the ratios in the right place result = ratio[indices.ravel()].reshape(img.shape) return result
[docs]def filter_gabella( img, wsize=5, thrsnorain=0.0, tr1=6.0, n_p=6, tr2=1.3, rm_nans=True, radial=False, cartesian=False, ): """Clutter identification filter developed by :cite:`Gabella2002`. This is a two-part identification algorithm using echo continuity and minimum echo area to distinguish between meteorological (rain) and non- meteorological echos (ground clutter etc.) Parameters ---------- img : :py:class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` wsize : int Size of the window surrounding the central pixel thrsnorain : float tr1 : float n_p : int tr2 : float rm_nans : bool True replaces nans with Inf False takes nans into acount radial : bool True to use radial information only in :func:`~wradlib.clutter.filter_gabella_a`. cartesian : bool True if cartesian data are used, polar assumed if False. Returns ------- output : :py:class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` boolean array with pixels identified as clutter set to True. See Also -------- :func:`~wradlib.clutter.filter_gabella_a` - the first part of the filter :func:`~wradlib.clutter.filter_gabella_b` - the second part of the filter Examples -------- See :ref:`/notebooks/classify/wradlib_clutter_gabella_example.ipynb`. """ bad = np.isnan(img) if rm_nans: img = img.copy() img[bad] = np.Inf ntr1 = filter_gabella_a(img, wsize, tr1, cartesian, radial) if not rm_nans: f_good = ndimage.uniform_filter((~bad).astype(float), size=wsize) f_good[f_good == 0] = 1e-10 ntr1 = ntr1 / f_good ntr1[bad] = n_p clutter1 = ntr1 < n_p ratio = filter_gabella_b(img, thrsnorain) clutter2 = np.abs(ratio) < tr2 return clutter1 | clutter2
[docs]def histo_cut(prec_accum, upper_frequency=0.01, lower_frequency=0.01): """Histogram based clutter identification. This identification algorithm uses the histogram of temporal accumulated rainfall. It iteratively detects classes whose frequency falls below a specified percentage (1% by default) of the frequency of the class with the biggest frequency and remove the values from the dataset until the changes from iteration to iteration falls below a threshold. This algorithm is able to detect static clutter as well as shadings. The tresholds for the upper frequency (clutter) and the lower frequency (shading) can be parameterized by the respective kwargs, `upper_frequency`/`lower_frequency`. It is suggested to choose a representative time periode for the input precipitation accumulation. The recommended time period should cover one year. Parameters ---------- prec_accum : :py:class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` spatial array containing rain accumulation Keyword Arguments ----------------- upper_frequency : float Upper frequency percentage for clutter detection, defaults to 0.01. lower_frequency : float Lower frequency percentage for shading detection, defaults to 0.01. Returns ------- output : :py:class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` uint8 array with pixels identified as clutter set to 1 and shadings set to 2. Remaining pixels set to 0. Users strictly relying on a boolean mask might have to explicitely cast to boolean (adding `.astype(np.bool)` on the return). Examples -------- See :ref:`/notebooks/classify/wradlib_histo_cut_example.ipynb`. """ prec_accum = np.array(prec_accum) # initialization of data bounds for clutter and shade definition lower_bound = 0 upper_bound = prec_accum.max() # predefinitions for the first iteration lower_bound_before = -51 upper_bound_before = -51 # iterate as long as the difference between current and # last iteration doesn't fall below the stop criterion while (abs(lower_bound - lower_bound_before) > 1) or ( abs(upper_bound - upper_bound_before) > 1 ): # masks for bins with sums over/under the data bounds upper_mask = (prec_accum <= upper_bound).astype(int) lower_mask = (prec_accum >= lower_bound).astype(int) # NaNs in place of masked bins # Kopie der Datenmatrix mit Nans an Stellen, # wo der Threshold erreicht wird prec_accum_masked = np.where((upper_mask * lower_mask) == 0, np.nan, prec_accum) # generate a histogram of the valid bins with 50 classes (n, bins) = np.histogram( prec_accum_masked[np.isfinite(prec_accum_masked)].ravel(), bins=50 ) # get the class with biggest occurence index = np.where(n == n.max()) index = index[0][0] # separated stop criterion check in case one of the bounds # is already robust if abs(lower_bound - lower_bound_before) > 1: # get the index of the class which underscores the occurence of # the biggest class by lower_frequency (1%, default), beginning from # the class with the biggest occurence to the first class for i in range(index, -1, -1): if n[i] < (n[index] * lower_frequency): break if abs(upper_bound - upper_bound_before) > 1: # get the index of the class which underscores the occurence of # the biggest class by upper_frequency (1%, default), beginning from # the class with the biggest occurence to the last class for j in range(index, len(n)): if n[j] < (n[index] * upper_frequency): break lower_bound_before = lower_bound upper_bound_before = upper_bound # update the new boundaries lower_bound = bins[i] upper_bound = bins[j + 1] # create zero array and set clutter as 1 and shading as 2 mask = np.zeros(prec_accum.shape, dtype=np.uint8) mask[prec_accum > upper_bound] = 1 mask[prec_accum < lower_bound] = 2 return mask
[docs]def classify_echo_fuzzy(dat, weights=None, trpz=None, thresh=0.5): """Fuzzy echo classification and clutter identification based on \ polarimetric moments. The implementation is based on :cite:`Vulpiani2012`. At the moment, it only distinguishes between meteorological and non-meteorological echos. .. versionchanged:: 1.4.0 The implementation was extended using depolarization ratio (dr) and clutter phase alignment (cpa). For Clutter Phase Alignment (CPA) see :cite:`Hubbert2009a` and :cite:`Hubbert2009b` For each decision variable and radar bin, the algorithm uses trapezoidal functions in order to define the membership to the non-meteorological echo class. Based on pre-defined weights, a linear combination of the different degrees of membership is computed. The echo is assumed to be non-meteorological in case the linear combination exceeds a threshold. At the moment, the following decision variables are considered: - Texture of differential reflectivity (zdr) (mandatory) - Texture of correlation coefficient (rho) (mandatory) - Texture of differential propagation phase (phidp) (mandatory) - Doppler velocity (dop) (mandatory) - Static clutter map (map) (mandatory) - Correlation coefficient (rho2) (additional) - Depolarization Ratio (dr), computed from correlation coefficient & differential reflectivity (additional) - clutter phase alignment (cpa) (additional) Parameters ---------- dat : dict dictionary of arrays. Contains the data of the decision variables. The shapes of the arrays should be (..., number of beams, number of gates) and the shapes need to be identical or be broadcastable. weights : dict dictionary of floats. Defines the weights of the decision variables. Default is: zdr: 0.4, rho: 0.4, phi: 0.1, dop: 0.1, map: 0.5, rho2: 0.4, dr: 0.4, cpa: 0.4. trpz : dict dictionary of lists of floats. Contains the arguments of the trapezoidal membership functions for each decision variable. Default is: zdr: [0.7, 1.0, 9999, 9999], rho: [0.1, 0.15, 9999, 9999], phi: [15, 20, 10000, 10000], dop: [-0.2, -0.1, 0.1, 0.2], map: [1, 1, 9999, 9999], rho2: [-9999, -9999, 0.95, 0.98], dr: [-20, -12, 9999, 9999], cpa: [0.6, 0.9, 9999, 9999]. thresh : float Threshold below which membership in non-meteorological membership class is assumed. Returns ------- output : tuple a