

Cumulative beam blockage fraction along a beam.

Computes the cumulative beam blockage (cbb) along a beam from the partial beam blockage (pbb) fraction of each bin along that beam. CBB in one bin along a beam will always be at least as high as the maximum PBB of the preceeding bins.

Parameters:pbb (numpy.ndarray) – 2-D array of floats of shape (num beams, num range bins) Partial beam blockage fraction of a bin along a beam [m]
Returns:cbb (numpy.ndarray) – Array of floats of the same shape as pbb Cumulative partial beam blockage fraction [unitless]


>>> pbb = beam_block_frac(th, bh, a) #doctest: +SKIP
>>> cbb = cum_beam_block_frac(pbb) #doctest: +SKIP

See Beam Blockage Calculation using a DEM.