
AdjustBase.__call__(obs, raw, targets=None, rawatobs=None, ix=None)

Returns an array of raw values that are adjusted by obs.

  • obs (numpy.ndarray) – flat (1-D) array of floats with shape (num gauges,) These are the gage observations used for adjustment. This array needs to be of the same length as the array “obs_coords” used to initialize the adjustment object.

  • raw (numpy.ndarray) – flat (1-D) array of floats with shape (num radar cells,) These are the raw (unadjusted) radar rainfall values. This array needs to be of the same length as the array “raw_coords” used to initialize the adjustment object.

  • targets (numpy.ndarray) – (INTERNAL - DO NOT USE) Array of floats. Coordinate pairs for locations on which the final adjustment product is interpolated Defaults to None. In this case, the output locations will be identical to the radar coordinates

  • rawatobs (numpy.ndarray) – (INTERNAL - DO NOT USE) Array of floats. For internal use from AdjustBase.xvalidate only (defaults to None)

  • ix (numpy.ndarray) – (INTERNAL - DO NOT USE) Array of integers. For internal use from AdjustBase.xvalidate only (defaults to None)