
class wradlib.vpr.CartesianVolume(polcoords, gridcoords, gridshape=None, maxrange=None, minelev=None, maxelev=None, ipclass=<class 'wradlib.ipol.Idw'>, **ipargs)

Create 3-D regular volume grid in Cartesian coordinates from polar data with multiple elevation angles

  • polcoords (numpy.ndarray) – of shape (num bins, 3)

  • gridcoords (numpy.ndarray) – of shape (num voxels, 3)

  • maxrange (float) – The maximum radar range (must be the same for each elevation angle)

  • minelev (float) – The minimum elevation angle of the volume (degree)

  • maxelev (float) – The maximum elevation angle of the volume (degree)

  • ipclass (wradlib.ipol.IpolBase) – an interpolation class from wradlib.ipol

  • ipargs (dict) – keyword arguments corresponding to ipclass


output (numpy.ndarray) – float 1-d ndarray of the same length as gridcoords (num voxels,)


See Recipe #2: Reading and visualizing an ODIM_H5 polar volume.

__call__(data, **kwargs)

Interpolates the polar data to 3-dimensional Cartesian coordinates