Source code for wradlib.qual

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011-2023, wradlib developers.
# Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more info.

Data Quality

This module will serve two purposes:

#. provide routines to create simple radar data quality related fields.
#. provide routines to decide which radar pixel to choose based on the
   competing information in different quality fields.

Data is supposed to be stored in 'aligned' arrays. Aligned here means that
all fields are structured such that in each field the data for a certain index
is representative for the same physical target.

Therefore, no assumptions are made on the dimensions or shape of the input
fields except that they exhibit the numpy ndarray interface.

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/

__all__ = [
__doc__ = __doc__.format("\n   ".join(__all__))

from functools import singledispatch

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from wradlib.util import XarrayMethods, docstring

[docs] @singledispatch def pulse_volume(*args, **kwargs): pass
@pulse_volume.register(np.ndarray) def _pulse_volume_numpy(ranges, h, theta): """Calculates the sampling volume of the radar beam per bin depending on \ range and aperture. We assume a cone frustum which has the volume :math:`V=(\\pi/3) \\cdot h \\cdot (R^2 + R \\cdot r + r^2)`. R and r are the radii of the two frustum surface circles. Assuming that the pulse width is small compared to the range, we get :math:`R=r= \\tan ( 0.5 \\cdot \\theta \\cdot \\pi/180 ) \\cdot range` with theta being the aperture angle (beam width). Thus, the pulse volume simply becomes the volume of a cylinder with :math:`V=\\pi \\cdot h \\cdot range^2 \\cdot \\tan( 0.5 \\cdot \\theta \\cdot \\pi/180)^2` Parameters ---------- ranges : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` the distances of each bin from the radar [m] h : float pulse width (which corresponds to the range resolution [m]) theta : float the aperture angle (beam width) of the radar beam [degree] Returns ------- output : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Volume of radar bins at each range in `ranges` [:math:`m^3`] Examples -------- See :ref:`/notebooks/workflow/recipe1.ipynb`. """ return np.pi * h * (ranges**2) * (np.tan(np.radians(theta / 2.0))) ** 2 @pulse_volume.register(xr.DataArray) def _pulse_volume_xarray(obj, h, theta, **kwargs): """Calculates the sampling volume of the radar beam per bin depending on \ range and aperture. We assume a cone frustum which has the volume :math:`V=(\\pi/3) \\cdot h \\cdot (R^2 + R \\cdot r + r^2)`. R and r are the radii of the two frustum surface circles. Assuming that the pulse width is small compared to the range, we get :math:`R=r= \\tan ( 0.5 \\cdot \\theta \\cdot \\pi/180 ) \\cdot range` with theta being the aperture angle (beam width). Thus, the pulse volume simply becomes the volume of a cylinder with :math:`V=\\pi \\cdot h \\cdot range^2 \\cdot \\tan( 0.5 \\cdot \\theta \\cdot \\pi/180)^2` Parameters ---------- obj : :py:class:`xarray:xarray.DataArray` | :py:class:`xarray:xarray.Dataset` Keyword Arguments ----------------- h : float pulse width (which corresponds to the range resolution [m]) theta : float the aperture angle (beam width) of the radar beam [degree] Returns ------- obj : :py:class:`xarray:xarray.Dataset` obj with volumes of radar bins at each range in `ranges` [:math:`m^3`]. Examples -------- See :ref:`/notebooks/workflow/recipe1.ipynb`. """ return _pulse_volume_numpy(obj, h, theta)
[docs] def beam_block_frac(th, bh, a): """Partial beam blockage fraction. Note ---- Code was migrated from From Bech et al. (2003), Eqn 2 and Appendix Parameters ---------- th : float or :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Terrain height [m] bh : float or :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Beam height [m] a : float or :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Half power beam radius [m] Returns ------- pbb : float or :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Partial beam blockage fraction [unitless] Examples -------- >>> pbb = beam_block_frac(th,bh,a) #doctest: +SKIP See :ref:`/notebooks/beamblockage/beamblockage.ipynb`. Note ---- This procedure uses a simplified interception function where no vertical gradient of refractivity is considered. Other algorithms treat this more thoroughly. However, this is accurate in most cases other than the super-refractive case. See the half_power_radius function to calculate variable `a`. The heights must be the same units! """ isfloat = isinstance(th, float) and isinstance(bh, float) and isinstance(a, float) # convert to numpy array in any case th = np.atleast_1d(th) bh = np.atleast_1d(bh) a = np.atleast_1d(a) # First find the difference between the terrain and height of # radar beam (Bech et al. (2003), Fig.3) y = th - bh # check if beam is clear or blocked ya = y / a clear = ya < -1.0 block = ya > 1.0 numer = (ya * np.sqrt(a**2 - y**2)) + (a * np.arcsin(ya)) + (np.pi * a / 2.0) denom = np.pi * a pbb = numer / denom pbb[clear] = 0.0 pbb[block] = 1.0 if isfloat: return pbb[0] else: return pbb
