
class wradlib.adjust.AdjustNone(obs_coords, raw_coords, nnear_raws=9, stat='median', mingages=5, minval=0.0, mfb_args=None, ipclass=<class 'wradlib.ipol.Idw'>, **ipargs)

Same behaviour as the other adjustment classes, but simply returns the unadjusted data.

This class can be used for benchmark verification experiments as a control for unadjusted data.


Inherits from wradlib.adjust.AdjustBase

For a complete overview of parameters for the initialisation of adjustment objects, as well as an extensive example, please see wradlib.adjust.AdjustBase.


output (numpy.ndarray) – array of unadjusted radar values

__call__(obs, raw[, targets, rawatobs, ix])

Returns an array of raw values that are adjusted by obs.

xvalidate(obs, raw)

Leave-One-Out Cross Validation, applicable to all gage adjustment classes.