Export a dataset in GIS-compatible format

In this notebook, we demonstrate how to export a gridded dataset in GeoTIFF and ESRI ASCII format. This will be exemplified using RADOLAN data from the German Weather Service.

import wradlib as wrl
import numpy as np
import warnings

Step 1: Read the original data

# We will export this RADOLAN dataset to a GIS compatible format
wdir = wrl.util.get_wradlib_data_path() + '/radolan/grid/'
filename = 'radolan/misc/raa01-sf_10000-1408102050-dwd---bin.gz'
filename = wrl.util.get_wradlib_data_file(filename)
data_raw, meta = wrl.io.read_radolan_composite(filename)

Step 2: Get the projected coordinates of the RADOLAN grid

# This is the RADOLAN projection
proj_osr = wrl.georef.create_osr("dwd-radolan")

# Get projected RADOLAN coordinates for corner definition
xy_raw = wrl.georef.get_radolan_grid(900, 900)

Step 3: Check Origin and Row/Column Order

We know, that wrl.read_radolan_composite returns a 2D-array (rows, cols) with the origin in the lower left corner. Same applies to wrl.georef.get_radolan_grid. For the next step, we need to flip the data and the coords up-down. The coordinate corner points also need to be adjusted from lower left corner to upper right corner.

data, xy = wrl.georef.set_raster_origin(data_raw, xy_raw, 'upper')

Step 4a: Export as GeoTIFF

For RADOLAN grids, this projection will probably not be recognized by ESRI ArcGIS.

# create 3 bands
data = np.stack((data, data+100, data+1000))
ds = wrl.georef.create_raster_dataset(data, xy, projection=proj_osr)
wrl.io.write_raster_dataset(wdir + "geotiff.tif", ds, 'GTiff')

Step 4b: Export as ESRI ASCII file (aka Arc/Info ASCII Grid)

# Export to Arc/Info ASCII Grid format (aka ESRI grid)
#     It should be possible to import this to most conventional
# GIS software.
# only use first band
proj_esri = proj_osr.Clone()
ds = wrl.georef.create_raster_dataset(data[0], xy, projection=proj_esri)
wrl.io.write_raster_dataset(wdir + "aaigrid.asc", ds, 'AAIGrid', options=['DECIMAL_PRECISION=2'])

Step 5a: Read from GeoTIFF

ds1 = wrl.io.open_raster(wdir + "geotiff.tif")
data1, xy1, proj1 = wrl.georef.extract_raster_dataset(ds1, nodata=-9999.)
np.testing.assert_array_equal(data1, data)
np.testing.assert_array_equal(xy1, xy)

Step 5b: Read from ESRI ASCII file (aka Arc/Info ASCII Grid)

ds2 = wrl.io.open_raster(wdir + "aaigrid.asc")
data2, xy2, proj2 = wrl.georef.extract_raster_dataset(ds2, nodata=-9999.)
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(data2, data[0], decimal=2)
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(xy2, xy)