[docs] def cum_beam_block_frac(pbb): """Cumulative beam blockage fraction along a beam. Computes the cumulative beam blockage (cbb) along a beam from the partial beam blockage (pbb) fraction of each bin along that beam. CBB in one bin along a beam will always be at least as high as the maximum PBB of the preceeding bins. Parameters ---------- pbb : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` 2-D array of floats of shape (num beams, num range bins) Partial beam blockage fraction of a bin along a beam [m] Returns ------- cbb : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array of floats of the same shape as pbb Cumulative partial beam blockage fraction [unitless] Examples -------- >>> pbb = beam_block_frac(th, bh, a) #doctest: +SKIP >>> cbb = cum_beam_block_frac(pbb) #doctest: +SKIP See :ref:`/notebooks/beamblockage/beamblockage.ipynb`. """ # This is the index of the maximum PBB along each beam maxindex = np.nanargmax(pbb, axis=1) cbb = np.copy(pbb) # Iterate over all beams for ii, index in enumerate(maxindex): premax = 0.0 for jj in range(index): # Only iterate to max index to make this faster if pbb[ii, jj] > premax: cbb[ii, jj] = pbb[ii, jj] premax = pbb[ii, jj] else: cbb[ii, jj] = premax # beyond max index, everything is max anyway cbb[ii, index:] = pbb[ii, index] return cbb
[docs] @singledispatch def get_bb_ratio(*args, **kwargs): pass
@get_bb_ratio.register(np.ndarray) def _get_bb_ratio_numpy(bb_height, bb_width, quality, zp_r): """Returns the Bright Band ratio of each PR bin With *SR*, we refer to precipitation radars based on space-born platforms such as TRMM or GPM. This function basically applies the Bright Band (BB) information as provided by the corresponding SR datasets per beam, namely BB height and width, as well as quality flags of the SR beams. A BB ratio of <= 0 indicates that a bin is located below the melting layer (ML), >=1 above the ML, and in between 0 and 1 inside the ML. Parameters ---------- bb_height : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array of shape (nscans, nbeams) containing the SR beams' BB heights in meters. bb_width : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array of shape (nscans, nbeams) containing the SR beams' BB widths in meters. quality : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array of shape (nscans, nbeams) containing the SR beams' BB quality index. zp_r : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array of SR bin altitudes of shape (nscans, nbeams, nbins). Returns ------- ratio : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Array of shape (nscans, nbeams, nbins) containing the BB ratio of every SR bin. - ratio <= 0: below ml - 0 < ratio < 1: between ml - 1 <= ratio: above ml ibb : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` Boolean array containing the indices of SR bins connected to the BB. """ # parameters for bb detection ibb = (bb_height > 0) & (bb_width > 0) & (quality == 1) # set non-bb-pixels to np.nan bb_height = bb_height.copy() bb_height[~ibb] = np.nan bb_width = bb_width.copy() bb_width[~ibb] = np.nan # get median of bb-pixels bb_height_m = np.nanmedian(bb_height) bb_width_m = np.nanmedian(bb_width) # approximation of melting layer top and bottom zmlt = bb_height_m + bb_width_m / 2.0 zmlb = bb_height_m - bb_width_m / 2.0 # get ratio connected to brightband height ratio = (zp_r - zmlb) / (zmlt - zmlb) return ratio, ibb @get_bb_ratio.register(xr.Dataset) def _get_bb_ratio_xarray(obj): """Returns the Bright Band ratio of each PR bin With *SR*, we refer to precipitation radars based on space-born platforms such as TRMM or GPM. This function basically applies the Bright Band (BB) information as provided by the corresponding SR datasets per beam, namely BB height and width, as well as quality flags of the SR beams. A BB ratio of <= 0 indicates that a bin is located below the melting layer (ML), >=1 above the ML, and in between 0 and 1 inside the ML. Parameters ---------- obj : :py:class:`xarray:xarray.DataArray` | :py:class:`xarray:xarray.Dataset` Returns ------- obj : :py:class:`xarray:xarray.Dataset` obj with bb ratio and boolean array containing the indices of SR bins connected to the BB. """ quality = obj["qualityBB"] qtype = obj.get("qualityTypePrecip") zp_r = obj["zp"] bb_height = obj["heightBB"] bb_width = obj["widthBB"] if qtype is not None: quality = xr.where(((quality == 0) | (quality == 1)) & (qtype == 1), 1, quality) quality = xr.where(((quality > 1) | (quality > 2)), 2, quality) quality = xr.where(((quality == 1) | (quality == 2)), quality, 0) # parameters for bb detection ibb = (bb_height > 0) & (bb_width > 0) & (quality == 1) # set non-bb-pixels to np.nan bb_height_m = bb_height.where(ibb) bb_width_m = bb_width.where(ibb) # get median of bb-pixels bb_height_m = bb_height_m.median(skipna=True) bb_width_m = bb_width_m.median(skipna=True) # approximation of melting layer top and bottom zmlt = bb_height_m + bb_width_m / 2.0 zmlb = bb_height_m - bb_width_m / 2.0 # get ratio connected to brightband height ratio = (zp_r - zmlb) / (zmlt - zmlb) if qtype is not None: ibb0 = (bb_height == 0) & (bb_width == 0) & (quality == 1) ratio = xr.where(ibb0, 0, ratio) return obj.assign(bb_ratio=ratio, bb_mask=ibb)
[docs] class QualMethods(XarrayMethods): """wradlib xarray SubAccessor methods for Qual Methods."""
[docs] @docstring(_pulse_volume_xarray) def pulse_volume(self, *args, **kwargs): if not isinstance(self, QualMethods): return pulse_volume(self, *args, **kwargs) else: return pulse_volume(self._obj, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @docstring(_get_bb_ratio_xarray) def get_bb_ratio(self, *args, **kwargs): if not isinstance(self, QualMethods): return get_bb_ratio(self, *args, **kwargs) else: return get_bb_ratio(self._obj, *args, **kwargs)
if __name__ == "__main__": print("wradlib: Calling module <qual> as main...")