
CompMethods.togrid(trg, radius, center, data, interpol, *args, **kwargs)

Interpolate data from a radar location to the composite grid or set of locations

  • src (numpy.ndarray) – array of float of shape (numpoints, ndim), cartesian x / y coordinates of the radar bins

  • trg (numpy.ndarray) – array of float of shape (numpoints, ndim), cartesian x / y coordinates of the composite

  • radius (float) – the radius of the radar circle (same units as src and trg)

  • center (numpy.ndarray) – array of float, the location coordinates of the radar

  • data (numpy.ndarray) – array of float, the data that should be transferred to composite

  • interpol (IpolBase) – an interpolation class name from wradlib.ipol e.g. Nearest or Idw

Other Parameters:

*args (dict) – arguments of Interpolator (see class documentation)

Keyword Arguments:

**kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments of Interpolator (see class documentation)


output (numpy.ndarray) – array of float, data of the radar circle which is interpolated on the composite grid


Keyword arguments to be used while calling the interpolator can be issued as call_kwargs, eg. togrid(…, call_kwargs=dict(maxdist=10))


See Gridding.