This notebook is part of the \(\omega radlib\) documentation:

Copyright (c) \(\omega radlib\) developers. Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more info.

Plotting Radar Scan Strategy

This notebook shows how to plot the scan strategy of a specific radar.

import wradlib as wrl
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
import matplotlib as mpl
import warnings
    get_ipython().magic("matplotlib inline")
import numpy as np

Setup Radar details

nrays = 360
nbins = 150
range_res = 1000.
ranges = np.arange(nbins) * range_res
elevs = [28.0, 18.0, 14.0, 11.0, 8.2, 6.0, 4.5, 3.1, 2.0, 1.0]
sitecoords = (7.07, 50.73, 100.0)
beamwidth = 1.0

Standard Plot

This works with some assumptions:

  • beamwidth = 1.0
  • vert_res = 500.0
  • maxalt = 10000.0
  • units = ‘m’
ax = wrl.vis.plot_scan_strategy(ranges, elevs, sitecoords)

Change Plot Style

Plot Axes in Kilometer

To quickly change the Axes tickmarks and labels from meter to kilometer, just add keyword argument units='km'.

ax = wrl.vis.plot_scan_strategy(ranges, elevs, sitecoords, units='km')

Change Axes Resolution and Range

The horizontal and vertical Axes Resolution and Range can be set by feeding keyword arguments vert_res, maxalt, range_res, max_range in meter.

ax = wrl.vis.plot_scan_strategy(ranges, elevs, sitecoords, vert_res=1000., maxalt=15000., range_res=5000., maxrange=200000., units='km')

Change Beamwidth

The beamwidth defaults to 1.0°. It can specified by keyword argument beamwidth.

ax = wrl.vis.plot_scan_strategy(ranges, elevs, sitecoords, beamwidth=0.5, units='km')

Change Colors

The colorcycle can be changed from the default tab10 to any colormap available in matplotlib. If the output is intended to be plotted as grey-scale, the use of the Perceptually Uniform Sequential colormaps (eg. viridis, cividis) is suggested.

ax = wrl.vis.plot_scan_strategy(ranges, elevs, sitecoords, units='km', cmap='viridis')

Plot Terrain

A terrain profile can be added to the plot by specifying keyword argument terrain=True which automatically downloads neccessary SRTM DEM data and calculates the terrain profile. Additionally the azimuth angle need to be set via keyword argument az (it would default to 0, pointing due north).

For this to work the WRADLIB_DATA environment variable has to point a writable folder.

ax = wrl.vis.plot_scan_strategy(ranges, elevs, sitecoords, units='km', terrain=True, az=165)

Instead of downloading the SRTM data a precomputed terrain profile can be plotted. Just for the purpose to show this, the data is extracted from the previous axes. The profile should be fed via the same keyword argument terrain.

terrain =[0].get_paths()[0].vertices[..., 1], 0).compressed()[2:-1][::-1]
ax = wrl.vis.plot_scan_strategy(ranges, elevs, sitecoords, units='km', terrain=terrain)

Plotting in grids

The keyword argument ax can be used to specify the axes to plot in.

fig = pl.figure(figsize=(16, 8))
ax1 = 221
ax1 = wrl.vis.plot_scan_strategy(ranges, elevs, sitecoords, beamwidth=1.0, vert_res=500., range_res=5000., maxrange=100000., units='km',
                                 terrain=None, ax=ax1)
ax2 = 222
ax2 = wrl.vis.plot_scan_strategy(ranges, elevs, sitecoords, beamwidth=1.0, vert_res=100., maxalt=1000., range_res=500., maxrange=10000.,
                                 units='km', terrain=None, ax=ax2)
ax3 = 223
ax3 = wrl.vis.plot_scan_strategy(ranges, elevs, sitecoords, beamwidth=1.0, vert_res=500., range_res=5000., maxrange=100000., units='km',
                                 terrain=True, az=165, ax=ax3)
ax4 = 224
ax4 = wrl.vis.plot_scan_strategy(ranges, elevs, sitecoords, beamwidth=1.0, vert_res=100., maxalt=1000., range_res=500., maxrange=10000.,
                                 units='km', terrain=True, az=165, ax=ax4)

Plotting with curvelinear grid

All of the above shown plotting into a cartesian coordinate system is also possible with a curvelinear grid. Just set keyword argument cg=True. The thick black line denotes the earth mean sea level (MSL).

ax = wrl.vis.plot_scan_strategy(ranges, elevs, sitecoords, units='km', cg=True, terrain=terrain)