tuple of two boolean arrays of same shape as the input arrays The first array boolean array indicates non-meteorological echos based on the fuzzy classification. The second boolean array indicates where all the polarimetric moments had missing values which could be used as an additional information criterion. See Also -------- :func:`~wradlib.dp.texture` - texture :func:`~wradlib.dp.depolarization` - depolarization ratio """ # Check the inputs # mandatory data keys dkeys = ["zdr", "rho", "phi", "dop", "map"] # usable wkeys wkeys = ["zdr", "rho", "phi", "dop", "map", "rho2", "dr", "cpa"] # usable tkeys tkeys = ["zdr", "rho", "phi", "dop", "map", "rho2", "dr", "cpa"] # default weights weights_default = { "zdr": 0.4, "rho": 0.4, "phi": 0.1, "dop": 0.1, "map": 0.5, "rho2": 0.4, "dr": 0.4, "cpa": 0.4, } if weights is None: weights = weights_default else: weights = dict(list(weights_default.items()) + list(weights.items())) # default trapezoidal membership functions trpz_default = { "zdr": [0.7, 1.0, 9999, 9999], "rho": [0.1, 0.15, 9999, 9999], "phi": [15, 20, 10000, 10000], "dop": [-0.2, -0.1, 0.1, 0.2], "map": [1, 1, 9999, 9999], "rho2": [-9999, -9999, 0.95, 0.98], "dr": [-20, -12, 9999, 9999], "cpa": [0.6, 0.9, 9999, 9999], } if trpz is None: trpz = trpz_default else: trpz = dict(list(trpz_default.items()) + list(trpz.items())) # check data conformity assert np.all(np.in1d(dkeys, list(dat.keys()))), ( "Argument dat of classify_echo_fuzzy must be a dictionary " f"with mandatory keywords {*dkeys,}." ) assert np.all(np.in1d(wkeys, list(weights.keys()))), ( "Argument weights of classify_echo_fuzzy must be a dictionary " f"with keywords {*wkeys,}." ) assert np.all(np.in1d(tkeys, list(trpz.keys()))), ( "Argument trpz of classify_echo_fuzzy must be a dictionary " "with keywords {*tkeys,}." ) # copy rho to rho2 dat["rho2"] = dat["rho"].copy() shape = None for key in dkeys: if dat[key] is not None: if shape is None: shape = dat[key].shape else: assert dat[key].shape[-2:] == shape[-2:], ( "Arrays of the decision variables have inconsistent " f"shapes: {dat[key].shape} vs. {shape}" ) else: print(f"WARNING: Missing decision variable: {key}") # If all dual-pol moments are NaN, can we assume that and echo is # non-meteorological? # Successively identify those bins where all moments are NaN nmom = ["rho", "zdr", "phi", "dr", "cpa"] # 'dop' nan_mask = np.isnan(dat["rho"]) for mom in nmom[1:]: try: nan_mask &= np.isnan(dat[mom]) except KeyError: pass # Replace missing data by NaN dummy = np.zeros(shape) * np.nan for key in dat.keys(): if dat[key] is None: dat[key] = dummy # membership in meteorological class for each variable qres = {} for key in dat.keys(): if key not in tkeys: continue if key in ["zdr", "rho", "phi"]: d = dp.texture(dat[key]) else: d = dat[key] qres[key] = 1.0 - util.trapezoid( d, trpz[key][0], trpz[key][1], trpz[key][2], trpz[key][3] ) # create weight arrays which are zero where the data is NaN # This way, each pixel "adapts" to the local data availability wres = {} for key in dat.keys(): if key not in wkeys: continue wres[key] = _weight_array(qres[key], weights[key]) # Membership in meteorological class after combining all variables qsum = [] wsum = [] for key in dat.keys(): if key not in wkeys: continue # weighted sum, also removing NaN from data qsum.append(np.nan_to_num(qres[key]) * wres[key]) wsum.append(wres[key]) q = np.array(qsum).sum(axis=0) / np.array(wsum).sum(axis=0) # flag low quality return np.where(q < thresh, True, False), nan_mask
def _weight_array(data, weight): """ Generates weight array where valid values have the weight value and NaNs have 0 weight value. """ w_array = weight * np.ones(np.shape(data)) w_array[np.isnan(data)] = 0.0 return w_array
[docs]def filter_cloudtype( img, cloud, thrs=0, snow=False, low=False, cirrus=False, smoothing=None, grid="polar", scale=None, ): """Identification of non-meteorological echoes based on cloud type. Parameters ---------- img : :py:class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` radar image to which the filter is to be applied cloud : :py:class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` image with collocated cloud value from MSG SAFNWC PGE02 product thrs : float Threshold above which to identify clutter snow : bool Switch to use PGE02 class "land/sea snow" for clutter identification low : bool Switch to use PGE02 class very low stratus, very low cumulus and low cumulus for clutter identification cirrus : bool Switch to use PGE02 class "very thin cirrus" and "fractional clouds" for clutter identification smoothing : float Size [m] of the smoothing window used to take into account various localisation errors (e.g. advection, parallax) grid : str "polar" or "cartesian" scale : float or tuple float or tuple of 2 floats range [m] scale for polar grid x[m] and y[m] scale for cartesian grid Returns ------- output : :py:class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` a boolean array containing TRUE where clutter has been identified. """ noprecip = (cloud == 1) | (cloud == 2) if snow: noprecip = noprecip | (cloud == 3) | (cloud == 4) if low: noprecip = noprecip | (cloud == 5) | (cloud == 6) | (cloud == 7) if cirrus: noprecip = noprecip | (cloud == 14) | (cloud == 18) if smoothing is not None: myfilter = getattr(util, f"filter_window_{grid}") noprecip = myfilter(noprecip, smoothing, "minimum", scale) clutter = noprecip & (img > thrs) return clutter
[docs]def filter_window_distance(img, rscale, fsize=1500, tr1=7): """2d filter looking for large reflectivity gradients. This function counts for each bin in ``img`` the percentage of surrounding bins in a window of half size ``fsize`` which are not ``tr1`` smaller than the central bin. The window is defined using geometrical distance. Parameters ---------- img : :py:class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` 2d polar data to which the filter is to be applied rscale : float range [m] scale of the polar grid fsize : int Half-size [m] of the square window surrounding the central pixel tr1 : float Threshold value Returns ------- output : :py:class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` an array with the same shape as ``img``, containing the filter's results. See Also -------- :func:`~wradlib.clutter.filter_gabella_a` - Original version of the filter :func:`~wradlib.clutter.filter_gabella_b` - filter using a echo area """ ascale = 2 * np.pi / img.shape[0] count = np.ones(img.shape, dtype=int) similar = np.zeros(img.shape, dtype=float) good = np.ones(img.shape, dtype=float) valid = ~np.isnan(img) hole = np.sum(~valid) > 0 nr = int(round(fsize / rscale)) range_shift = range(-nr, nr + 1) r = np.arange(img.shape[1]) * rscale + rscale / 2 adist = r * ascale na = np.around(fsize / adist).astype(int) max_na = img.shape[0] / 10 sa = 0 while sa < max_na: imax = np.where(na >= sa)[0][-1] + 1 refa1 = util.roll2d_polar(img, sa, axis=0) refa2 = util.roll2d_polar(img, -sa, axis=0) for sr in range_shift: refr1 = util.roll2d_polar(refa1, sr, axis=1) similar[:, 0:imax] += img[:, 0:imax] - refr1[:, 0:imax] < tr1 if sa > 0: refr2 = util.roll2d_polar(refa2, sr, axis=1) similar[:, 0:imax] += img[:, 0:imax] - refr2[:, 0:imax] < tr1 count[:, 0:imax] = 2 * sa + 1 sa += 1 similar[~valid] = np.nan count[~valid] = -1 count[:, nr:-nr] = count[:, nr:-nr] * (2 * nr + 1) for i in range(0, nr): count[:, i] = count[:, i] * (nr + 1 + i) count[:, -i - 1] = count[:, -i - 1] * (nr + 1 + i) if hole: good = util.filter_window_polar(valid.astype(float), fsize, "uniform", rscale) count = count * good count[count == 0] = 1 similar -= 1 count -= 1 similar = similar / count return similar
if __name__ == "__main__": print("wradlib: Calling module <clutter> as main...")